All Things Wrong

Chapter 1431: Battlefield rules

Li Huailin appeared in front of them a large group of cloth people, and it is obvious that they did not come to Li Huai Lin with their friendly exchanges. This weapon from their hands can be seen. Hey, yes, these guys still have weapons, although they all seem to be not so good, they at least prove that people can still use weapons, maybe they are their own weapons.

The number of cloth people is a bit more, almost constantly flowing out of the woods. Li Huailin has seen hundreds of them anyway, and I don’t know much about the latter. Generally, the wild monsters can’t pull out. Kind of train coming.

"So, let's say what the two of you have done to let them drag their homes to do it." The thousand people did not look at the mountains and plains.

"Is it something that has not been triggered?" The call of the Jade Emperor here is also a bit strange. In theory, it should not be such a large group of wild monsters just out of the station door. Is it not supposed to attack that? Scout?

"No matter how you play it first," said Li Huailin. "It’s a bit of a thing to do."

As before, Li Huailin’s blame is of course an inexperienced value, but it’s not a lot of experience because of its own eccentric experience, so the reverse buckle will not be deducted too much. Li Huailin is now purely killing time, so it is just a practice to kill and kill.

Of course, the five people began to fight immediately. Although the number of the other party was large, the five people did not worry much. Li Huailin was at the forefront directly from the previous step. Because he did not go to get the laser scanning skills of Argos, Li Huailin could only use his own aoe skills.

"Sea tide." Remember that the other party's blood volume is about 25,000. Li Huailin goes directly to an Ouyi tide, because the sea tide is determined to be two injuries, so the two damages should be able to directly drop all the stranges in the range. As soon as the blue vindictive flashed, Li Huailin was a little surprised that there were indeed a lot of cloth people falling in the attack range, but there were still no deaths, and they still accounted for more than half.

Li Huailin looked at it, and the number of people who didn’t die was not much. Basically, they are all around 10%-20%, and these cloth people are basically called "Cabrato warriors". It seems that this Scalato warrior is not just a scout who has a lot of blood. Li Huailin’s two injuries add up to nearly 40,000. They haven't killed them yet. Li Huailin also looked at the trend, the other party's level shows 82, it is already a wild monster of level 80 or above.

However, it is still good that Li Huailin is not a fighter. The Cavalto fighters who were beaten by Li Huailin were quickly caught up with the wind and the thousands of people who were shot behind. The two were harvested, although the monsters The rating is above level 80. And they only have 69, but because of the equipment is still able to keep up with this intensity.

"Wait, I found out." The thousand-year-old here suddenly said suddenly.

"Ha? First, blame, then say it later." The call of the jade emperor said here.

"No, no, this is very important." The thousand-year-old said unchanged, "You pay attention to the occupation time in the cross-service battlefield page."

"Hmmm?" Several people are a glimpse. Li Huailin immediately opened the system bar and looked at the occupation time. Now it shows 2 hours and 49 minutes.

“Hey? It’s getting less? Why?” Li Huailin immediately discovered that the occupation time was actually less, and it took more than three hours before Enron and the wind flowed in. Soon the cloth stripe appeared, and it should not be a few minutes until now, but the occupation time has been reduced by ten minutes. What is the extra ten minutes?

"Understood." Summon the Jade Emperor immediately said, "Playing wild monsters can reduce the time of occupation."

"It turned out to be like this, let's talk about it!" Li Huailin said immediately. "I came and came, I didn't think that luck was so good. These guys still sent them to the door. It was a big gift. I am grateful to them, save me." I am waiting for 3 hours."

"I understand." The wind here also said, "Probably the setting of the battlefield is like this. The occupation time is not only related to the number of people in the territory. It should also be related to the number of killing each other. Players who kill each other can reduce the time of occupation, and now because this land is an unoccupied territory, it is possible to kill the monsters to reduce time."

"It makes sense." Summon Jade Emperor also nodded. "When the territory is occupied by the players, it will become a killing player to reduce the occupation time."

This way everyone says they understand. After all, this setting is still very reasonable. For example, in the future cross-service war, a group of people rushed to the other's territory. The number of people on both sides is the same. This is not completely impossible to occupy, so it can only be the person who kills the other party. It is also a mechanism to encourage fighting on both sides.

