All Things Wrong

Chapter 1482: Script

The starting price was 50,000, and this price scared most of the onlookers in an instant. ● Hey, the gold currency of "Glory of Hearts" is still very strong, and the strangest thing is that the official has not opened any gold currency exchange channels until now.

According to the experience of previous online games, basically, after the game reaches a certain moment, that is, the price of gold coins is basically stabilized, the official will open the channel for the exchange of gold coins and credits. After all, this is a very profitable thing for game companies. However, "The Heart of Glory" seems to have no such plan, and so far there is no news in this regard.

To tell the truth, many local players have been unable to bear it. They have long waited for you to open exchanges. The result is that they will not open. They can only buy black-hearted gold coin merchants. They are also strange. Why Tianyu has money. Do not earn, now all the money has been earned by the gold coin merchants, is the operation of the game company eating?

Of course, the operation department of Tianyu Company is not eating. They have long wanted to open it. The problem is that it can’t be opened. The technology says that this function is still in perfection, but in fact, this game seems to have no way and reality. Currency exchange is only available offline.

As a result, the situation caused by this is that the value of the gold coins is still very good. Now the gold coins still have a high purchasing power. From another angle, the total amount of gold coins is not much. Moreover, the system recycles gold coins in a very large way. Generally speaking, if a player does not specifically pay for money from level 1 to the present, he will basically be able to use up all the coins he has hit. Of course, this does not include special circumstances. For example, if you are lucky enough to do a good job or get a good equipment, you will definitely have more money.

Nowadays, the gold coins that players can generally come up with are probably the top line of 100 gold. Most of them are game merchants and special money-sweepers, and then they are the local tyrants who bought the game coins with credits. . And now people who can come up with 50,000 gold coins, it is absolutely rare, but this price is actually a starting price, that is to say that the transaction price is definitely much higher than this. Coupled with the particularity of this product, it is obvious that it cannot be resold. Therefore, the buyer can only be a local player.

The admission fee of 50,000 gold coins frightened most of the people. The Yitong auction house 1 here looked at everyone's reaction, then smiled and continued: "By the way, let's talk about this transaction. The location is not here. We will arrange a safe delivery place for players who have successfully bid for a while, so please be assured of the security of the transaction."

"What..." seems to be trying to assure everyone that the security of the transaction, but everyone knows what these words are for, and yes, there are still some people here who want to see Can't grab the pass, but hear what the other person said. Naturally, I know that the other party has already prepared, and there is almost no chance to grab the pass. The other party said that this means letting you give up.

"In short, the time is running out now, so Ms. Ms. who wants to enter the market, please hurry and hurry up. The auction will start in 9 minutes." Yitong Auction House 1 looked at the time and said, "So come. Line up here, Captain Dris, please."

"Well, give me the order." Thris waved here. Then pointed to the side and said, "All that is going in is arranged here."

"Let's let it all, let it go, no money, it will go away, don't block the way." Of course, it is really because the player wants to buy and still has money, so the staff of the Yitong auction house just When the words are finished, some people go up the queue.

At this time, Li Huailin had a little headache. Because he really didn't have money, he couldn't get into the 2000 gold door and didn't even say that he was robbing the pass. It would take less than ten minutes to start the auction. Are you going back and getting it now? Uncertain.

When Li Huailin was studying what should be done, there was a thing that reminded Li Huailin at the door. The situation was like this. The team in front was waiting in line to enter. As a result, suddenly a player jumped straight up at this time. This is a player who doesn't look very old. It is at most 20 years old. But when you look at each other, you know that the other party is definitely arrogant, a golden armor, and then there are two pieces of purple equipment. This is definitely Really local tyrants. You can see it by looking at the equipment, and the other party is completely obscured by the light of the equipment.

In this case, someone jumped into the team and immediately caught everyone's attention, but the first thing reflected is the npc Dris here, but he came with the task (that is, the npc above it received the money from the Yitong auction house, I agreed to help maintain law and order, and of course he himself took over, of course, only to maintain law and order.) Seeing that someone jumped in, of course, went up.

"You wait, in the past, they lined up." Dris said to the golden local player.

