All Things Wrong

Chapter 1439: very successful

This time I came here to East Asia, which is the side of the Japanese benzene team. Now their situation feels like a dog. (.) When Li Huailin first came, the Japanese benzene team here was just not there, because they just occupied the territory, and then they were notified by npc of the construction base, which of course disrupted their Plan, they originally intended to go to the side of the territory to see if they can also occupy that side, although the five people will spend three hours of occupation time, but considering the situation in the early days no one is still relatively earned.

However, I heard that the Japanese benzene team gave up the original idea, because the stronghold is really important, especially the first stronghold, but it is the place to bind the resurrection point. This 100 gold comes in one time and doesn't mean that I can't afford it, but I can't stand it once I die once. It's not worth it. The level of the wild monster here is so high. It's normal to die. Of course, I will build a resurrection point early. Better.

So of course they are starting to build their strongholds, but they have a trouble, that is, building the territory requires not only wood but also stone. The wood is good to find, because there is a forest next to it, but the stone is more troublesome. Of course, it is not a stone to dig a stone on the spot. This must be a large solid stone, so the place of production must also be found.

So everyone went to find a place to mine stone, of course, this time just when Li Huailin came here to find someone, did not see anyone in a circle, Li Huailin directly killed npc vented and then left. The Japanese benzene team that just went out here suddenly received a notice saying that the territory was under attack and the npc was also attacked. They did not expect that they knew that the battlefield was opened and the base was not built. Attacked.

"Is it being attacked by wild monsters?" The sakura of this side thought about it in the team channel. The words of Ming Sakura are reminding everyone, because they are also the first time they come in. They don’t know if the battlefield hints will be prompted by the wild attack. Now the possibility of being attacked by other server people is too low. It is really possible.

"It’s really troublesome." Hai Laofeng said, "The original manpower is not enough. Is it necessary to separate the manpower to protect the npc?"

Although there was a complaint, there was no way. Of course, npc is still going to go back. They really don't know what troubles npc will die, because the construction base needs npc, and they don't know if they will be refreshed.

Of course, when they came back, of course, they saw the body of a place. Li Huailin killed these guys for 2 minutes, then killed Li Huailin and went straight back. Looking at the corpses on the ground, the Japanese benzene players are a little stupid, now how to do it, this is not so bad, npc has not started working, it is all dead. What should I do with this sub-site construction?

"What should I do now?" Everyone turned their eyes to the old wind and thunder. After all, the old wind and thunder is the name of the boss of the Japanese benzene professional game circle, but the sea old wind mine certainly does not know how to do it. It is also the first time to enter the cross-service battlefield how he knows how to get it.

"If npc is dead, it should be brushed out." The old man of the sea is thinking about it. "When you see the npc in the city, will it not appear to replace him?"

Yes, after the npc in the game settings is dead, it will not be resurrected, but there will be people who are replacing them. The function of the two is the same, just change the name. This way everyone thinks it is right, it should be like this.

Seeing that I persuaded everyone, Hai Lao Feng Lei also affirmed his own views. Then he said: "Since this group of guys is dead, they will die. It is not a waste of people to take care of them. I think we will go directly to collect materials and then send them here. When they are resurrected, we will directly Construction started.

Everyone nodded. In fact, the words of the old wind and thunder are sounding relatively reliable. Of course, they have nothing to do. They can’t wait here. Therefore, npc is all dead. Here, the Japanese benzene team did not find out that this was what Li Huailin did. He continued to manage his own stone mines and collected materials.

And Li Huailin was looking for a bird during this time. The five people of the Japanese benzene team are all diligently collecting materials near their territory. Of course, the construction of the territory has not yet begun, because the materials that npc are dead can only be temporarily placed at the door of the transfer point. Just wait for the npc to brush out and hand it over once.

I have been doing it all the time. I have waited until they found out that they are not right. The npc has not been able to brush it out. Some people have noticed the information on the battlefield, suggesting that they are losing their territory.

"What?" When I heard the person found in the team channel, everyone immediately looked at the battlefield information, and the territory that was displayed was being occupied. And the time is only five hours, this...what happens. No matter how many people rushed back to the portal of the birth point, they started to discuss the situation.

"What happened, did the system go wrong? Why are we losing territory?" The speaker is a Japanese-born Benz player called a round dance. Of course, he is a player who has just been promoted to the s level. Because many s-class players chose to be retired after the National Cup, he rose.

"No, the octopus didn't tell us that we only slowly lose the territory when the enemy server players are more than ours. What is the situation now? Is it true that there are many other servers on our territory? People?" said another team member.

“Gossip!” Hai Laofeng immediately said, “How can there be other server players coming to our territory now? The first thing that everyone comes in is to build a stronghold.”

"Will it be there in the Huaxia District." Ming Sakura said here, "It seems that I heard that the location in the Huaxia District has been completed before the morning, so I am disturbing us now."

"How is it possible, even if the base is built, of course, it will immediately occupy more sites. There are already resurrection points that are not afraid of these wild monsters. Why don't you quickly occupy the nearby area." Hai Laofeng immediately said, "I will not This happens!"

"But the battlefield information..." Ming Ying Ganhuo said again, "I noticed the forum in Huaxia District. I said that the captain of Huaxia District, the man who called the chest, has already completed the task of opening the door. Now it should also be In the battlefield, this guy seems to have a deep sorrow for our big benzene empire, will it be this guy specifically for us..."

"Impossible." Hai Laofeng immediately said, "Even if he really wants to target us, but they must also know the location of our territory. We have not seen it before. There is no way to check the other server territory. Location, we can't find them, of course they can't find us. And let's take a step back and say that even if the other party knows the location of our territory with strange skills, you have to occupy at least six people in our territory. The blame is so strong, how does the other party come over? So this kind of thing is unlikely to happen."

"No, no... you are still wrong." Several people are discussing. Suddenly, a voice came from the side. Everyone turned their heads and looked at them. They were shocked directly because they appeared in front of them. It is a small team, and the leader of this small team is hard to forget in this life, of course, the captain of Huaxia District, Li Huailin.

"What!" All the Japanese players saw that Li Huailin’s first reaction was a surprise. Although the battlefield information had already prompted them, they could not believe it until they saw that Li Huailin really appeared in front of them, and they did not respond. come.

"I am not surprised, I am not surprised." Li Huailin said with a smile. "You see that I want this effect."

"You... how come you come here?"

"Of course, it’s your job." Li Huailin spread his hand directly. "Have you just said it? I have a deep understanding of what you have in the big benzene empire. This is very good. I just hate Japanese benzene, no. Who are you doing?"

"This...this is impossible." Hai Laofeng Lei looked at the number of the other party, six people, just one more than their own side, this is troublesome, "How can you know the location of our territory, this is impossible. ”

"Yeah, I didn't know it. I still can't find you with a lot of headaches." Li Huailin said with a smile. "But there is a very kind person who posted a lot of Japanese benzene team territory near the forum. The photo, this is really cool, I found it along the photo, thank you very kindly, this guy seems to know you guys, hey? It won't be you."

Everyone has looked at the sea old wind and thunder. Yes, the Japanese benzene team members also know who Li Huailin is talking about. It’s not a post before the old wind and thunder, so it’s good to expose your position to the enemy. However, although I may not have thought that the other party really came back, you are simply trying to find death.

"This..." The old wind and thunder couldn’t stand, and immediately said, "You...what did you come here, the wild monster here..."

"Stop." Li Huailin waved his hand directly and then pointed to the sky. "How do we come, you ask them."

All the Japanese players looked at the sky directly and subconsciously, and then saw four huge sacral vultures in the sky rushing towards them... (to be continued.)

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