All Things Wrong

Chapter 1432: With people

“Well?” Several people are all stunned, and then they immediately start to view the battlefield information. Sure enough, they found that the total number of people on the battlefield has now become 6 instead of 5. So it’s true that someone is entering the battlefield, but the other side The number of players in the camp is still displayed as 5, so it is obvious that this person is not a player in China.

"Well, it has been 10 hours since I opened the service in the afternoon. It is not surprising that someone has done the task." Summon Jade Emperor said, "The other server people are estimated to be professional."

"The result is that we have occupied a territory in the early hours of coming in." Li Huailin spread his hand. "Is there a simpler way to occupy the territory?"

"Listen to what is going on in this stronghold." Summon the Jade Emperor.

Those who don't care about other servers first, the people here also listened to the octopus Desaru and said something about the battlefield stronghold. The approximate setting is this. Each server player can set up his own stronghold. This base is probably the same thing as the guild territory, that is, the bridgeheads of the players in the battlefield. Now there is no facility in the cross-service battlefield, so that after the death, it will fly directly out of the battlefield, and after the establishment of the stronghold, it will be able to establish a rebirth point, transfer facilities and the like, of course, the pharmacy blacksmith shop and the like.

The biggest use of setting up a stronghold is not here, but to extract rewards, because all the rewards obtained in the cross-service battlefield are not directly sent to you, but need to be extracted from the stronghold, but extracted from the stronghold. Reward also requires a certain amount of formalities. This procedure is equivalent to the contribution point in the guild territory. In other words, if you have a contribution, you can get a reward. Otherwise, the reward can only be seen there.

"It turns out that." Everyone nodded. The original setting was like this. In this case, the number of people who fish in troubled waters is of course less, because you can't get rewards without contributing points, but in this way, you will also get contribution points in building the territory, so that players who don't like fighting will build houses and the like. Can also get rewards, this setting is quite good, automatically divided the players into two groups of logistics and combat.

Of course, it is very important that the rewards in your stronghold exist there if you don't need to take them out. Then, if the base is captured by the enemy, all the resources stored in it will be taken away by the other party. However, the other point is that the occupation time of the territory will not begin to count down before being contributed, that is, as long as there is a book on the territory. The server's stronghold, then this territory can not be occupied by players of other servers.

However, the base is not built on every territory. At present, Li Huailin’s territory they can build is just one piece, because according to Desaru’s explanation, the number of np is not enough. The person who can now act as np is Desaru. This team is already. If you want to establish a second territory, you have to find np yourself. The source of these np is of course the local residents on this continent. Of course, you need to find some neutral, and have IQ.

"It turned out to be the case." Li Huailin nodded. "Unfortunately, I don't know where the birth points of other national teams are. Otherwise, I will go directly to occupy the birthplace of other people's homes and make a stronghold. The opposite will definitely eat the same discomfort. ""

"The first stronghold is still built on our birth point, which is good for all server players." The next call to the jade emperor said. "It feels a little troublesome. How many of us can we decide to do this? Some other new players may be jealous of us."

"Or not. I will post a message on the Internet to tell us all the things we know now, and then tell them about the fact that we have to establish a stronghold at the birth point?" The wind also thought about it.

"This is not bad." Summon Jade Emperor also nodded, and the wind also flowed here and of course quickly went offline to post.

"It seems that the most important thing we need in this situation is still people." Summon the Jade Emperor thought and said, "We have a total of five people now, even if we go to different places to fight wild monsters, we can occupy five places, if If you have a lot of people, the occupation will be very fast. I think that if we want to take the lead in China, we must at least let us have more people here, the more the better."

"It's a bit of a hassle, we can't pull people in." Li Huailin spread his hands and ended up saying this sentence. Everyone is a glimpse, "Wait... Why can't we pull people in?"

"Yeah, no one else can complete this trial mission, but we are still very easy to pass. The previous copy task is not very easy, so can we help others?" Mission?" summoned the Jade Emperor.

"This, in theory, since we have already done a trial mission, we should not be able to pick it up, but can you help someone... This can be tried." Li Huailin thought it might be possible.

