All Things Wrong

Chapter 1516: Can't make sense

The three minutes left is obviously to let the human players discuss the tactics and the like, but this time Li Huailin just took the opportunity to start mocking the opposing gods squad. [,

"I heard that you have taken care of my friends just now. I specially came to thank you." Li Huailin said with a smile. "I don't have to introduce myself. How many people here know a little?"

Although I have already guessed the purpose of Li Huailin, the opposite is so simple to let the squadrons here be a little surprised, but now Li Huailin has nothing to say about the situation, the two sides must be opposite, so also You are welcome.

"The gods zero team, I am the captain Longfei." The soldiers here said one step forward.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..." Li Huailin suddenly laughed. "I rely on such a vulgar name, but also the zero team, what is it called Longfei, I am happy to die... You guys are so funny... haha Haha..."

Needless to say that the opposite face is of course very ugly, of course, they also understand that Li Huailin is coming to find them trouble.

"Captain, don't ignore him, we still discuss the tactics a little." The priest next to him said that the time on the human side is still very tense, especially because the people who participated in it don't really know each other. I don't trust it. I just squeeze it on a boat. I haven't really become a partner yet, so I have to hurry and discuss the tactics slightly.

Here, Longfei nodded and had nothing to talk to Li Huailin. Anyway, this is a winner's game. If you win them, then you will ridicule Li Huailin. It's not too late to lose. Now it’s too ugly to put a big word. He also It is not impulsive to young people, so of course it is still based on the right number of ways.

"Hey, hello. What are you talking about, I am a ghost, do you still have a face?" Li Huailin immediately said, "I don't think I should waste everyone's time. You don't have to escape and stand alone and let me die. I I really don't want to waste time on your garbage..."

"Hey, what are you talking about?" The gods team did not react. Anyway, this level of ridicule is also used to it, but a European and American teenager next to it is a bit unbearable, and directly pointed to Li Huailin, "Which tm, you dare to talk to me, know who I am?" ”

"Oh?" Li Huailin looked up and down the European teenager. Obviously, from his equipment, he can see that this guy is very rich, because the equipment is very luxurious, and then look at the other side's demeanor and know that it is a rich second generation. It seems that not only the rich second generation in China is more brain-destroyed, but the foreign ones are not the same. They swept the other side and Li Huailin simply ignored the other party. "I am not saying that you are a garbage, I mean the seats are all garbage." I just stepped on your face so clearly, do you dare to scream with me?"

"You tm..." The European teenager here just wanted to talk. A Southeast Asian teenager next to him pulled him. "Be careful. This is tactics."

"Oh." The European teenager here said, "You wait, that is, you can squat for a while, and when we find the heart of the ghost, see how I torture you."

"Oh, really." Li Huailin nodded. "I am so scared."

"Well, everyone will ignore him." A European and American middle-aged player on the other side said, "Now he and us are opposing positions, so we can ignore it if you say it. Now everyone is taking a chance to understand it. What should I do if I discuss it slightly?"

Or middle-aged players are relatively stable, although it is very angry to see Li Huai-lin's ridicule, but it is still the overall situation. At this time, there is not much time. Of course, you should not spend time with Li Huailin. It is true to discuss what to do. Of course, everyone understands that at least the players who have come to the intermediate level of trials are now a little level of players, so everyone immediately began to discuss together, of course, Li Huailin was excluded. This is definitely not allowed for Li Huailin. Heard it.

Of course, Li Huailin did not listen, and now Li Huailin has some doubts. Going to the side of Likad next to him, Li Huailin asked directly: "The host, I still have a little question to ask here, now the game has not been opened yet, can I ask?"

"How did you just ask you not to ask." The host here said, "Well, look at you as a ghost. Some things may not be good in front of these humans, so ask."

"This is the case, my victory condition is to kill all the players right." Li Huailin asked.

"Yeah, I have already said this," Likad said immediately.

"So, I mean, if I accidentally kill you together, what will happen?" Li Huailin asked.

