All Things Wrong

Chapter 1515: The weakest ghost in history

Out of confidence in Li Huai-lin's combat effectiveness, the call of the Jade Emperor here has agreed with Li Huailin's opinion. After all, it is to attack these guys. It doesn't make sense to participate in the next game. ←, since the number has arrived, of course, 13 people have begun to enter the school gate.

It is obvious that the place where the trial started was in the school building, and there was still a road ahead of the school gate to the building. While walking, Li Huailin was observing the participants.

First of all, Li Huailin’s most attention is of course the five-person squad of the gods. This is really good to recognize, because five people are Chinese and still stand together. Li Huailin looked a little, five players four men and one woman, and then judged from the equipment the other's occupation is a warrior, priest, mage, hunter, druid, the match is very reasonable, and although the other party did not open what equipment aura, but Just look at the other party's equipment style and know that it is not ordinary equipment, at least gold level. I also heard that this team has been copying the abyss level, so the strength is definitely there.

In addition to the team that Li Huailin pays the most attention to, the remaining 7 people seem to be foreigners, with two yellow skins, but they don't look like Chinese people, probably the kind of people belonging to Southeast Asia. There was also a black man and four white people. Li Huailin had a little observation. Except that the black man seemed to have been talking to two people from Southeast Asia, there was no communication between the other people. This made it possible to basically conclude that these people did not form a team. It is a single player.

"hey, man." Looking at the black man over there and coming back to Li Huailin, it seems to be awkward. "I am gvelno (untranslatable), you and the five Chinese team on the other side do not seem to be a group. Do you know?"

"There is hatred." Li Huailin said simply.

"Hey? Is this the case?" The black man said a little, then said, "But this trial may be a cooperative test. Do you know why?"

The black man asked me quickly, and Li Huailin ignored him and went straight ahead.

"Hey... well, I said. Because of the number, 13 people... I feed and wait for me." The black man chased Li Huailin.

"I said... why should I stick to me." Li Huailin helped the amount.

"Because I want to find a team, others ask a circle, no one, now you are the one who arrives the night." The black man said.

"I don't want to do it..." Li Huailin said.

"I am very strong...feeding..."

As I said, 13 people have already arrived at the door of the school building. At this time, the door is automatically opened. Of course, this is a common feeling. Everyone is used to the automatic door. However, I looked inside and saw that everyone felt a little surprised, because the interior of the school was a bit strange and felt like an abandoned school building. It was very messy inside, and there was a lot of old tables and chairs piled up in the hall door, and the internal environment was also chaotic.

"This kind of scene seems to be in the horror film." A European and American female player next to it said that it looks a little scared.

"Welcome everyone." Suddenly a voice rang from the front, and two of the 13 girls were scared by the voice and screamed. Everyone looked forward, and the result came out of a npc wearing a white mask and wearing a black cloak with the name of the other person on the top, Sam Likad.

"Sorry to scare you." Likad here is slightly curved. Then he said, "I am the trial officer of Hall 24, the name is Sam Likad, of course you can also call me the host directly."

"Call..." Hearing is a trial officer, the two ladies here are slightly relieved.

"In short, the number of people has arrived, and now I will try it out." Likad said with a wave of hand, the door behind him suddenly closed, and the two ladies jumped.

"You shouldn't be a newbie, so I won't say more about the repetitive things. Now I will start to explain the rules. Of course, I will only say it again. You can listen to it." Likad was quick and quick, and immediately entered the topic. "First of all, the name of this trial is called 'Run faster,' and literally means that you can run faster."

"At the beginning of the game, you are now drawing lots to decide the ghosts to chase people, and the people who run away." Likad took out a box while talking. Of course, it is a small box that is opaque. "Because it is a game that tests combat power and fortune, the rules are very simple, that is, ghosts catch people and people run fast."

"Excuse me..."

