All Things Wrong

Chapter 1990: Pretending

"Wilin!" Wilna, who saw her little lover appearing on this behemoth, was also a glimpse. She shouted at Li Huailin above. "Is this something yours?"

"Oh, nothing is all right, this is my summoner." Li Huailin also remembered this time and explained to Saltong. "Nothing, I am really invincible. I will hand it over to you. You first Go to save people."

Needless to say, Li Huailin also saw the situation of the demon family. It was really a bit miserable. The ground has already fallen a big piece, and it is estimated that many of them have been buried and not dug up. Of course, I also said that Li Huailin didn't want them to have an accident, but can you say that it is an accident now?

"Okay." Sylvester has of course been anxious for a long time. If it is not necessary to block the fire element here, he would have liked to go back and help. Just a blow, he obviously can feel that Li Huailin’s summoning creature can block it. Elemental creatures, so he nodded immediately and rushed to save people.

The scene left a lot of the remaining fire elements and Li Huailin, the huge summoning beast. The fire element on the opposite side is now a little bit forced. Just the slap has directly hit nearly ten fire elements, of course, it was taken. Flying is not considered dead, but it is estimated that the distance from this shot is not coming back in a short time, and it seems that there is no difference between death and death.

"Ready to release" Li Huailin looked at the following elements of the fire, the number is still quite a lot, so he is ready to release the skills of magical beasts, such as magic traps, arcane light bombs and other mass killings. Sexual skills, but just want to release suddenly stopped. Today seems to have been pitted too many times. It is too dangerous to release magic skills in this elemental plane. Any kind of explosion will happen casually. The bereaved people of this demon family have already died a lot. Li Huailin is really I didn’t dare to mess up, and I really cried when I didn’t have one left.

"Forget it, don't let anything go, just go up and shoot it." Li Huailin thought about it and used the method of playing between the elements of fire. It is safer to shoot directly. One wave, the following magical beast Ready to go straight ahead.

As a result, I was preparing to move forward. Suddenly, all the fire elements in front of me looked at each other, and then all the fire elements went down to the ground. Li Huailin sees this situation as well. What is the special skill that the other party is preparing to release?

It turns out that Li Huailin thought more, all the fire elements went forward, and then stayed in the same place and shivered, and of course did not release any skills. Li Huailin then understood that the other party was ready to ask for mercy.

"Oh, you will beg for mercy." Li Huailin thought that the elemental IQ should be low and not beg for mercy. The result seems to be a bit of IQ. However, Li Huailin didn't plan to let them go. After all, it was a bit embarrassing for the guys to find trouble for themselves.

Control the magical beast and raise the hand again to prepare for the attack. The fire element below looks at this situation is not right. The most fire element in the middle of the scene quickly yelled at Li Huailin: "Wow, wow, wow"

Yes, this guy obviously shouted a lot of words anxiously, but the question was that Li Huailin could not understand and frowned. Li Huailin said to him: "Can you speak people?"

"Well?" The element of the fire is obviously a glimpse, and then looked around, as if it was strange to sleep with him. Cooperating with this guy, I didn’t see myself at all. Li Huailin helped the amount, but it was indeed such a big magical beast here, who would notice that it stood on the head and personally.

"This side." Li Huailin screamed directly, and then let the magical beasts slightly lower their heads. Li Huailin also jumped directly from the top of the magical beast. Of course, this fire element saw Li Huailin. But very surprised.

"Wow, wow, it's a personal class. Who are you?" The front of the fire element is still a paragraph that doesn't understand much, but Li Huailin can understand it later.

I observed this element of fire, which is similar to the length of the fire elements that Li Huailin had seen outside. It is a large fire element and then has a little pattern on the body and something like armor that does not know what material is made. Look at the name displayed by the other party, Doskanen lord, hey, is it a lord-level fire element?

"I can speak people." Li Huailin nodded. "What happened, surrender?"

"Are you the messenger of the great **** of Ketani?" Lord Doskanen observed Li Huailin and then suddenly asked.