The five people are now doing nothing here, so they chose to go back to the city to see if they can help others through the task, so that they can pull a large number of people to cross the battlefield. Of course, it is necessary to pull high-quality personnel. After all, it is necessary to clean up the wild monsters in the occupied territory, and to pull a few newcomers who can't beat the 80-level wild monsters. Of course, they can find them.

They can be beaten and disciplined. Of course, Li Huailin’s first goal they thought of was the Grand Council. The people of the Grand Council were of course very good, and they were able to play and command. Of course, Li Huailin thought of the night. Air, because it was really bad for the night hang, Li Huailin himself had a little bit of disappointment, this time of course is to quickly send a wave of human sentiment.

"Night flight, what are you doing now?" Li Huailin immediately asked.

"What else, of course, is doing the task of cross-service battlefield." Night flight is also strange that Li Huailin contacted him at this time, because the relationship between Li Huailin and the spiritual world is still quite stiff, and the real night flight does not want to Li Huailin opposes, but the other party’s own night flight can’t take the initiative. After all, there is a guild’s face here, and Li Huailin’s side has not contacted the night flight. The two sides have not talked for a long time. This time, Li Huailin suddenly found himself. The night flight on the side is also a bit strange.

"Do you do the task? Great, I have something to try on here." Li Huailin immediately said his thoughts and the night flight here. The night flight is also a little embarrassing, and the way it sounds. It’s a bit of a practicability. If you think that people who want to be spiritual circles first enter the cross-service battlefield to seize the site, then the reputation of the spiritual world is definitely a huge improvement, not only the domestic reputation, but also may be resounding overseas. So, no matter if you can do it, night flights want to try.

Waiting for a while, the night flight has already returned to the city, of course, the task has not been completed, mainly with Li Huailin to try it.

At night, the people at the door of the cross-service battlefield center are finally a little less. It’s not like just opening a service, all of them are crowded at the door. Now most of the players who have to do the task have already received the task, and a few people Knowing that you can't do it, you give up, and the rest of the people who haven't received the task are just a few, so they don't have to squeeze in.

Although it is still a bit of a person, but the face of Li Huailin’s good night flight is still to be given, and the quick and sensible players will consciously let the way. The first attempt of the two was whether the team task could be completed, that is, to find four people who did not have a team, and then set up Li Huailin, and then pick up the task. Of course, the few who were looking for the spirit world did not pick up the task. Players, the result is not very good.

"Huailin adults have been tested, so they don't need to take the test again, hehe." The octopus that received them is of course still Lamimir, but Ramimir, who looks at Li Huailin, did not hand them to Li Huailin for their mission, even Li Huailin is not the captain, as long as Li Huailin can't pick up the task in the team. In this way, they will understand that if they are teamed up, then only five people who have not done the task can pick it up.

"So first pick up the task, then return a person can't?" Li Huailin asked.

"No, I have tried it. If the team disbands, it will prompt that the task cannot be completed. The five people must be teamed up to complete the task." The night flight here said, "Or else you can only give up waiting for ten days." ""

"Well..." Li Huailin nodded. "So... single mission?"

"Single person... This may not be possible." The night flight here is also a flash of light. "It may be possible for a single-player mission, because the single-player mission is also a task of killing a monster to play a copy, but there is no requirement that it cannot be completed. ""

“Is there someone taking a single task in the meeting?” Li Huailin asked.

"Well, yes." said the night flight here.

"Do you have any repetitive tasks in your statistics? For example, the same copy, I took a team to play." Li Huailin said.

"Well, I will start counting immediately." The night flight also said immediately. After a sudden clap, "Let's let the reserve team start the single task and see if they can receive the same task." The firehead, the person who informed all the reserve teams is now on the line to start the single-person task."

"Now? It’s almost 11 o'clock," said the firehead next to him.

"Where is there, tell them that Niu Qiang will open the door, you ask them not to come, not to pay for their own losses." Night flight said with a smile.

Work started immediately and everyone was busy right away. (To be continued...)

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