"I haven't been to the questioning section yet, listen to me now." The black man here just wanted to talk and was interrupted by Likad. "It is important to note that there are only one ghost in this game. The remaining 12 people are all people." This is a 1 to 12 confrontation game. At this time, you are estimated to be strange. How can this person play 12 games? Please be assured that the player who is a ghost at the beginning of the trial will get 300% full attribute plus. Cheng, and all people will be deducted 75% of the full attribute, this time someone has to ask, isn't that the ghost is too strong? This person can not be played at all, that is, you did not notice Here is it."

Likad pointed out that the school building behind him said: "As you can see here is a very complicated terrain. After the trial starts, the person who is the person has a minute to start, then you can hide in this building or Exploring. Some people ask why they want to explore, because there are about seventy or so rooms here, and each room has some 'surprise' that we have prepared. It should be noted that these 'surprise' may be helpful. If you deal with ghost props, it may be a trap directly. It depends on your luck. But beware that there is a room that is very special. There is a red ball in it. You understand this as the 'ghost heart'. As long as you break the ball, 75% of the attribute deduction will disappear immediately, and the ghost will immediately deduct 375% of the attribute, which means that not only does not increase the attribute, it will be deducted 75%, so that If you still have a lot of people alive, you can kill the ghost and understand what I mean?"

"It turns out that." Everyone nodded, so it was indeed able to deal with ghosts, so it seems that finding and breaking this heart is the key point for human victory.

"Of course, one thing to note is that there is time limit on the ghost side. After all, if the ghost is always in front of the heart, then the human side is really unable to win, so the time limit is 30 minutes, that is to say 30. If you haven't killed all the humans in minutes, then the heart will be destroyed automatically, so if humans can hide for 30 minutes, they can basically win. Of course, in order to prevent the players from escaping, there are ways to find people on the ghost side. Of course, this method only You can tell the players who have drawn the ghosts for a while. On the human side, you only need to know that you can't stay in one place all the time."

"Understood." Everyone nodded.

"Of course, the outcome of the game is easy to judge. The ghost is of course killing all human beings. The human side has noticed that after the ghosts are killed by you, only the surviving humans can get the gods, the dead humans. It’s still a trial failure, so it’s best to cherish your life.” Likad said, “All the rules are basically finished. Now it’s time to ask questions and raise questions with problems.”

"Hey." Li Huailin said nothing directly to raise his hand. "Can humans attack humans?"

"Hey?" Everyone was a glimpse, Likad obviously slammed, but immediately said, "I can attack, and even if you kill your teammates, there will be no punishment."

The other gods squad immediately looked at Li Huailin here. It is obvious that the other side has already understood the meaning of Li Huailin. And Li Huailin’s side is also completely fearless, and it seems that I am saying that I am going to do it, how do you say it.

"Will the ‘surprise’ in the room die directly if it encounters a trap?” asked another Southeast Asian person next to him.

"That depends on your strength, no injury is possible, direct death is also possible." Likad immediately replied.

The rules are quite simple, because it is not too much brains to try out the combat power and fortune. Under a little understanding, I understand that several people here have asked a little question, and then Likad added, and soon Everyone understands.

"Okay, it seems that there is no problem, and now I will start to draw the role." Likad said, "It’s not a game of guessing the identity of our game, so people who draw ghosts should immediately illuminate their identity and let Everyone knows, and then when other humans leave, I will tell the ghosts that some ghosts can know the news and understand."

Everyone nodded, then went up to draw, and Li Huailin lined up in the third.

"Well, let me be the best, kill all the light, humans can do it..." The idea that Li Huailin reached into the lottery box was this, but the next moment he suddenly remembered something," Wait... increase the full property of 300%? No, no, don't give me ghosts."

While thinking about it, Li Huailin had already reached out from the lottery box, and it was obvious that he was holding a black ball in his hand, and the two previous people all smoked white balls.

"Well, when the ghost player has already been confirmed." Likad said here, "The people behind are not going to smoke. You can discuss it a bit. After 3 minutes, the trial begins. Humans. Start first, understand."

"Where." Li Huailin looked at the black ball in his hand. "Big brother, I just didn't want to understand for a moment that you don't really have to say anything. This is a miserable thing. The weakest ghost in history will appear." (To be continued.)

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