All Things Wrong

Chapter 1449: Siege

Li Huailin, who is the property of this pass called Blood Diamond, is a glimpse. After being killed, Li Huailin has already thought of it. After all, this is a battle for the task, just to let you fight, so death is of course necessary. However, this Huai Lin will fall down after the downline. I really didn’t expect that Li Huailin has not seen such a thing so far. new···..

However, I thought about Li Huailin a little bit. After all, this is a battle for a task, or a time-limited one. If you take something and then go offline, it will be too much to go online after three days. However, although it seems reasonable, Li Huailin can't accept it. Doesn't that mean that Li Huai-lin must always be online?

Although it is said that the game can sleep, Li Huailin is really not used to this. Besides, the time for leaving the game is only fifteen minutes. After fifteen minutes, it will automatically help you to go offline. Isn't this a pothole? If you want to go to the toilet, you must also set aside 15 minutes to come back.

Although it's a bit of a headache, it's obviously not the time to think about it, because it's too uncomfortable here, so go back and think about the next thing. Jin Guangyi flashed Li Huailin once again flew out of the fire, and then directly flew over to the summoned Jade Emperor. Of course, all the players present saw it again.

"It’s safe to come out, it’s not going to get the pass."

"Should be, look at him."

"Yes, it is estimated that it will happen because of the pass."

When Li Huailin returned to the original place, he found that several people were calling themselves, and a look of what happened to you, Li Huailin looked at himself strangely, as if there was no problem: "Why, all this. Look at me."

"Not what is on your head?" asked the jade emperor here.

Li Huailin subconsciously touched the top of his head, there was nothing at all, and then looked up again, still couldn't see anything: "What do you say? Nothing."

"Not that you can't see it. You have a big red arrow on your head, and you point to the top of your head."

"Red arrow?" Li Huailin took a look. But I immediately understood that the blood diamond I just got seems to have written a "player is marked". It seems to be for everyone to know that the player has taken the pass, otherwise you will take it directly. I can hide it if I don’t know it. But after being marked, it is different. Everyone knows that you got it.

However, it is strange that Li Huailin could not see the red arrow and pointed to his own head. Li Huailin said: "The big red arrow, did you write the word "British"?"

"How is it possible!" The call of the jade emperor here. "It should have been marked after you took the pass, so you have already got it. What is it?"

"You see it yourself." Li Huailin directly plugged the blood diamond into the past. This thing can be traded and thrown, but it can't be destroyed, so it can directly summon the jade emperor. Just after the moment of the past, Li Huailin saw a huge red arrow on the head of the jade emperor. It was really very big, and it was very far away to see.

To tell the truth, Li Huailin also thinks that this arrow is quite good. Isn't this a weapon? It is a pity that there is no such thing as a self-contained word. Otherwise, you don't have to take the flag, and you will be the man with your own flag.

"What, can't you go offline?" Soon after summoning Jade Emperor, I also read this thing. Of course, I care about this one. It is more headache than boys and girls. Take a bath for an hour. You said that you will not go offline for fifteen minutes. From time, this is not a joke.

"Hey? What?" The thousand-year-olds here are also curious. Calling the Jade Emperor also handed him the blood diamond directly to him to see the attributes, and then began to analyze: "It seems that this competition task It is to let the players attack each other. After all, the holder is clearly marked. There is also a rule that the holder can't go offline and can't die. The competition should be very fierce. It is not easy to protect this thing for three days. thing……"

"So we have to keep it for three days?" The wind here also said, "Tomorrow is the game of the professional league."

"You don't have to worry about this. This thing can be traded, so when you match it, give it to me. I won't lose it when I give it to you." Li Huailin said, "In fact, I have no problem when I keep it for three days. But I don’t go offline for three days... I can’t stand it.”

"I can't stand it anymore." The caller Jade Emperor here also said, "I can't do it 24 hours a day."

“How about taking turns to rest?” The thousand-year-old proposal here is unchanged. "Look at the five people in our group. When you take a break, go down one or two. This way, there is no problem."

