All Things Wrong

Chapter 1441: Open provocation mode

"Mother's, actually smashed once. Hey,." Li Huailin looked at the portal a little uncomfortable. The result was never appeared. Li Huailin was a little bored, but could not leave. If he walked away, he really came in. It’s troublesome. It’s not that there is any danger. If the other party comes in and finds a place to hide, their occupation time will increase greatly. This is of course the situation that Li Huailin does not want to see.

Of course, Li Huailin also wants to rush out to find them, but the problem is that the portal here is not going out, only the players in this camp can use it, so they can only wait for them to come in. It’s a bit boring to wait for Li Huailin. This is definitely something to do, but summoning the Jade Emperor, they all go to the side to clear the blame, and no one chats with him. Li Huailin turned around and saw that there were two members of the logistics department next to the spiritual world. Both of them were just flying birds.

Li Huailin’s method of air transportation is still very successful. I tried a sacral vulture to sit on five people, that is, two on the back, two on the foot, and one on the mouth, although it is not very sitting. Comfortable, but for now, as long as you can come over. Wait until the bases on both sides have built the transmission array, and the two sides can be directly transmitted, which is much more convenient.

Four birds came back and forth and shipped a total of 40 people, so that half of the people on both sides of the territory were engaged in work. Although the progress of the Huaxia District was delayed, the bases were already built. So it is acceptable, and after a while, Li Huailin will help to drag people in.

The members of the logistics department who came here still have no combat capability, but the collection of materials is still very good, so now they are calling the work of the Jade Emperor under their cover, and it is still very smooth so far. And because of the increase in the number of people, the current occupation of the territory has also accelerated a lot, and it still takes about an hour to occupy.

The two people Li Huailin now see are the logistics department of the spiritual world, but the name... To tell the truth, Li Huailin is not very clear. Originally, Li Huailin would not pay attention to the two, but because it is boring now, it is also looked at. The two men are a man and a woman, both very young. It is estimated that the relationship between the couple is very close, but the situation of the two makes Li Huailin a little bit uncomfortable, because the boys here are walking around and stopping in one place. Then wait for the girl behind to come over, then face him more than a "yeah" posture, then go forward, then stop and cycle like this, but also do not understand what to do.

Shouldn’t the logistics team be working? Why are there two guys? Li Huailin had a slight suspicion, and it was just that there was nothing to do, so he shouted directly to the two people: "Hey, you two, yes, you guys, come over."

I heard that Li Huailin was calling himself, and the two of them were obviously stunned. Of course, they all knew Li Huailin. Is there any player in the server who doesn’t know the bulls? However, although both of them knew Li Huailin, they did not think that Li Huailin would call them. After all, Li Huailin is a big brother, the highest point player, they are ordinary members of the logistics department of the spiritual world, or a little far away.

However, when Li Huailin heard them, they certainly passed, but both of them seemed to be tweaked. It is clear that Li Huailin and their age are similar.

"What are you doing there?" Li Huailin asked a little strangely. "When you stop for a while, you still have a shape..."

"Oh..." Both seem to be a little embarrassed. The boys here are still bold and say a little. "It’s such a big brother. This is not the birth point of East Asia. You see that it’s not us who made it here. It's you, but at least we have come here too, so I thought I had to keep a commemoration. So let my girlfriend take a few pictures for me and upload them to my group of friends..."

"Oh, it turned out to be like this." Li Huailin understands, saying that what to keep a commemoration is of course to want to pretend to be forced, so modest in front of himself, and then a circle of friends must be "see more of Laozi. Now stand on the benzene The birth of the team, come to worship, etc...

"Wait..." Hearing that Li Huailin suddenly flashed a flash of light, yes, he thought of something again. Of course, this time someone must be unlucky.

"Hehehehe..." Hearing the two people next to Li Huailin’s laughter is a little scared, this is really terrible.

"Very good, very good." Li Huailin nodded, then stood up and patted the shoulder of the boy here. "This little brother, is your idea very good, hey, what is your name?"

"Oh, my name is Munster, this is my girlfriend's sugar." Although I don't know what Li Huailin is going to do, Munsterburg here has also signed the name.

