All Things Wrong

Chapter 1453: Change tactics

When Li Huailin found this guy, this guy was also trying to hide, but he probably didn't know how big the arrow on his head was, and he couldn't see it for himself, even though he saw the article prompting himself. Was marked, but I did not expect it to be so conspicuous.

I have been robbed before but I won, and this player is also alert. It is obvious that he also wants to participate in this ss-level mission, but when he sees Li Huailin coming to him in this direction, the players here are obviously A little desperate, Li Huailin is who he certainly knows, professional player champion, this strength does not say, anyway, he must be beaten.

"Big brother, you see that you already have one, don't have to take me." Looking at Li Huailin's head also has arrows, this player also knows that Li Huailin has got one, although I know that Li Huailin may be coming. Grabbing him, but still pretending to be friendly, "You see this is a team task after all, 500 people to participate, you see me as your younger brother, join with you, how do I listen to you when I get there?"

"I am sorry that I have teammates myself, so I don't have to bother you." Li Huailin replied casually.

The player who screamed at this side heard this sentence and turned around. It seemed to be the feeling of preparing to run in the mountains, but it was completely useless. How can such a big arrow be seen, and then Li Huailin pursued it. It is much faster than him.

Soon another player died under Li Huailin's sun spear, but Li Huailin quickly discovered a problem, that is, he actually looked down on the red blood diamond dropped by the other. His hand actually wears the past directly from the blood diamond, just like touching the phantom.

System prompt: Pickup failed, the same item already exists in your package.

"Hey?" Li Huailin is also a glimpse, this thing can only get one player? But think about it too. The person who claims to be a **** also said that 500 people need to be tested. If he collects these 500 blood diamonds, what should he do next?

Of course, it is good to find this guy. Li Huailin has already told the coordinates of the jade emperor. They are not far from here. Of course, they are called to summon the Jade Emperor.

Wait a little while to summon the Jade Emperor and they will come together. Of course, everyone feels a bit curious. After all, I have never seen such a thing, and I have tried it with a blood drill.

"It turned out to be like this." The caller of the jade emperor said, "It seems that this blood diamond can not be handed over to you for safekeeping. Even if we get the blood diamond, we must hold it ourselves. It turned out to be such a setting... a little A little trouble."

Originally summoned the Jade Emperor to think that collecting the one that was handed over to Li Huailin’s custody seemed to be unworkable, and as a result they lost an advantage and everyone had some headaches.

"I have to go offline first." Li Huailin suddenly said.

"Now?" summoned the Jade Emperor.

"Yeah, not for the intelligence." Li Huailin spread his hand. "And I have said that I can't be online for 3 days. I thought about it according to the current situation. I don't have to worry too much. Even if I grab it on the last day, it seems that there is no problem."

"Ha? The last day?" summoned the Jade Emperor to be a bit stunned by such a frank Li Huailin.

"Before listening to the night flight, I said a message saying that the gods and the people of Lei Zhu seem to be preparing to participate in this ss mission, so I am going to collect these blood diamonds, so there is no way I can directly open with the gods. "I am finished," Li Huailin said. "And I thought about it. This collection pass is only the first ring of this ss-level task. The latter task is definitely more difficult. So I don't have to exhaust my energy. I didn't go offline for the whole three days, and then I passed the first ring task exhausted. What happened after the task? So I think I should take a good rest in the past few days, then prepare for the next task, then the last day. I have to find a way to get a blood diamond."

"You...there is a little truth." Summon Jade Emperor also slightly nodded. "It is true that the last day of the blood diamond is basically in the hands of the players, and the news is estimated to be very large, so that we It saves a lot of effort, as long as pk can be played on the line. No effort to defend, but the problem is that we have already got two pieces, what about these two?"

"Of course, we have to find a way to save it." Li Huailin said, "I thought about a way. Just don't know if I can do it, I will try it first."

"What is the solution?" asked the jade emperor here.

"You see that our players must be offline, but npc will not be used. Let's find a very powerful npc to hold this thing. You see this?" Li Huailin asked.

"Well... are you talking about your soldiers team?" The caller of the Jade Emperor wanted to ask, "This is not bad. After all, the ability of the soldiers is now strengthened..."

