All Things Wrong

Chapter 1440: Ready to shoot the base

Here to say, Li Huailin's four skeleton vultures are not all wave ss level, because there is a certain probability that the level of the monster will be reduced when the resurrection of the light, Li Huailin encountered this situation, now four here Only 2 of the vultures are still the original wave ss level, and the remaining two have been reduced to the operational level.

But although only 2 is only the wave ss, these Japanese benzene players are still enough, because the 80-level wave ss, although the Japanese benzene players are professional, but the level is not more than 70. However, according to their technology, if there is only one, then slowly and slowly can still be used, but 2 waves ss plus 2 elites, standing next to 6 Chinese players who distract their attention, they are really No way to fight.

After a while, all the Japanese and Japanese players have fallen to the ground. Of course, Li Huailin and several of them have not shot from start to finish, and at the same time, what happens to the two waves of ss two elites, all of whom can be expected, So there is no need to shoot at all.

After sweeping the players of the Japanese benzene, several vultures were directly in the same place, as if waiting for Li Huailin’s praise, but it is a pity that Li Huailin has no compliment at all. The next thousand years of change did not see a few pieces of equipment on the ground.

"Hey, hello, you see that you have lost the equipment." The thousand-year-old did not pick up and said, "I rely on it, make a big profit, or a purple dress."

“Hey?” The fire on this side is a direct glimpse. Is this the epic gear? We must know that there is not a few pieces of purple equipment in the whole spiritual world. At this time of legendary equipment or legend, purple equipment is still a symbol of strength of all the great guilds, so the fire is very excited. And Li Huailin's team is also too high-eyed, because the purple equipment that was completed before is a pile of out, it is not too strange.

"It seems that the punishment for death in the battlefield should be the same as outside." The call of the jade emperor here said. Yes, the death is still 10% of the experience and the equipment is out of probability, and the equipment that falls out of the battlefield is almost impossible to get back again. After all, the person who takes your equipment may be someone else's server, although it can now be a certain degree. Cross-service, but still a little troublesome.

Although these few Japanese benzene players say that it is not very powerful (Li Huailin seems), but after all, it is also a professional player. In fact, the equipment is still good, Li Huailin looked at a total of 1 purple 2 blue, and the remaining two people were lucky. The other person who is really out of this purple dress should be very sad. Looked, it is a plate, but it is an intellectual and mental leggings, so it should be the equipment used by the Cavaliers. It is probably the Knight of the Benz team (Ming Sakura), and Li Huailin handed it down. Give the next call to the jade emperor.

"Useless, I have better." Summon Jade Emperor looked at the attributes of this leggings. Then shook his head and said.

"That's better to give us, we buy at a high price." The fire on this side quickly said this.

"Give you, it's useless." Summon Jade Emperor directly waved his hand.

"Really?" The whole person is a glimpse of the fire, this... This is too exaggerated, so the expensive epic equipment is sent, but I don’t think so, although the white is really good, but the fire does not want to account for it. Summon the Jade Emperor's cheap. The reputation of summoning Jade Emperor is now one of the highest in professional players. The performance of the previous professional leagues, as well as the performance of the National Cup, are certainly affirmed by everyone. If it weren't for Li Huai-lin's change, it would be a radiant one. Calling the Jade Emperor might go out more. Of course, it is already very good.

The current identity of the firehead is also the vice president of the spiritual world, so it is also a relatively macroscopic view of things, although the summoned Jade Emperor does not care about this thing, but the fire head thought about it or said it. "Like this, because it is not a weapon, so we are bidding for 50,000 gold coins..."

"Hey? This thing is so valuable?" Li Huailin is a glimpse, for a long time did not pay attention to the price of equipment, I did not expect the epic equipment is still so valuable.

"Also." The summoned Jade Emperor here nodded and thought. The price of the real world is not too much or too small. Considering that no one now sells epic equipment, this price is almost feasible. And now it is raised by the spiritual world itself, so the summoning of the Jade Emperor will not be rejected.

"It seems that Xiaobi benzene is not bad, so I sent us 50,000 gold coins." Li Huailin saw that calling the Jade Emperor is not very strange to this price. It seems that this is the actual price now, but this is It’s a bit cool, but I’m just cash, maybe I’ll be able to earn back the previous indemnities by killing a few more.