Of course, this mechanism is really good news for Li Huailin. It’s just that I have to wait so much for a long time to help, of course, to kill. The cloth people here also feel that they can't kill the killings. Anyway, they have been pouring out from the woods. In order to speed up, Li Huailin directly summoned Xiaomi to help.

"Come and come, don't be too straightforward to the Dragon Star group." Li Huailin shouted in the direction of the woods.

"Hey!" The dragon star group on Xiaomi's side has certainly cooled down. The most dense place directly facing the woods is a group of dragons. A beautiful animation flashes through, and the blue meteorite falls. Directly squatting in the woods, not only the following cloth people, even the woods have been destroyed a large piece, the cloth strips in the shackles are also dead or wounded, the cleaning speed is much faster.

Even so, the clothmaker did not choose to escape, but continued to attack Li Huailin. It seems that these cloth people are really only the IQ of the wild.

Because the speed of the blame is really fast, although the number of cloth people is very large, it still does not pose any threat to Li Huailin. It took about an hour to break on and off, and the number of people around the cloth gradually decreased. It seems that they are not infinite, and they are going to be lighted up.

Li Huailin looked at the time. It is now 9:40 pm, and now the system shows only 37 minutes of occupation time. It seems to be very effective. This hardly took the occupation time by more than one hour. The sacrifice of these cloth people is absolutely valuable.

After cleaning up the remaining cloth people, there is no new one. These cloth people are also falling, maybe a few silver coins, and some 80 white or green equipment, but very few, and The explosion rate on the outside is similar. Because it has been a big blame, so many of the corpses in the front have been refreshed, and the remaining corpses are still very interesting and one after another.

"I will go to the vicinity to see if there are any other wild monsters, and then pull it over?" Li Huailin looked at the time and still had half an hour.

"Forget it, kill all the people." Summon the Jade Emperor said, "I will wait a little for half an hour, maybe what will happen after I have occupied the territory for a while?"

"Oh... okay." Li Huailin thinks about it, and he can still wait for half an hour. So I waited a little, and a few people talked for a while. They were basically about professional players. Soon after half an hour passed, the battlefield announcement appeared here.

Battlefield Announcement: The northern part of the Della Mountains has been occupied by server players in China, and is currently providing resources for the Huaxia District.

This battlefield announcement should be visible to all the people on the battlefield. Of course, there are still five people in the battlefield. Of course, Li Huailin’s first thing they noticed was to provide resources. I immediately looked at the battlefield page. Now that the current income list has been updated, the following prompt appears:

North of the Draer Mountains: Tyra Crystal (2), Gold Coin (1), Experience (4).

"It turns out that it seems that every region has the output of Tyra crystal, gold coins and experience value. As long as you occupy these areas, you can get these things... It should be calculated according to time." The call of the jade emperor immediately said "As long as the occupation takes a long time and the occupation area is large, of course, there are many gains... It turns out that it is no wonder that it is a full service income. As long as this server occupies more things, people who come in the battlefield will not fight. There are also things like gold coins in the inside."

"Isn't this encouraging everyone to fish in troubled waters?"

"I don't think there will be more rewards for those who may be involved in the battle." Summon the Jade Emperor said, saying, everyone suddenly saw a group of people coming over, there are dozens, but this team When people look at it, they are not looking for trouble, because the whole team is octopus, the octopus of the Elamite, and the name is green.

"Well? Some people in the camp? Wait, you are... human? Is it by the portal?" The headed squid called Desaru octopus saw that Li Huailin and others were a little excited and said that after looking at the ground here, It’s all the body of the cloth stripe. “Damn, this indigenous people came to attack our camp again. Did you solve this problem? Thank you very much!”

"Forgot to introduce myself, I am the captain of the camp here, Desaru. We are the reconnaissance unit of the Elamite. We are responsible for the investigation in this newly discovered area. Here is a camp we built. You should be here. The adventurer here to explore, right, do you want to build a stronghold here?” asked Disaru.

“Building a stronghold?”

"Yes..." Desaru here just wanted to introduce the things about the territory stronghold. Suddenly, there was no such thing as an open voice: "Wait, there are other people on the battlefield coming in, watching the number of battlefields." "(To be continued.)

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