All Things Wrong

Chapter 1448: Pass

At this time, of course, all the players are discussing the tasks of this world. To tell the truth, most people have never seen the s-level task, let alone the ss-level task. This one knows absolutely. It’s a very powerful task, and everyone can get it. It doesn’t mean everyone has a chance. Although the rewards on the mission were not written, everyone knows that this mission is definitely rewarded with good things.

The majority of the players who used to call the light man who claimed to be the **** of the past also guessed that the large-scale movement of the previous movement should be the so-called pass. The human main city was the place with the most players at the time, so many players saw the pass that fell in the forest near the main city of human beings, so the clever players had long since the light giant’s words were not finished. I started to act.

Li Huailin’s response is also very fast, but after all, it’s a little farther away. When they arrive, the area around the area is full of people. At first glance, all the players are in the past, and they can’t go any more. Go ahead.

"I went up to see." Li Huailin said that he directly rode Xiaomi and flew into the air. As a result, the crowd of players from the sky to the bottom is also a dense group of players, almost immediately surrounded by this area, but to Li Huailin a little fortunate, This place in the middle is actually nobody, because the area is still burning.

Yes, when the meteorite landed before, the high temperature caused a forest fire. The forest fire is very difficult to do. Once it is up, it is very difficult to extinguish. Sometimes it can only wait for him to burn himself. . When Li Huailin saw it, the flame was still very strong. This situation can't be burned out at once. In reality, it is possible to burn this fire for several days and nights.

"There are people in front, but you also saw it. The forest is on fire. Now it is burning very well. It seems that no one can go in." Li Huailin directly fell down and summoned the jade emperor and said, indeed, the fire is now the fire and black of the sky. smoke. Even if the front is blocked by the player, you can still see it.

"It turns out." The caller Jade Emperor nodded. "It seems that the fire in the game is also harmful to the player, and it is estimated to be very high."

That's right. If you encounter such a fire in reality, of course, no fool will go in, but everyone in the game is really uncertain. There are a few first-time players who have actually tried it. Fire damage, so go straight to the blood bottle and rush in to get the treasure to try. The result was that the fire damage was much higher than they thought, so the guys cleverly went in for a while and came out themselves. Of course, they were dead in the unwise, and they died quite badly in the inside. I can't get it back, because you can't squeeze into the front row anymore, you can wait until the refresh time is up and the equipment is brushed off.

Now the situation is a little bit stiff, the players can't get in, and the fire inside doesn't burn out, so everyone doesn't know what to do. Going straight, I feel a little pity, don't go, it seems that I can only stand here and watch, I did not expect any way.

At this moment, Li Huailin suddenly heard the sound behind him. He turned around and saw that a bunch of soldiers looked like npcs came over here. This group has more people. There are hundreds of people, and Li Huailin is also the equipment to know each other. It should be the city guard of the main city.

It seems that the city guards were blocked by the crowd, and they couldn’t get in, and Li Huailin just happened to be at the outermost periphery, so Li Huailin turned around. This npc, which looks like a small captain, first discovered Li Huailin.

"Duke of Aquitaine, you are here, rude!" The captain with the name of Seprad on this head hurriedly greeted Li Huailin. "The Duke, the Emperor, His Highness..."

"Oh, I know I know. I am very busy now, wait until I have time to say it." Hearing this incident, Li Huailin quickly tweeted the topic. "What are you doing for you?"

"Of course, the Dukes are coming to fight the fire." Seprad indicated that the soldiers behind him showed the following tools, mainly axe, shovel, etc., and they couldn’t see it anyway, "You see This fire is so big, it is close to the main city, so I am afraid that it will spread in the past, so our thirteen city guards have received orders to come here to fight the fire."

"Can you destroy this fire?" Li Huailin is a glimpse of the whole person, and it is also very loud, causing the players around to watch it.

"npc to extinguish the fire? Let everyone let, let the road out to let the npc extinguish the fire, otherwise it will not be stuck here."

"Yes, you all let it go."

"Let me let you go, you want to push forward."