"Small Japanese benzene may be really good people." The next thousand years did not change suddenly.

“Do you think?” Li Huailin asked. “Then we have to kill them a few times...”

"No, you look at this." The first day of constant change refers to the front. Everyone looks at the front. As a result, they see a lot of stone and wood collected by the Japanese benzene players. The materials needed, of course, because np is dead and have not been handed over, now it is placed next to the birth point, piled up, and of course...

"Living trough..." Li Huailin said directly. "This is the material for the construction of the base. The other party is also very good. Just put the materials here and give it to us. Do you know that we have to build a stronghold here?" Press them and help us prepare the materials? I think we are really misunderstood, maybe they are really good people."

"Is this all right?" The fire on this side also looked at it. I originally heard that Li Huailin’s plan was too messy, but now everything is going well, and even the opposite side is starting to help this side. Is this good? . I went up and looked at the materials immediately. It turned out to be the material for the construction base. Although it was still a small amount, with these, the construction time would be greatly shortened.

"Don't say that, I will start building the stronghold." Li Huailin said.

"Hey...Is it really necessary to build a stronghold here?" The fire on this side confirmed it. "Although everything seems to be going well now, but after all, this is the birthplace of East Asia. If you build a stronghold here, there is still A lot of questions, really have to say, I still feel that other places to find a place to build the most revenue."

"It is true that considering the benefits, I admit that it is not a good thing to press the old man at the door of the other side." Li Huailin nodded. "But we have to consider the follow-up questions. You see that we are here." How can the other party play, it can't be played at all, so the East Asian area of ​​the battlefield should not be played all the time. They don't want all the battlefield resources. They are equal to playing a version less than us. Wait until next. In the quarter, the server attributes of our server players must be much higher than them, so that we have an advantage, and this advantage has been accumulated, we can always hold on to each other."

"But this cross-service battlefield is not only for us and East Asia, but also for other servers, such as the Americas." Firehead said.

"That is another role." Li Huailin said with a smile. "We can do even the things that are pressing on the faces of others. Can you still have any server people who dare to provoke us? Whoever dissatisfied, we will In the face of the other party, you say that you are a player of other servers, do you dare to provoke?"

"This..." The fire on this side thought about it. I really didn't dare. It is estimated that the birth point in East Asia was opened by a player in Huaxia District. The most worrying thing is the players in the European Union. They also came in a few people. "I really don't dare."

"Look, isn't this the deterrent effect?" Li Huailin said, "Although the cross-service battlefield looks like chaos, but it is still dominant, what do you think?"

"Hey..." The fire was really convinced by Li Huailin, because Li Huailin said that it really feels a bit reasonable. "I understand everything, but I always feel that I am doing this..."

"Take him, press it and say it." Li Huailin said, "First occupy the territory."

Yes, this territory is still the territory of East Asia. Although the Japanese and Japanese players have already been beaten, it takes two and a half hours to occupy the territory. Before Li Huailin originally wanted to bring the spiked person over by the way, but after brushing the good feelings (that is, playing a village head), he found that it was not good. The friendly expression of the other party needed to occupy the territory of the present, so Li Huailin can only come to solve the Japanese benzene players first.

Now there are only 6 Huaxia players on this territory. The occupation time is 2 and a half hours. Of course, Li Huailin can't wait, but it is better to shorten the time. The first is to let the birds pick up the people. Now it is time to start building the territory. Of course, people need to help, so let the birds go back to pick up a little spirit players to collect the materials first, and then they can start building the base immediately after the occupation. . The second method is to kill the monster. Of course, there are a lot of wild monsters around. If you have nothing to do, you can clear it. One is to ensure the safety of the collectors, and the other is to shorten the time.

It is very difficult to occupy a birth place in a district, because the players here are of course the most, but now most of the players have not completed the opening task and can't get in. The five players who can come in are the Japanese benzene. Li Huailin specifically looked at the door, let the summoned Jade Emperor go to clear the monster, but also to prevent Japanese and Japanese players from coming in trouble. Of course, Li Huailin actually wants them to come in trouble, one is waiting for boring to ease, and the other is to be able to sell equipment to sell. Money, is this not a good thing? But waiting for the other party is not willing to come out again, Li Huailin is not happy, this is going to happen again. (To be continued...)

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