All Things Wrong

Chapter 1481: Last chance

"Where is there..." Li Huailin suddenly felt that it was not a good thing to set up a lag for himself so early. The time is now 2 pm, and Li Huailin has not received a pass until now. Of course, he is not resting here, but he has been looking for an hour and a half, but he has encountered some problems.

Li Huailin’s current intelligence is obtained from the summoning of the Jade Emperor. Of course, it is also the information on the forum’s bounty area. Li Huailin has searched three locations. After receiving the news according to his original idea, I went to see nearby, and the other party couldn’t run anyway. Then the red arrow on the head should be difficult to find, but it is not the case. This has already found three places. Li Huailin did not find a player with a pass.

"I haven't found it yet?" Summon Jade Emperor is also frowning. "It doesn't look like a coincidence. The first two may be fake news, but all three are like this, which means that there is a problem."

"This... what kind of trouble?" Li Huailin said, "Where is there so much false news."

"Well..." The summoned Jade Emperor here was slightly indulged for a while, then suddenly said, "Understood, we ignored a little..."

"Oh? What?" Li Huailin asked.

“In fact, not only the players who want to find a pass have thought of the bounty forum, but those who get the pass will of course think that the other person will use them to find them. In this case, if you are these players, what would you do? Do you?" summoned the Jade Emperor.

"It turns out that." Calling the Jade Emperor said that Li Huailin would understand. Yes, these players with passes will of course release false news to find those who are looking for them. The method is very simple. Of course, it is to find a bunch of people to post fake bounty posts, so that even if it is true Someone posted a real post, but it is also difficult to be noticed because of the added posts around. Of course, this is a chaotic transaction, but because they are all posts, please have nothing to do with it.

"This is a bit of a hassle. It is equal to saying that the news we got from the Bounty Forum can't verify whether it is a fake news." Li Huailin frowned.

"So let me ask you to pass the pass early. Although there are fake news, there are also real news. If you do it earlier, we will definitely have a dozen or so." Summon the Jade Emperor.

"I have a little regret about what you said, but now I have to say what else is there for this egg." Li Huailin spread his hand. "In short, let's solve the problem now."

"Forget it, or I will not participate in this ss-level mission, the pass is for you, anyway, it was also yours." The call of the jade emperor suddenly said.

"No, no, I really don't believe that I can't get a pass within an hour. This problem can't solve what I still do ss-level tasks." Li Huailin immediately said, "You and the thousands of people are holding passes. After a while, when the time suddenly triggered what kind of transmission, I am going to find one myself and meet again."

"Since you insist, then okay." Summon Jade Emperor nodded.

Although this is said, it is a bit of a headache to hang up the remote Li Huai-lin. Li Huai-Lin decided to contact the next night to see if there was any news there.

"Passport? We said that we also got one here." Night Flight suddenly said.

"Oh?" Li Huailin was a little surprised.

"But we don't intend to spend any effort to do this. I told you before. But the board said that we still have to look at it. This kind of ss-level task, we have to send individuals to participate in the spiritual world. So we are here to send a fire to see alone.” Night Airlines said, “Wai Lin, you haven’t got a pass yet? This is a bit of a hassle, but we can’t give you this now, the board is not good. Explain, but don't worry, I immediately look for it. There should be news right away."

The night flight said that he was very polite to let Li Huailin not say anything. Of course, nothing was done, and Li Huailin did not do anything in the spiritual world. In case the other party did not receive any news. To tell the truth, Li Huailin is really a little anxious this time. I think it seems that now I have to find someone who may have a permit. Of course, the gods or the thunder cast them.

"I hope that the other person is lying in the guild territory..." If the other party really lets the person who got the pass hide in the corner of the map where he doesn't know. Li Huailin really didn't know what to do. but now……

Just a little headache, Li Huailin suddenly noticed the full-service big speakers in the dialog box.