"No, no. This must be more powerful." Li Huailin said with a smile. "Come on, first, I will go find someone."

Put two pieces of blood diamonds to summon the Jade Emperor. Li Huailin certainly has no arrows on his head. Of course, it is no problem to enter the city at this time. However, they are still very dangerous to call the jade emperor here, so Li Huailin must also be a little faster.

As for who to look for, Li Huailin is of course looking for a more convenient person, for example, the few who can play the most, the Bruno and Dramo knights, because there is no war recently, so the first legion is relatively idle. The main thing is that these people can do the transmission array, so the speed is faster.

Soon, Li Huailin took Bruno, Drameau, Regg, and St. Regis to the place where the summoned Jade Emperor and several of them were waiting. It should have been more than these people, but the problem is that these people are here today. So Li Huailin couldn't wait to pull them first.

By the way, Regg here is also a matter of meeting and asking about the emperor's enthronement. The Geer over there is basically ready, waiting for Li Huailin to ascend the throne, but Li Huailin disappears. It was just a few days, everyone who was engaged in it was looking for him. Of course, Regg was also helped by Geetra for many days, but he did not find it. Now he did not expect Li Huailin to appear on his own, so Regg quickly raised this matter. However, Li Huailin was quickly stopped. "I don't have time to go to the throne." Li Huailin said that they had pulled the Regg first.

"So what is the treasure that the marshal adult said?" asked Regg here.

"This is this." Li Huailin took the blood diamond here, and then handed it directly to Regg. Of course, Regg also directly touched his hands. The unexpected result was that the blood diamond here actually passed through Reggae. The palm of the hand then fell directly to the ground.

“Hey?” The four people are all a glimpse, and they have never seen this. Regg did not respond, and immediately bowed his head and found that his hand could not touch this thing, and directly worn it.

"This..." Regg's hand was pinched in the blood diamond, but he couldn't hold it at all. "Duke, what is this, why can I see but can't touch it?"

"Hey? Is there such a setting?" Li Huailin was a glimpse of several people. I didn't think that this thing was actually something that npc couldn't touch. It was said that Li Huailin had never seen such a thing. In fact, there is a secret treasure. One is like this.

"This is not okay, look at the npc can not take this thing." Summon the Jade Emperor said.

"Well..." Li Huailin nodded. "But I thought about it too, so I can't succeed, but this thing is even on the ground. NPC can't get it but it doesn't make people close."

"This... is also." Summon Jade Emperor's eyes lit up. "You ordered them to hack directly as long as the player is close."

"But there is a bit of trouble in this way." The wind here also said, "In case there are a lot of players who are strong, four npcs are afraid that they can't cope, especially if they can't touch this, they can only Organizing the players... it’s still a bit unsafe.”

"You guys are saying this." Bruno directly stared at the wind. "Please ask the Lord, oh, no, please marshal the marshal, I am willing to make a military order, absolutely not let anyone close to this treasure, If you lose it, then cut me..."

" Stop and stop... You don't know if the military order is a flag? Who is going to die?" Li Huailin said, "Is it a bit reasonable to say that Xiao Yu said that if there are a lot of people who come, he will go guns." You can't get back."

"No, Marshal adult..." Bruno wanted to say it again, but was interrupted by Li Huailin.

"Well, let me think about it..." Li Huailin thought a little and touched his chin. "That way, I am looking for a very aoe guy, so even if there are a lot of people who should be able to block it." Come down, you guys will help you with the help, will you?"

"Following, Marshal adult..." I saw Li Huailin saying this, although there was still some dissatisfaction in my heart, but there was no way for everyone to nod.

"Do you still know that aoe is stronger?" summoned the Jade Emperor.

"That is, but this time is longer, you need to wait a little longer." Li Huailin said.

In the current situation, it is impossible to have a large number of players to grab this, so now Bruno and their guards are still relatively safe. On the other hand, Li Huailin flies directly to the direction of Longgu. Yes, Li Huailin suddenly thought of it when he heard the treasures. Just give an experienced guy. Of course, the dragons should be very experienced. (To be continued.)

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