All Things Wrong

Chapter 1404: The biggest

Li Huailin thought very simple here. First of all, he first attacked the main city with the slogan of "Qingjun side", then controlled the main city. Of course, he could catch the queen and liberate Anthony, so that the latter things would be simpler. {Chinese.

} itself is also the slogan of the Qingjun side, so after Anthony came out, it was all handed over to Anthony, and he would not have to deal with it. But the thought is very simple, but things don't develop in this direction at all.

The next morning, the dynasty of the Terran Nasser empire happened something that no one could think of. Although this time is a bit nervous, the DPRK is of course still to be held. Queen Marlena also needs to see how many people are standing on her side, and also want to urge those who are still ready to swing around to join her. camp.

However, this day's dynasty shocked her. The entire palace hall actually stood only three ministers. The entire hall was empty, and ordinary officials could not squeeze in. Now I feel empty and uncomfortable.

Marina's face is dark, although she knows that there may be ministers who don't come to participate, care for the disease, and of course she knows what they mean. The minister has no opinion on who is the emperor. Anyway, it is not them. If you win, you will help. When the problem is not optimistic about her, too much, 99% of the people are not coming.

Soon, Marinna’s confidant, Yumla, walked over to Marina and said something to Marlena. After listening to Marlena, her face was even darker: "Oh, this is the case. The Duke of Aquitaine is really a good calculation, and immediately announced the news."

"Yes." Yumla here also nodded immediately.

There were only three people in the dynasty. Of course, it was impossible to go on. And where are the ministers going now? The answer is... Li Huailin’s territory.

Yes, Li Huailin just found out that he was on the line in the morning and found that his Duke’s Mansion was just a crowd of people. He was full of people all over the mountains. He didn’t know what was going on, and immediately surrounded a large group of people to loyal to Li Huailin.

Li Huailin didn't know what was going on at first, until he saw one of them. He instantly understood that this person is a very poor prime minister Mach.

Yes, now Mach is crying in front of Li Huailin. It’s just crying and can’t be miserable any more: “Duke’s adult. Really, I’m not really deceiving the emperor’s majesty. It’s all a queen’s plot. It has nothing to do with me... it really has nothing to do with me."

Mach is really a dog, he really has nothing to do. Then, inexplicably, I received an announcement from the Principality of Lancaster, saying that it was the traitor of the prime minister, Mach, who was fascinated by the Lord, and that the Duke of the Duke was behind the scenes. The Duke of Aquitaine summoned all the people with lofty ideals to fight against the traitor. Attacking the main city or something.

The Mach people have been stunned for five minutes and don't know what to do. What do you want to do with yourself? I didn't provoke Li Huailin. He is also a wall-to-grass alliance. Ready to see if Li Huailin wins or Anthony wins. Then choose to win this side and continue to do the prime minister, why are you gods fighting to pull me into the water, I have been provoked.

After a long time, Mach here suddenly wanted to understand. He understood how he got Li Hualin. That is, his attitude towards the wall made Li Huailin unhappy. It seems that Li Huailin said to him again: "I don't like the grass." If you quickly get to know each other, you will come to me to show your loyalty. If you don't know me, then you will destroy your whole family."

"It's right." Mach immediately clap his hands and felt that he was right. This has something to think about. Now, of course, Mach has already understood it. Whether it is Li Huailin’s assassination of the emperor or the emperor’s troubles to find Li Huailin, it is of course to stand on the side of Li Huailin. There is nothing good about this. Now, when I didn’t express my feelings, Li Huailin was angered. This is very bad, so Mach thought, and quickly packed up the package and went to Li Huailin to plead guilty.

So Mach here began to leave. Mach is the prime minister, he is here. Other hundred officials have of course received the news. In this case, I just received an announcement saying how the prime minister is doing, and then the prime minister is ready to slip away. No, it shouldn't be like this. Where are you going, can you escape Li Huailin's palm? After thinking for a while, they understood that it was such a thing, Mach must have gone to Li Huailin to plead guilty, and so on...

For a moment, the ministers wanted to understand. In their view, Li Huailin’s announcement was not understandable at the beginning. The strangest thing is that Qingjun is on the side. Why is it that Qingjun side, why don’t you support the emperor? But now they all understand, not that Li Huailin does not call the emperor, this is Li Huailin's plan, the purpose is to force them to choose the camp immediately.