[Full service] money is a foreign body: the last chance! Yitong Auction House will auction a pass for ss-level missions in the third clubhouse of the Renmin Main City Auction House after fifteen minutes. All grandfathers will come with cash. (Note: Due to time constraints, this auction only accepts game gold coins. And must be paid on the spot, please prepare the buyer)

"Oh?" Li Huailin is also a little bit stunned. The other party is using a full-service horn. The call is one hundred gold. The other party has been brushing the screen without money. It is obvious that it is big.

I have to say that this auction house called Yitong is very accurate. Now, the start time of the ss-level mission is 1 hour. After 15 minutes, the auction starts. Then, if the auction time is counted, it is estimated that the end is almost the task. It’s time to start. If you get a pass now, you just need to protect it for a while, so it’s very likely that you can save it. This is equivalent to an opportunity to auction an ss-level mission. Of course, the opportunity is rare. Selling a high price, it is estimated that they will make a big profit.

Seeing this news, Li Huailin’s first thought of the first time was to grab this pass, but thinking a little, things are not so simple, because the other party will definitely not bring the goods directly to the main city. Otherwise, there is no need to auction at all, and it will not be completed directly. So it is obvious that the other party must have a passport holder hiding in a very hidden place, and then the auction here will be successful, they will take the buyer together to find the person with the pass to deliver.

Then, if you can’t get it, Li Huailin looked at his gold coin a bit. Now the amount of money on his body is 2,402 gold, because most of the money was handed over to the spiritual world before, and then the money behind the equipment is also owed to them. So, there is so much money on the body. More than 2,000 gold is obviously unable to buy this thing. After all, the other party has spent so much money on brushing the horn, and then you still expect the other party to sell something for so much?

Of course, there are still a lot of money in other places, such as the treasury of the Duke's House, but it seems that it is too late to get it, and Li Huailin really doesn't want to buy it with money, because it seems to be cheaper, so I thought about it, still decided. Grab him.

Of course the problem is how to grab it. First of all, let's first look at what the auction is. After looking at the time, Li Huailin immediately used the returning city roll to return to the main city, and then immediately ran in the direction of the business district. It was not necessary to fly directly to Xiaomi because the guards would find themselves here again, for a while in case Anthony. It’s more troublesome to find yourself, or run low-key.

But when I ran to the door, I found that the ordinary situation couldn’t get in. The number of players at the door was too much. Of course, most of them were watching the hilarious players, and there were also people who wanted to speculate. Anyway, a lot of people were around. The entrance to the auction house. However, Li Huailin actually saw the auction house's doorway. At this time, he has already found a lot of urban guards' np. It is obvious that the city guards are coming to maintain law and order, and there are two players wearing black ones next to them. It shows its own name, which is Yitong Auction 1 and Yitong Auction 2, and should be the staff of Yitong Auction House. The two stood in front of the city guards and seemed to be talking to the players.

“Everyone is quiet.” Yitong Auction 1 said here, “Because there are limits on the number of people that can be accommodated, we hope that buyers will actively show their purchasing power, and we will trade cash with you here. Of course, without the confirmation button, let us see the amount of gold coins, or that sentence, if you are the one!"

"Why, this auction house is not opened by your family." The players who obviously want to make trouble are also martyrdom. They all want to take the opportunity to see if they can get a pass. Of course, they are really confused. If you play, maybe they will have a chance.

"Captain Dris, please, please." Yitong auction house 1 did not answer, directly facing the np guard captain behind him.

Here, the NP named Delhis stepped forward and said: "All are quiet. I am here to be entrusted to stay here to maintain order. If anyone is troubled here, they will directly enter the big prison for three days."

As a city guard, of course, it is qualified to arrest people. The players who see np to maintain order are also a bit embarrassed. After all, it is more troublesome to shut down three days. Although you can go offline, you can't play games for three days. Still very uncomfortable.

"Okay, we are sincerely trying to sell this pass. This is the last chance. Soon the mission will begin." Yitong Auction 1 here once again said, "If you really want to To buy, please line up here, then take the time to enter."

"How much does it cost to enter?" Suddenly a player asked.

"This..." Yitong Auction House 1 smiled. "Our starting price is 50,000 gold coins. You should follow this standard." (To be continued...)

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