"This is a way..." summoned the Jade Emperor to think about it, "but there are too many enemies..."

"Where is the place to hide? The map is so big, just find a place to dig a hole and bury it?"

"I have thought about this, but I guess it has been considered for such a simple matter. This task is to let us grab this thing. Since it is so simple to find a place to hide, it is estimated that it is also considered. I feel that when this thing is not held, it may be radiant and hot. Anyway, I will inform the players that I am hidden here." Li Huailin said that Li Huailin is right, it is impossible to hide this thing. Because when you don't hold it, it will emit a strong red light, and it will still be penetrating. It can't be hidden, and when someone holds it, it will mark the arrow directly.

"In short, are we going to leave here for discussion?" The thousand-year-old here suddenly said, "Look at the surroundings?"

Li Huailin looked around and they really surrounded the players. The arrow is so obvious, so the players guessed that Li Huailin could get the pass, so the arrow was marked on the head. Of course, they didn't have to surround the fire. Instead, they surrounded Li Huailin. Several people discussed the time a little, and a lot of people surrounded them.

"I don't feel very good." Summon Jade Emperor is also a frown, and immediately handed the blood diamond to Li Huailin, because Li Huailin is the strongest and easier to protect.

“Go back to the city first?” asked for a thousand years.

"Return to the city hair." Li Huailin immediately said, "You saw, the property above this thing says 'cannot receive security zone protection', which means that the main city can still be beaten, and the most important thing is Other people in the main city are still invincible, so if you go back and forth, you can only unilaterally smash, so people who get this thing back to the main city are simply looking for death."

"Yes." The summoned Jade Emperor here also said, "Are you going to fly? Let's go and say, no one here can attack you."

"I can still be scared away by this group of people?" Li Huailin said directly to the front step, and then said to all the players around them, "Why, I took the things, I am Laozi, who have you? Give me a look at the comments, I want to see and see if anyone dares to grab my things."

"..." The scene was a little quiet, because Li Huailin was so powerful, although everyone wanted this pass, after all, it was a ss-level task, but now no one dares to come out and pick this head.

However, although the front stood out and did not dare, it was okay to talk in private. Some people in the crowd quickly shouted: "Why do you take this thing, is this thing engraved with your name? See who has a share, ss level mission, Everyone is going to grab it!"

"Yeah yeah, come on." These people who are shouting are of course trying to mess up the situation. Maybe they can still feel the benefits. You don’t grab the chance of 0. Even if you grab it, it is 0.01%. Opportunity, so everyone who said it is a little bit motivated. After all, although it is a sturdy brother, there are thousands of people here, you can’t be thousands of people.

"Oh, this is interesting." Li Huailin said with a smile. "That's right. This is the name I engraved on. I just said that this thing is mine. Who shouted, dare to raise a hand?" ?"

Of course, no one responded to Li Huailin. Not only did no one respond, but he also whispered a sneer voice: "Haha, silly."

"I seem to hear this position." Li Huailin directly pointed his finger at the crowd. "Give you three seconds, all go, or kill."

"叮", Li Huailin’s words just finished, the left eye suddenly flashed, a white laser shot at the position pointed by Li Huailin, and the completely unguarded player who stood in front of the moment was shot. Pairs wear, then the laser passes all the way through the body of the player, always wearing far away.

"Boom", followed by an explosion, all the people shot by the laser exploded, this time the scope of the attack is large, because Li Huailin's attributes still have a state of addition, this time The attack was much higher than the last live broadcast accident, and the person who was almost affected was also a second. After a smog of smoke, Li Huailin had a fan-shaped vacancy in front of him. All the players hang back to resurrection, leaving a colorful equipment item.

"Don't you say three seconds?" The players were shocked, not to say that for three seconds, why haven't they started counting yet...

"Well, there is death, you are looking for death." Li Huailin said, "Now start calculating, three...two..." (to be continued.)

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