All Things Wrong

Chapter 1934: set off

Li Huailin suddenly violently attacked and let the other four people of course stunned. They basically did not have a team with Li Huailin, so they did not know that Li Huailin was the first one of the flashing oranges in the "you..." side. The reaction is whether Li Huailin is preparing for the task of each side of the card, that is, pretending to team up with them, and then secretly destroying the task. Now, when the octopus is beaten, the other party will be furious. Can this task not continue? Can the sword of each side not be unblocked that day? Flashing oranges feel that Li Huailin is not planning this.

However, I just wanted to see it. Suddenly I saw that Li Huailin had already withdrawn from the squad in the information bar, and it should still be done before, because otherwise they should have received tips such as a decline in good feelings. But not, isn't Li Huailin planning this way? So in the end, what is the meaning of Li Huailin, the flashing orange is a bit unclear.

Of course, not only the flashing oranges don't understand, everyone can't understand, and I don't know how to react now. Everyone has a bit of a dull look at the event.

"Vediros adults!" The octopus around them must have been frightened. Hurry up and help Li Huailin. Of course, Li Huailin is completely useless. No equipment is used, it is a normal attack, but the current strength is coming. It is also very scary to say that this attack is a slap in the face of the opponent's 1oooo+ life value, but looked at this level of Wedruth is quite high, at least hundreds of thousands of blood, so this slap is not As for death.

"Good... well played." To the surprise of others, the Vidruth here quickly stood up, but there was no feeling of anger at all, but instead it was clear. Smile, and praised Li Huailin. "I am a warrior recommended by Rydermatt. I have given me a big surprise, oh."

"Ha?" Zhang Zhicheng was directly stunned here. I have never seen this situation. Big Brother, you directly slammed people with a slap in the face, you said a big surprise? Looks like only shock, where is the joy? Turning around and seeing obviously other people can't understand what's going on, all of them are so arrogant.

"Less tn nonsense." Li Huailin has no intention of stopping here. He directly picked up Verdius, who just stood up, and pulled the other person to his front and said, "You saw, I am right. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, Warrior, you are indeed kind to me." Verdius here nodded, and this kind of grace is too great.

"Then, what kind of task do you want me to do? It’s not kind. I just want to borrow your portal. Can you use it directly? Hurry and open it to me." Li Huailin immediately said. Yes, he played Vediros, of course, in order to improve his goodness, and the purpose of improving the sense of goodness is naturally to not do the task. In his opinion, this task of helping the Vedi Rus faction seems to be a task of brushing the sentimentality of the Vedirus faction. In this case, there is no need to waste any time doing the task, and directly hit the good feelings to the full. It’s all right.

Li Huailin, who is here at the Weidiros faction, was a little bit sensible. He also remembered that he had played this Ryder Matt before (when he was trying to cross the battlefield), so I played this time. Just brush up the good feelings, since the brush is full, you can use the transmission array directly.

Li Huailin thought so, but Verdius gave a negative answer: "Hero, although I am very grateful for your kindness, I want to help you with this little thing, but the problem is that this is really not me. I have the final say. The destination of our transmission array is decided by the Donovan Parliament. If I want to open the portal to Dylangar, I must present this proposal in the parliament and then submit it to the parliament for discussion. In order to change the coordinates of the transmission array, but in the current situation, I think this possibility is not very big."

Vertonus continued to say; "The other six factions may be a little too big for my faction. Now I have begun to unite against my faction, so I have proposed two The proposals have been rejected by them, which makes me very angry. So in the current situation, I am not very likely to pass the proposal."

"It turns out." Li Huailin nodded and understood what the other person meant. "Can you let me see the leaders of the factions?"

Li Huailin’s meaning is very simple. Since everyone wants to pass it, everyone will play it directly. There must be no objection to it. But Wei Di Ruos shook his head again: “I can’t help this, they are now Preparing for me, I guess that even if I propose to meet them, I also want to avoid seeing me. I have formed a small alliance and no one will meet me at this time."