Inexplicably, I heard that the players in front of this incident were quarreling. At this time, everyone was a little anxious, so it was a little bit awkward, and this ignition would inevitably lead to conflict.

Regardless of these quarrels, Li Huailin continued to look at Separd and asked. Because this forest fire is a little tricky even in the 22nd century technology, the method of artificial rainfall can suppress it. Can the world's medieval technology also extinguish the fire, or use magic?

"You have misunderstood the Duke, you can see how such a big fire can be extinguished," said Seprad here. "But our task is not to let the fire spread, so just cut the trees around." In a circle, the middle waits for him to burn himself. As long as there is no danger of spreading to the main city, our mission is over."

"It turns out that." Li Huailin nodded. Of course, npc has no environmental awareness. If the tree burns, it will burn. Anyway, it will not burn into the city, and it will not be extinguished.

"But the Duke adults look at these adventurers..." Cypress had a headache.

"You can't open them now." Li Huailin said, "Let me come."

"If the Duke is willing to take the shot, of course, it is the best. Thanks to the help of the Duke." Seprad is also having a headache for this incident. I did not expect Li Huailin to be willing to help, of course, Cypress immediately saluted. .

"What are you going to do? Really killing it, this is not a wise move." Summon the Jade Emperor. It’s not that Li Huailin can’t kill, but these are the players in Huaxia District. They are all their own people. Your direct impact is too bad.

"No, anyway, the purpose of their encirclement here is not for the middle pass? If they are taken away by me, will they still be here?" Li Huailin said, "I will come back soon."

After Li Hualin’s direct Jinguang flashed on Xiaomi, he flew into the air again. Of course, everyone has noticed Li Huailin at this time. Of course, he can’t stop him. People really fly, and Huaxia District has clearly stated that there is flight. The mount was also Li Huailin, so no one could stop Li Huailin, watching him fly directly across the team and then rushed directly over the sea of ​​fire.

"I rely on..." Li Huailin, who just flew into the flames, felt a rush of heat. Of course, because the correction in the game was not unbearable, or how could it still stop in this situation? There, you are directly smoked into a corpse, but it is very uncomfortable.

Li Huailin also looked down. The woods are very dense. Then basically all the places that can be seen are on fire. This fire is definitely a kind of fire that can burn for a few weeks or so. Of course, Li Huailin is not aware of the fire. It is a pass that has fallen.

Flying a little over the flames, Li Huailin finally found a place that looked like a meteorite landing. This place was marked by a black mark, and because it was the first place to catch fire, The burnt ones have already burned out, and now the fire is not very large, although the ground is burnt red and the temperature is very high.

Nothing to say, Li Huailin jumped directly from the air, just fell to the place where the meteorite landed, and fell a 4000+ fall damage, but soon Li Huailin found that his blood was rising, and the speed was still very high. fast.

Looked at Li Huailin found that he had a burning buff, the specific effect is to give Li Huailin back to blood. Like Li Huailin thought, even the natural flame and the wizard's fire magic are the same, the same is to give Li Huailin back to blood, so Li Huailin did not worry that he would be burned to death.

Although there is no blood, but standing here Li Huailin still feels very uncomfortable. In theory, people can't stand here in reality. After all, the burning has burned out the surrounding oxygen, and the light standing here will directly faint. Maybe the oxygen is not considered in the game. Anyway, Li Huailin feels hot, feels bored, feels uncomfortable, but has no feeling of fainting.

"Hurry up and get what it is." Li Huailin didn't want to stay here any more. He quickly went to the place where the meteorite landed, and then looked at what the pass was. Of course, this meteorite left a big pit on the ground. Li Huailin looked inside the pit. There was a blood-red thing in the middle. At the beginning, Li Huailin thought it was burnt red, so it was this color, but soon Li Huailin I found out that this thing was originally red.

Blood Diamond: Objects of the gods, quest items, can not be destroyed, can not be stored, characters are marked, can not receive security zone protection, can not use stealth skills. After the death, the item must be dropped, and the item is dropped after the holder goes offline.

"Ha? Drop after the line?" Li Huailin took a look. (To be continued.)

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