Yes, the goal of Qingjun side is Mach. Of course, they all know that it is not made by Mach. Why does Li Huailin clear him because he did not show his position. In this way, Mach went to the night to plead guilty. It was an example for them. It means that you have to follow it quickly, or else the next person is not you?

Thinking of this, all the ministers knew that they had done this for a moment, and immediately went to Li Huailin to queue up before they were cleared. Otherwise, they might not have a chance to line up.

So one night, half of the entire aristocratic area of ​​the main city disappeared. Through various channels, they all reached Li Huailin. The next day became the situation that Li Huailin now sees.

Knowing this whole thing, all the forces on the whole continent also had a new understanding of Li Huailin’s heart and soul. They were also curious as to why Li Huailin did not directly call the emperor. Now they see this situation and they understand that it was for this. This time Anthony is absolutely desperate, and 99% of the ministers have gone. This has nothing to say before they start playing. This is the real means of letting the enemy despair. The million dukes really can't be provoked.

But Li Huailin wants to vomit blood here. What is the situation? I only felt that I was quite smart yesterday. I thought about the method of Qingjun’s side. I didn’t expect this “Jun side” to run on my side the next day. Come to admit the mistake, you are... Now there is no way, the king side is gone, what are you clearing? What is even more uncomfortable is that basically all the ministers are running their own side. This is not the reason why you can't use this reason.

"I really want to be an emperor?" Li Huailin has no reason to start the war now, but this must be solved immediately. I didn't have so much time to do this. I quickly found Anthony and let him remember that the secret treasure is the key point. But if you think about it, there is really no reason to go to war. The only reason in my hand is the agreement of Marlena, but now that you take it out, people don't believe it, and even if someone believes, it still needs a big idea to fight.

"The Duke of Aquitaine, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It is reasonable to fight against the tyrant and establish a new order for the Terran. I am here to ask the Majesty to call the Emperor and establish a new Terran Empire."

Mach’s idea is of course very simple. Everyone wants to be an emperor since ancient times, but you can’t be too obvious. Li Huailin seems to let the following people rush to persuade him, so he feels that he is the prime minister. Of course, this thing is the best for itself.

"Please take the leadership to establish a new Terran empire." The lap of the minister is also rushing to Li Huailin. Mach is in the first place. They must all agree. At this time, you dare to oppose it.

"Please squat down the throne." Li Huailin's people are of course immediately stunned. They waited for a long time, and they prepared the yellow robe crown in one night.

"This is really noisy. You can't do it according to the routine. It's a very simple thing. It's not that you are not decent." Li Huailin was really a headache. It was very simple to find an Anthony. The task of doing a task, now how it becomes like this, Marinna is also looking for death, and people on their own side are also looking for trouble.

"No, Lord Lord, we have come in accordance with the routine." Gert said here, "Do you want to ask three please?"

"..." Li Huailin stared at Gert for a long time without talking. The result was not said yet, and someone rushed in there.

"The lord of the Lord, the big things are not good, the People's Palace has issued a new statement, saying that there is evidence to prove that the lord of the lord...the lord and the undead are related..." said the soldier here.

"What relationship?" Li Huailin asked, raising his brow.

"Say...the lord is the undead...the emperor?" The soldiers here said cautiously.

"Ha?" Everyone was a glimpse, and soon the ministers here laughed. "Ha ha ha ha, what the situation, the Duke of Aquitaine is the emperor of the undead... This is too fake. ”

"You said there is evidence?" Li Huailin asked a little strangely, "What evidence?"

"They found someone... it is a demon, saying that it is the adjutant of the former Mozu Marshal, who once met the emperor of the undead on the battlefield. He said that the emperor of the undead is actually the lord of the lord..." The words of the soldiers on the side are getting smaller and smaller. He said that he himself can’t say anything, and this is too fake. The following ministers are also continuing to laugh.

"So what the **** is this." Li Huailin also sighed and said, "The truth has never been heard by anyone. It’s OK. Since it’s all this way, everyone listens to me, first of all, the emperor of the spiritual family, Wacha, It’s actually me.”

"Ha?" Everyone was instantly stunned, and the scene suddenly became quiet.

"Since you want to be an emperor, you will call it a big one. What is the Terran emperor?" Li Huailin waved his hand directly. "Give me the biggest." (To be continued.)

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