“I? Still need to line up?” The local tyrant smiled a little and then said to the staff at the Yitong auction house next door. “Hey, this janitor, do you know me? Tell him I need to line up. ?"

This is actually too arrogant, so that the local tyrants lined up next to each other are a bit uncomfortable, but there are several people in the team who look at each other's faces, as if they recognize each other. Also observing the other's face, there are two staff members of the Yitong auction house. The first thing I recognized was the Yitong auction house. 2, a little face, he went to the ear of Yitong auction house 1 and whispered. Said two sentences.

The face of Yitong Auction 1 was also changed. Then he nodded and put on a smile. He said: "It was Yuan Dagong’s visit. Welcome, of course, Yuan Jia is the Platinum customer of our Yitong auction house, Platinum customer. Of course, there is no need to line up."

The so-called Platinum customers do not know whether it is true or not. Anyway, the Yitong auction house here is awkward. Although the players watching around don’t know the specific situation, they can also hear that Yuan’s home is definitely big, not Business tycoons are political leaders. The players who were ranked in the local team were also surprised by the Yuan family. Several people who just wanted to come out also returned silently and silently.

"Uh huh..." Your Yuan Dagong seems to be very satisfied with the reaction of the other side. He nodded slightly. "I said, I often buy things from you... yes, I am Do you need to confirm that the money is enough?"

"Of course, this is no longer necessary." Yitong Auction House 1 immediately said, "Whoever knows that Yuan Shao will not be short of money, please come in..."

"Uh huh..." The young man named Yuan Shao nodded again, and no one really raised any objection. It seems that the local tyrants who lined up seem to have heard this person's appearance, and the following onlookers are not too I know, but no one dares to say anything. It doesn't matter to them. They just watch the fun.

"It turns out!" This incident has nothing to do with Li Huailin, but it reminds Li Huailin that although he has no money, he can hold himself very rich. Looking at the conditions of this installation probably needs a little fame, and then it may be very rich. If you say it yourself, the fame is definitely enough, but will the other party think that he is rich?

Li Huailin doesn't know much, but I can try it. Besides, there are people who have performed for you. What should I do? I will do it myself.

Yes, Li Huailin decided to directly learn the former guy named Yuan Shao. Of course, the first step is to cut the team. Jin Guang flashed, Li Huailin flew directly to the front of the auction house, of course, seeing the emergence of Xiaomi, everyone knows who is coming.

"It's a cow!"

"Hey? Niu Ge brother also came to participate in this auction, is it also to buy a pass? Niu Qiang has not yet received it?"

"No, I heard that Niu Qiang got one in the past few days. Was it robbed?"

The following onlookers immediately began to whisper, but Li Huailin did not care, went straight up, just wanted to speak, suddenly remembered that he seemed to forget something, so nod, click on the system bar, and then put " The option to hide the light of the equipment is gone...

"叮", Li Huailin’s whole body suddenly screamed with amazing light. All kinds of orange, purple, and golden light flashed everywhere. The person who looked at it couldn’t open his eyes. The former guy named Yuan Shao’s body. Two pieces of purple have already made everyone amazed, and Li Huailin’s side is actually flashing orange, the others are basically purple, and even the golden ones are rare. The equipment of this body is scary.

"The trough, it flashed my dog's eyes!"

"Tmd has artifacts, what attributes of the artifacts are to see."

"The trough, the necklace is orange, the weapon is orange, as if the ring is also orange, three legends? This tm is human."

"I can see it dizzy when I look at it? This is the real rmb player."

The scene caused a lot of riots, although everyone often sees Li Huailin, but the equipment of Li Huailin really doesn't really know what the attributes are. Now it is the first time to expose a little information. This is just the point. A little scary.

However, Li Huailin certainly did not care, Li Huailin waited now. Yes, according to the script, this captain called Dris should come up to stop him, and then he said the line: "Do I still need to line up?" Isn't this a script written? But waited, the Delhis here didn't mean anything at all. Li Huailin frowned slightly and said, "What are you going to do?"

"Duke of the Duke!" I didn't expect that the Delhis here suddenly gave Li Huailin a sigh. "This...this...forgiveness!" (To be continued.)

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