"What kind of ghost is Ha? Kutani?" Li Huailin certainly can't understand. What kind of kutani is the god, of course, he just heard the name, but thought a little, Li Huailin thinks it is this fire. The elemental lord admits the wrong person? Say that he is the messenger of the great **** of Kutani, that is to say, he misunderstood the magical beast into what is Ketani? It seems that there is this possibility.

A little bit did not understand, Li Huailin thought about it first, so he nodded directly: "Oh, do you know Ketani?"

I heard that Li Huailin admits that all the elements of fire here have started to "wow, wow," and I don't know what to say, but it seems to be quite exciting to see them. Slightly for a while, then all the elements of fire suddenly fell to the ground on the side of the magical beast.

Seeing this situation, Li Huailin probably understands that it should be similar to his own guess. It seems that these guys really think of the magical beast as the great **** of Kutani. Now it seems to mean obedience?

"This man is an adult, and it was misunderstood before. We don't know how to disturb the rest of Ktani's great god. Please help us to plead with the great god." After a while, Lord Doskanen was facing Li Huailin next to him. Said.

“Hey?” Li Huailin didn’t understand at first, but he immediately thought about it. This gang of fire seems to be a magical animal that is directly drilled from the mountain. It is estimated that it is a misunderstanding. Of course, Li Huailin will not explain it. He said directly, "Oh, what you said is so easy, just a misunderstanding is over?"

"We are willing to accept any punishment." Lord Doskanne said immediately.

"So obedient?" It seems that these fire elements are really afraid of this Kutani. Li Huailin thought a little bit and asked, "You will listen to what Kutani said when he said it."

"This is of course." Lord Doskanen replied immediately.

"Very good, you, take your hand and go outside to wait." Li Huailin casually pointed to the position of the mountain pass next to him. "Remember that you didn't let people go, they are waiting for me, knowing." ?"

"Okay. God makes the adults." Doskanen nodded, then shouted for a wave of "Wow, Wow" against the fire element behind him, and all the fire elements immediately got up and walked outside. It is really very obedient.

"Hey, who is the great **** of Ketani?" Seeing that the elements of the fire were gone, Li Huailin turned his head and looked at the Corrances behind him. Of course, now Corranthus is still hanging on Li Huailin. At present, it seems that Corrans has recovered a lot, at least not the leaky look. Li Huailin is not clear about the elemental plane. Of course, he can only ask Corrance.

But this time, Corrance did not give an answer. He shook his head. "Sorry, I have never heard of this name, but it sounds like a **** of elemental biology. It seems that they are the one who summoned you. The creature is it."

"The **** of elemental biological belief?" Li Huailin nodded, and he thought so, so he took the lord of Doskanen because they suddenly thought of a plan. The plan is also very simple, because Li Huailin’s most urgent thing is of course the war with the Protoss, but now the power of combat is needed. Although the Devils have found this pile of people, they seem to be small and seem to be reluctant to go out. The appearance, even after saving the white dragon counted their whole family Li Huailin also felt that they could play too little. So after seeing these elemental creatures recognize the magical beast as a great god, Li Huailin suddenly thought that it would be possible to rely on this to draw down the elemental family.

Yes, the combative ability of the elemental creatures is of course there. The outside of the elemental creatures are relatively weak, but these guys are really a bit fierce in the elemental plane, and even Selston is a little hard to deal with. This is still at the level of the soldiers, there should be many levels.

Li Huailin considers their combat power, of course, because the elemental channel is now in their own hands. Corrans is currently listening to himself, so he can open and close the element channel at any time. The only way for the Protoss invasion to pass is here, so these elemental creatures may actually come in handy.

Simply put the Protoss in as soon as you start the war and then close the passage directly. Of course, the Protoss spells are white dragon teachings. Maybe you really know how to open the seal of the element channel, but if you let the elemental creatures ambush them, it should cause great losses to the other party.

And if you really conquer these elemental creatures, you can use them as a combat force even if you get them to the mainland plane. Although the ability is reduced, the level of the miscellaneous soldiers really becomes a miscellaneous soldier, but those levels are still very capable. Li Huailin didn’t fight with a wind lord. It’s really fighting. Li Huailin now controls the elemental channels and wants to put them out to put them.

I thought about Li Huailin’s feeling that it was not a viable solution. The income is really a bit big, just do it.


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