All Things Wrong

Chapter 1483: Provocation

Li Huailin is a bit uncomfortable here, because Dris is so uncooperative, he doesn't come up to stop him for a long time, so the tone of his speech is also a bit questionable. Although it was not the question asked, but Dris was terrified, this time the City Guard came to maintain law and order, but it meant a little bit of a ball.

Maintaining the law and order in the city is of course the work of the city guards, so you said that you know that there will be large-scale commercial activities, and then send people here to prepare to maintain order. This is certainly true, and it is within the scope of the law. It is of course very safe to consider the relationship between the advance line and the City Guard. If you say this, there seems to be no problem on both sides. But the biggest problem is that the city guards actually collected the money this time. There is nothing wrong with this, but if you really want to get a deeper look, it is a bribe.

When Dris saw Li Huailin, he was a little panicked. Of course, he also took advantage of it. Although it was not a lot, the Duke’s investigation was really going to be lost. So when I heard Li Huailin’s questioning tone asking you what happened, Dris certainly thought that Li Huailin had already discovered this matter, and he gave it directly.

"Ha?" Li Huailin is a glimpse of the whole person. What happened to this guy, he did not even press the routine. "You wait, we can't follow the script here. Can you not impose a play?"

"Ha?" Dris looked at the whole person. "What is the script of the Duke?"

"I..." Li Huailin helped the amount. "You should come up now and let me not jump in the queue. Are you not in the order of the order here? I am not here to see the queue."

"Hey? But how can I manage the Dukes when you jump in the queue?" Dris also said.

"What? Even the team did not dare to ask you what to use." Li Huailin said directly, "Come on, pull this waste for me, throw it into prison and die."

"Hey??" Dris didn't understand what was going on, and the soldiers behind him were his own men. But obviously this time everyone listened to Li Huailin, and soon they came up with two people and dragged Dris, who was lying on the ground, directly.

"You!" Li Huailin immediately pointed to a guard next to him and said, "What are you calling?"

"Back... Back to the Duke, I called... No. The subordinate is called Cotim." The guard here replied.

"Well, you are the captain of this team now, and now you are maintaining the law and order issue here." Li Huailin said, "Is there a problem?"

" problem." Kottim dared to say that there was a problem? Just the captain was dragged away by Li Huailin. At this time, there are no problems with any problems.

"Well, I like the man who is so straightforward." Li Huailin said, "I’m going to manage things now, then I’m going to line up here. What should you do here?”

"This... should I stop the Duke adults?" Cottim tried to ask. Because someone has demonstrated how it will stop.

"Yeah, very good, let's go again." Li Huailin nodded with satisfaction, then stepped back two steps, then went two steps forward, then looked at Cotim's side, his eyes seemed to say that you can Come up and stop.

Cotim took a long breath and still doesn't know what is going on. But now of course I still listen to Li Huailin's words, so I went straight up: "Duke of the Duke. Please wait, there is a queue here, can you please queue up in the past?"

Although the lines were a bit guilty, Li Huailin still endured, so directly following the script in the back, Li Huailin directly looked at the hand and looked quite angry and arrogant: "What do you say! I have to line up?"

"噗通..." in front of Cotim gave Li Huailin a moment. It’s not awkward, it’s scaring the urine. “, the Duke’s adult...this...this...please spare me a life.”

"I..." Li Huailin is really speechless. What are the two things? How can it be so difficult to read a line? Let’s not take care of Cotham, who has already been smashed here. Li Huailin skipped the above story and pointed directly to the Yitong auction house staff who was next to the door. “Hey, this janitor. Do you know me? Tell him I need to line up?"

"Hey... Niu, brother, no one told you to line up." Yitong Auction 1 here is also a little bit sorrowful. Yes, he has already understood what is going on, and understands what Li Huailin is doing. It’s exactly the Yuan Shao action before the school, but the problem is that no one is calling you from np to the player.

"Hey... why didn't you follow the story?" Li Huailin lifted the amount. "This... can I go in?"

"Of course, of course." Yitong Auction 1 here nodded immediately. "Please come in."

"Hey... don't need to look at my money?" Li Huailin asked again.

"Of course not." Yitong auction house said with a smile.

