All Things Wrong

Chapter 1933: base

Of course, the position of the transmission array is still the same. Li Huailin once again received a notice from the surrounding players on the way to the transmission array. Now there are more and more players who have heard the news. Crowded. Of course, the players are curious, is Li Huailin going to this place?

Li Huailin has been very accustomed to this situation, and it is not surprising that the players and the flashing oranges are professional players, but the seven grams and Zhang Zhicheng here are a little bit accustomed to it, here are three circles and three circles. Players have a sense of suffocation for the players they encounter for the first time, let alone journalists who come from the wind.

"Excuse me, are you a teammate of Niubi? Can you reveal your id? Where are your destinations?" The clever journalist stared at Qi Ke and Zhang Zhicheng for the first time because of other The three people Li Huailin is not very good at getting, and each of the heavens and the flashing oranges are professional. After undergoing public relations training, it is not easy to ask what is going on, and these two are obviously not the same. Please ask if you can ask. What news.

Seeing that they were a little cramped, Li Huailin went straight to the front step: "Hey, what do you mean, do you want to ask our destination to give a small report to the opposite side? Who do you think about it?"

"Of course it is for you, Niu Qiang." The reporter here said of course, they are very happy, because they feel that they have heard a good news, that is, Li Huailin must be going to engage in other servers, Otherwise, how can you mention the ventilating message? Li Huailin certainly knows that they will misunderstand, it doesn't matter, it scares the guys, it's very interesting.

Since Li Huailin said this, they felt that they had asked something, and they did not continue to be embarrassed. It was also a way out. The octopus Ledermat took Li Huailin to the inside of the transmission array, and then set a little destination. The white light flashed and Li Huailin disappeared in the same place.

"It is estimated that there is another good show, just don't know which side is playing."

"Take him, I am going to brush the forum for a while, and I definitely have follow-up news."

"Me too, md is on the scene for the first time, so excited."

The players chatted and quickly dispersed. The reporters also immediately went to compile the news. On the other hand, a lot of people were nervous about this news, but now they are back to Li Huailin. .

At the end of the transfer, five people appeared in a new scene, and the five people were surprised when they saw the situation, because the scene here is a bit shocking.

First of all, they appear in a place similar to the base. It is the feeling of the base in reality. The surrounding floor looks like iron plates. Then all the walls and ceilings are made of glass-like transparent materials. It seems to be the feeling of a post-modern high-tech military base. It is said that the military base can see the outside situation because it passes through the transparent wall. This whole building is like a military base.

Everyone through the wall saw the scenery outside. To tell the truth, the scenery outside was a bit strange. The surrounding sky looked a little purple, and the sun in the sky looked a little purple. It looked like it was not on a planet. Feeling, and the vegetation in the distance is a bit strange. It is a bit like the feeling of a tropical rain forest. It is very dense, but the color is a bit purple. In short, the environment is very magical, but it is a stark contrast with the base. .

The location of the entire base should be on a hillside surrounded by steel walls. The entire base is large in scale and should be divided into upper and lower floors. They are now in the lower level, and there is a similar building with a disc in the upper direction, and the base below is the same as the three elevator passages. Place to connect. All buildings look the same transparent structure, and of course there are iron plates in a few places, and the architectural style is very beautiful.

In short, the whole building looks too modern. You said that this is a military base in reality. Li Huailin also believes in it, but you can say that this kind of thing can be created in the game. This is really unimaginable. Is it too magical?

"Welcome to Ulysse, I am." Ryder Matt in front turned to the head and said to several people, Ulysek is the name of the place.

"The trough, is this really an alien base?" Seven grams could not help but shouted, they have never seen this situation.

"I really can't do it," said Zhang Zhicheng next to him.

At this time, the attention of each side and the flashing oranges are on the other side, and both of them are directly looking outside. Li Huailin looked at the past a bit strangely, but did not see anything strange. At this moment, each side of the sky suddenly said: "Be careful."