"Hey?" Likad here has been squatting for a long time. "I said that I have a boss, I am the host of this trial. Why are you killing me?"

"Cough, you know that this is a mistake," Li Huailin said.

"Injury? You don't have to worry, because I am invincible in this game, the player's attack can't hurt me..." Likad immediately said.

"Oh...but what happens if this happens?" Li Huailin thought about it. This glory is not really a good thing. When the city was in the city, it was also a safe area. Is it useful? Damn or all dead, no matter whether you are invincible or not invincible, then say that this np is not wearing armor status, this is not only the light, the roots of their own equipment can be killed casually, how is this? Count it.

"Oh..." Likad certainly didn't know why Li Huailin had to ask this question because he didn't know Li Huailin's equipment. This problem is of course inexplicable. He was not prepared at all, but he thought about the benefits here. Khad said, "In short, my identity is a servant and the host of this trial. If I am dead, this trial will not be carried out, and according to the regulations, you can't kill our hosts. Violation of the rules of the trial."

"It turns out." Li Huailin nodded, which was a bit of a hassle. It seems that it would not work if you want to open the aura directly to smother the guys, but it’s not enough, it’s more interesting to chase them.

"Really, I have forgotten the time when I talked to you." Licard, who was here, immediately said to the players there. "You a few humans, 3 minutes have passed, now it will be Started, are you ready?"

"Isn't it OK?" The black player here said, raising his hand.

"No," Likad said immediately. "In short, I am announcing that the trial is officially started, and I would like to ask the great Saint Ilofre as a witness to this trial!"

Another white light flashed, everyone is used to it, of course, is the signal that the trial is officially started. At the beginning of the trial, there was a white faint barrier at the gate of the school. Likad said immediately, "You can enter now, and then this barrier will be in 1 minute. It disappears, and then you can enter as a ghost. You should go first. If you come over with me, I have some information that only ghosts can tell you."

In addition to Li Huailin, of course, everyone immediately ran into the school, Li Huailin looked at the situation, everyone's temporary action route here is the same, but Li Huailin can not see.

Seeing that everyone is gone, Likad here is also beginning to explain the special ability of the ghost with Li Huailin. Simply put, as a ghost player, there will be some special abilities in this game, of course, the ability to find people. The first move is similar to the bat's ability to locate echoes. Anyway, you can use it to display the position of all hidden targets within 30 yards around you, even if the other person hides in a hidden place. Of course, the skill has a cooldown, and the cooldown of this ability is 40 seconds.

Then the skill of the second stroke is the ability to see the footprints. After use, you can see the footprints of everyone in 1 minute. Of course, this footprint is the footprint of the other party in this minute, which means that it is a tracking. Skills, once you see people using this skill, the other party should be difficult to run away. The cooldown of this skill is 2 minutes.

The last move is more interesting. It is called afterimage. After use, there will be a residual image that is exactly the same as yours. This afterimage is controlled by computer and walks around in the vicinity. The purpose is of course to confuse human beings. This afterimage has no entity, can't attack and resist damage, just a fantasy, the duration is 30 seconds, and the cooling time is a bit long is 4 minutes.

In addition, Li Huailin was not told anything else.

"Hey, I don't know where my heart is? This tm is too fake." Li Huailin immediately said.

"But according to the rules, you really don't know." Likad said.

"This...this..." Li Huailin helped, "Right, I asked a question by the way, can I destroy my own heart?"

"Hey...?" Likad here hasn't talked for a long time. What kind of guy is this guy? What are you doing to destroy your own heart, how is it sick? This is exactly what the strange question is, but as a moderator he certainly replied, "According to the rules, the ghost can't touch his heart and prevent him from transferring his heart. Only humans can destroy it."

"Tmd this rule is not for me." Li Huailin said with a headache. "I don't even know where I am in my heart. I can't destroy it. I can't figure it out."

"..." Likad didn't know how to answer the words. He looked at the time and said, "You can act now." (To be continued...)

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