"Hey? It's so easy..." Li Huailin whispered, and didn't expect it to be so easy. Of course, what he does not know is that the Yitong auction house is also a bit of an auction house, and the commercial information is relatively well-informed. What they know is the Ruolin Investment Co., Ltd. opened by Li Huailin. This company is now a bit of a scale, and the main business is not the gold coins in the game. What kind of money can you lend to the guild? When, then you said that Li Huailin had no money, they really didn't believe it.

Besides, now the general manager of Ruolin Investment Co., Ltd. is Su Ruoyan, of course, they know who Su Ruyan is, and behind it is the giant of Tiancheng Group. Yes, Tiancheng Group is now ranked as the top enterprise in the country. The old auction house of Yitong Auction House does not dare to face the Tiancheng Group, so they certainly have to give this face.

For the above reasons, the Yitong Auction House 1 of course did not want to stop Li Huailin from beginning to end. It is not the rich people like you who are asking for the price. Of course, it is welcome.

Li Huailin certainly didn't know that he was a bit low in the business field, but he was very satisfied with the other party's lack of money, but just wanted to enter the door. As a result, a voice came from the auction house: "Wait a minute. Look at the door, why not check him, I want to know how much money this guy has brought."

Li Huailin looked a little, looked up and found that the person who spoke was still known. It was the guy named Yuan Shao who just entered. Now I don’t know what happened and came out again.

“Yuan Shao.” Yitong Auction House 1 immediately said with a smile, “How come out again?”

"Nothing, just see someone suddenly learn me, come out and see who it is." Yuan Shao said here. In fact, he was flashed out of the light of Li Huailin’s equipment. He just entered the door and didn’t walk in. As a result, Li Huailin came on stage to show the equipment. Yuan Xiao, who was flashing everywhere, noticed it. Come out and see how. When it happened, I saw that Li Huailin almost copied his lines.

As an arrogant person, naturally it is impossible for others to be more arrogant than him. It is obvious that Li Huailin is much more than Yuan Shaoqi. Not only is the equipment better than Yuan Shao’s equipment, but also in front of np. Installed a forced, two seemingly very good np can be given to Li Huailin, this is simply too good, Yuan Shao has a little bit of fire on the side.

As the heir to the Yuan family, the young Yuan Da is of course a must-have from small to large, and of course he must be the most eye-catching, but now he did not expect to be robbed of the limelight, he is naturally very unhappy.

Looked at the person who grabbed his limelight, this person Yuan Shao also knows, after all, is also playing games, the name of Niu Ge brother still heard, but of course he does not think that Li Huai-lin will be more powerful than him. Although people play games well, but after all, it is just a game god, can you still be more powerful than your own Yuan family heir? You are just playing the game technology and playing some good equipment, and then mixed a knight to let np give you a forced, a game player only, actually dare to be so arrogant in front of yourself?

Yuan Shao said that he didn't care much about business in the real world, so he didn't know how Li Huailin's background was. He now knows that Li Huailin is a professional player, and playing games is so powerful, so he is not very empty. He has always been a game that he has been playing, but you have used money and used the right to kill you. So in his opinion, he is much better than Li Huailin.

This time, Li Huailin also learned him first, and he did better than him. This made Yuan Shao very uncomfortable. It looked like he was provocative, so he couldn’t help but come out, in his opinion. It is useless to let Li Huailin understand that the game is good. It is still necessary to make you jealous when you are embarrassed.

"Hey..." Li Huailin didn't expect to kill a bit of gold at this time. To be honest, he was really a bit imaginary, because he really had no money. If so many people were on the scene, if they couldn’t take it out Money, that's really enough to hurt the face. Of course, my heart is a bit imaginary, but I can't really show it. At this time, I can only continue to install it. It is very expensive to mix it. So Li Huailin looked directly at Yitong Auction 1 next to him and said, "Well, look at it."

"No... no need to force the brother." The Yitong auction house here is firmly convinced that Li Huailin’s money can still be obtained, because there was a million gold coins in the water that Jolin’s investment company went out last month. You said that the 50,000 Jin people couldn't get it. He really didn't believe it. "Yuan Shao, the purchasing power of Niubi is undoubted."

“Is it?” Yuan Shao smiled a little, but he was very upset. He thought about it. “You said that the other party is very rich. I’m going to have to see how rich this cow is.” "(To be continued...)

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