What Vedi Rus said is a bit reasonable. At this time, the possibility of meeting with Widrus is too great, so they will certainly avoid it. Thinking about it, Li Huailin shook his head a little irritated. It seems that he can only help Vedi Russ to take control of the parliament first, and then let Verdirus order the opening of the portal.

"Hey... forget it, but it's just a wave of ss." Li Huailin thought about it, there is no good way, only to play a wave of ss, but fortunately, the wave ss is not a big problem for Li Huailin. Just feel a little wasted time.

"If this is the case, then rely on the Warriors." The attitude of Vediros is certainly better than before. The octopus who saw the side of the acquaintance saw that Li Huailin beat his faction leader, and he also respected Li Huailin from the heart. .

The plan to take the shortcut was unsuccessful, or it could only follow the original routine, so each side of the day took over the task, and then Vedi Rus provided the map here, which also marked the location of the Torosger tribe and Going to the road of the Torosg tribe and telling everything, Vedruth asked Ledermatt to bring a few people to the entrance of the base, let Li Huailin and several of them.

"Big brother, you just hit the guy, the guy is still so respectful to you." Until the Ryder Mart here, goodbye to go back, seven grams can not help but ask Li Huailin.

"Do you know that this game has a hidden value called domineering value?" Li Huailin began a serious nonsense. "This is the effect if the domineering value is high. Of course, this value is hidden. You can try a few people casually. Get to know soon."

"Really?" Seven grams actually still believe, and the other side of the sky directly support the amount, he understands that Li Huailin must be nonsense, but since people refuse to say, each party will not die, everybody They all have their own secrets and cards. He and Li Huailin are not a hand-to-hand relationship. People say that it is his business.

In short, this incident was temporarily revealed, and the group began to go to the Torosge tribe. From the map, there are still some distances between the Torosgai tribe and the Ulysekchi base. The main reason is that there is a large forest between them, which is the tropical rain forest that Li Huailin saw in the base. According to the situation shown on the map, the quickest method is of course to go straight through the rainforest, and it is estimated that it will arrive in a few hours. However, Ledermat just reminded that the rain forest is still very dangerous, but this level is still inferior to the Torosger tribe. If you can't get through the rain forest, you can still play the Torosger tribe.

Li Huailin, of course, they chose to wear the rain forest directly. Everyone in the sky still took the initiative to take up the task of opening the road. Then the flashing orange went to the last temple and protected the priest seven grams in the middle. It seems that this team usually teamed up. This formation does not need to say much. As for the hunter Zhang Zhicheng, he has already gone to the front to investigate.

Although Zhang Zhicheng is a shooting talent hunter, the scouting skills are of course still available, but they can't be strengthened. There is no such powerful investigative ability as the survival hunter, but it can still be used. Moreover, Zhang Zhicheng could not strengthen the baby because he was not a beastmaster, so he brought the baby of the detective bird, in order to improve the efficiency of the investigation when the team was formed, so it was quite stable for him to investigate.

Yesterday, Zhang Zhicheng will come back, and then remind the team to go around a little. The reason is of course that there are a lot of wild monsters in front, so they go straight around, and a small number of wild monsters are not difficult to fight.

The wild monster Li Huailin here has also seen it, and the lowest level is also 9o. The blood is long and the attack is fierce, but the squad here is also a bit too powerful. The perfect match and the number of encounters are not much, so basically it can be solved quickly. Li Huailin feels that he does not need to shoot. However, it is still a symbolic output cut a few knives, indicating that he is not drawing.

"Why don't you have a bear. It's so boring. Every time I come to the forest, I will always encounter a bear. Why didn't I have this time? I still have the inherent property of calling a bear. It is not mine." Li Huailin, who was impatient, still complained indiscriminately.

At this moment, Zhang Zhicheng, who was investigating in the front, came back. He thought that Zhang Zhicheng was letting them go around the road. I didn't expect the information he brought back to be a bit unimaginable.

"There is a team of players not far from the front..." Zhang Zhicheng said.

"Ha?" Everyone is a glimpse, "player squad?" (to be continued.) 8

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