"Hmm... well, I remember." Of course, it was for a second and I forgot. "It’s a good idea to take a photo here. But I think it’s not a big idea to remember. You Say no."

"That is that... Oh, isn't it, this is a logistics for me anyway, after all, it's the tyrannical brother you hit it down." Munster Castle here also almost said the inner thoughts.

"No, no, don't be modest. Everyone here is in Huaxia District. You also contributed a force to this place. Of course, you are also qualified to blow Bira." Li Huailin said.

"Hey... is it okay?" asked Munster.

"But this blow ratio is also in order of precedence. Before you blow, you don't want me to blow it first. Do you say that there is no reason?" Li Huailin said with enthusiasm.

"Of course, of course." Nothing to say, of course, Munsterburg here nodded.

"Then I want to blow it now, but you can't go now, but I still have to stare at the portal. Otherwise, the people of the Japanese benzene team will be in trouble, and you say it is not." Li Huailin said.


"Then, should you help me and help me blow a ratio?" Li Huailin asked.

"This... 牛逼哥, you want me to do something, you can tell it..." Munstersburg thought about it or it was better to listen directly.

"Uh huh..." Li Huailin likes such a smart man. "Good, then, look at it now, no one will take pictures of me, or else you will help me to take a photo, then send me a photo." Posts everywhere to blow?"

"This is no problem." Munsterberg here immediately said that it is such a trivial matter, of course, there is no problem, and it is still a glory to help the tyrants to post, in case everyone thinks that they are arrogant It’s a relationship that doesn’t make you big.

"Okay, come, take a photo." Li Huailin immediately said.

Li Huailin, who took the Munster Castle and the sugar candy, started taking pictures, but Li Huailin’s picture was a bit strange, because Li Huailin chose a fixed location, and it was still a fixed lens position, indicating that other lenses are better. Both Sturtberg and Sugar Sugar also made comments, but Li Huailin insisted on his own shot.

Anyway, they would listen to Li Huailin’s shoot anyway. It’s still a long time, a total of 10 photos are not available. Three people are busy for about half an hour. During the period, the fire comes over to bring these two fugitive guys. Grabbing back was also stopped by Li Huailin. In short, I was busy working for a long time and finally got it.

"Hmm, um, it should be this effect." Li Huailin nodded with satisfaction, and then patted Munster's shoulder again. "You can post."

"Oh, now go offline, it's okay." Munster Castle nodded. "Is this your boss's account number? I'm afraid of sinking..."

"Things haven't finished yet, why are you so anxious..." Li Huailin immediately said, "Listen well, the name of the post is named 'Thanks to the Japanese friends who provide the photo address, I tried it and it works very well'," Then put all the pictures in the order we just shot, and then send me a post and send it to the East Asia game forum."

"Ha? East Asia Forum?" Munsterberg suddenly realized that this did not seem to be a photo problem.

“Would you like to post it?” Li Huailin asked.

"Will...but...this..." Munsterberg thought about it. "It’s not a provocation."

"I don't know what big brother?" Li Huailin asked.

"Oh." Munsterberg here replied immediately.

“Is it shining?” Li Huailin asked again.


"That's not going to post soon?" Li Huailin said.

"Oh, okay." Munsterborg nodded.

It didn't take long for a post appeared on the forums in China and East Asia. This is a very strange post. It looks like nothing special is just a screenshot of a few games, but because the characters inside are Li Huailin. Attracting everyone's attention, at the beginning, everyone did not realize what was going on, because Li Huailin rarely sent such things, and then what happened to these pictures? And what is the title of this post, ah, friends? Li Huailin will also have Japanese friends.

Everyone didn't understand what was going on, until they suddenly noticed the post of benzene pros Hai Laofeng Leifa at noon today. The two posts were strikingly similar.

Yes, these two posts are very similar to all the pictures, the location of the photo, and even the location of the view is almost the same, the only difference is that the characters inside have changed, before the course is the old wind and thunder, and Li Huailin’s post is changed It became Li Huailin, and the others were almost the same.

"This...sufficient..." Everyone understood it in a flash. This tm is a provocation. The birth point in East Asia is taken, and this post is also sent. You really did it out... (to be continued.)

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