"Be careful?" Li Huailin was also a glimpse, but each side of the sky immediately pointed to the outside. Li Huailin looked carefully and found that a black thing was flying towards them. When it was talking, it was getting bigger and bigger. Li Huailin has already seen that the other side should be a flying bird at this time, but the size is very huge. It seems that the wingspan has a feeling of more than ten meters, which is about the same size as a fighter.

And the strange thing is that this bird is rushing in the direction of the base, and the direction of the rush seems to be just a few of them, I don't know if they are watching them. As soon as I saw this situation, everyone’s reaction was relatively quick, and all the weapons were ready to fight.

But at this moment, the former Ledermat shook his head and said calmly to a few people: "It’s just a nearby wild creature. It doesn't matter."

Just finished, everyone saw a red light flashing across, directly penetrated the giant bird still in flight, the flames of the giant bird, and then fell from the sky with the fire, fell There is no struggle on the ground, it is estimated that it is already dead. There are also a few people on the ground who look like octopus guards, and they start to deal with the bird's body directly.

Several people immediately turned their heads and found that the laser that had just been jetted was the spires with red crystals behind the front steel wall. This thing may be the fixed defense of the base, similar to the arrow tower.

"The trough, even the laser tower has come out, this is too scientific." The flashing oranges here can not help but say.

"How does this style look different?" Li Huailin helped the amount.

"I suddenly thought of a problem..." Zhang Zhicheng suddenly said, "You said that the octopus has been so open, all kinds of black technology have been made out, and then actually beat the barbarian called Torosg... so You said how much this Torosger tribe is."

"..." The scene was a little quieter.

"Nothing, nothing, then you can't reverse the sky." Li Huailin waved and said, "Do the task first, do the task first."

The faint feeling is a bit unpleasant, and of course it is impossible to give up the task now. Following Ledmat's Li Huailin and his entourage came to a room to wait. Ledermatt explained this slightly. The above is the place where the Donovan Parliament is located. Generally, only high-level personnel can go up. Li Huailin obviously cannot Go, so Verdius will come down to see them.

There were also several octopus people on the road. For Li Huailin, who suddenly appeared at the base, several of their human octopus people looked a bit curious. It is estimated that there are several people who have never seen humans, but Ledermat seems to be here. The status is still relatively high, and no one directly asks, and several octopus people wearing armor like soldiers are not asked to ask questions.

Leid Mart left a little while leaving a few people in the waiting room. After a while, Ledermat returned again, and of course there were a few octopus people who came back with him. The lead octopus was particularly conspicuous. The octopus is purple all over, and he is wearing a black coat and looks as if he is in a high position. Sure enough, everyone looked up and saw the other person's name is Vediros, and the other octopus should be his confidant.

"How many human friends are you, oh." Here's Verdius smiled and came up with a strange etiquette for a few people. It should be the etiquette of the octopus. After saying that Verdius looked at the Ledermatt around him, Ledermatt quickly introduced the people here to Verdirus. It seems that each side of the day is also the first to see Vedi Rus, before It was Ledermatt who helped deliver the words.

"Oh, you are the human warrior who is going to help." Verdius looked at each other and nodded. "It looks good. I will hand it over to you. I also know your request." If you can complete this task, I will keep my promise."

"Vediros, this human adventurer named Caroline is also a very great warrior." It is estimated that because of the high degree of good relationship, Ledermat also specifically introduced Li Huailin.

"Oh? I heard Ledermatt say your name, you..." Verdius walked to Li Huailin while he was talking, ready to get close to Li Huailin. The result is saying this, suddenly ahead When the air moved, Vedi Russ did not react. A big hand was shot directly on the face of Verdruth. Because the power was a bit amazing, the whole person of Vedi Rus turned around in the air and then slammed on the floor.

"Ha?" Everyone looked at Li Huailin and stunned, because Li Huailin was the one who shot. (To be continued.)

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