All Things Wrong

Chapter 1991: Set of words

However, before dealing with elemental creatures, Li Huailin must of course look at the situation of the demon family. ...To tell the truth, the demon family is really a bit messy now. The current situation seems to be a bit of a hassle. First, Li Huailin’s laser that ran away was shooting a lot of demons, which was really shot. Because Li Huailin was shooting with roots at the time, he automatically determined the magic law, and the subsequent explosion directly killed all the demons around him.

There is just that when the magical creatures climbed out, the whole mountain was blown up. The fallen stones hurt a lot of people, and some people were hiding in the caves. The result was buried inexplicably. It is.

In this way, Li Huailin suddenly found that the demons seemed to be dead in their own hands. Yes, I thought about the fire element here. Although it was invaded, it didn't seem to kill a demonic person from beginning to end. Instead, Li Huailin helped to help these guys die.

"How do you play this every time..." Li Huailin helped the amount, as if he had encountered this situation before, that is, the turtle man, this time, he has prepared the results and it seems that nothing has changed. "If you count it, then it should be Brush your feelings... it’s just a little expensive.”

Brushing the feelings, yes, all the demons in the eyes of Li Huailin have changed from a yellow neutral name to a green friendly name. This Li Hualin does not need to look at the information prompts to know that the feeling is estimated to be full. . To be honest, Li Huailin is still a bit worried that the demons here will become hostile or something, which is even more troublesome, but it seems that this is also a systematic judgment.

The reason is that Li Huailin doesn't know very well, but he thought about it because he was helping the demons to fight. After that, the demon family was a friendly army. In the system, they only killed the friendly forces, not against them. The situation, so that is, the degree of goodwill is not directly hostile. Of course, Li Huailin’s side has become a plus.

Although Li Huailin originally intended to brush the good feelings, but it is just to beat people, these are after all the allies, the power of fighting with the Protoss, it is really a bit uncomfortable to lose now. So let's first look at how much it has lost.

At this time, a group of demons are still busy saving people everywhere. Many people are under the mountain. The crowd is working hard to clear the mountains. There is no time to come and thank Li Huailin. Li Huailin walked to the side of Sealstone. He was working hard to carry the stones. These huge stones were similar to toys in his hands, just throwing one.

You said why does Saltstone use other skills to fry the stones above? On the one hand, I am afraid of accidentally injuring the people buried underneath, on the other hand, I am afraid of causing the second collapse, because half of this mountain has collapsed because of the magical beasts, and the other half is now very dangerous. If you go up, you will fall down, so you can't use any exaggerated skills at all. At present, you can only move stones one by one, and the process is very slow.

"How much is the loss?" Li Huailin looked at the busy Selceton and asked.

"I don't know." Seestron was too busy to answer Li Huailin's question.

Looking at the current situation, Li Huailin also knows that no one has time to count the losses. I thought about it: "The elemental creatures have already retreated. I have to leave beforehand."

"Good." Selston immediately nodded. In fact, there was no time to manage Li Huailin. It is important to save his compatriots.

Although I am very concerned about the situation here, it seems that people here have no time to pay attention to their own appearance. Of course, Li Huailin does not want to dig stones to save people, so I thought that I can only deal with the elemental creatures first. . Anyway, Verna has her own mark on her body. Come back tomorrow.

So Li Huailin left with the magical beast that was summoned. Of course, the magical beast has not been sent back yet, and the summoning creature Li Huailin can be canceled and sent back at any time, but now it is necessary to let it install what Kartani is, and it seems that there is nothing in the elemental face. The time limit for summoning time, the duration can't be lost at all, so let's take it with you.

Follow the road that I just scanned out of the laser and go outside the valley. Just walked out of the door, Li Huailin saw a row of fire elements on the side of the road still standing neatly, seeing Li Huailin (or the magical beast) ) All the fire elements appear and hurry up and down.

"It seems to be really obedient." Li Huailin nodded, and then waved at the lord of Doskanen, the biggest fire element on the other side. Of course, the leader of Doskanen floated away immediately.

"I ask you, do you believe in this... amount...Katani is a great god?" Li Huailin almost forgot the name of this great god. I thought about it for a long time.

"Of course, my belief in the great **** of Ketani is the strongest." Lord Doskanen replied immediately.

"These guys are also?" Li Huailin pointed to the fire elements next to them.

"Of course, if you don't believe in the great **** of Getani, I will kill him immediately." Lord Doskanen stared at his hand and said.

"Wow, wow..." The fire elements immediately returned, but although they didn't understand it, it was estimated to mean loyalty.

“What about the other elemental creatures?” Li Huailin asked. “Kutani’s great **** asked me how many elemental creatures that believe in it now.”

"All of our Geerjin factions believe in the great **** of Getani, and the people of Salent don't know." Doskanen thought about it.

"Gerkin faction? This name is a bit familiar." Li Huailin suddenly remembered what it looked like.

"Yes, after the death of Barragoda, our fire element has now split into two factions, one is the Salent faction led by Salent, and the other is the Geerjin faction led by our Gelgin." Lord Doskanen nodded and explained.

"Hey? This conversation... Oh, I think about it." Listening to this familiar conversation, Li Huailin remembered that when he used to fire the elemental creatures, he did hear the names of the two factions. "You are Gorekin party, then you were fighting against the Salent?"

"Hey? Did God see you before the battle?" said Doskanen, the lord. "How does God make the adults, my performance before is not bad."

Yes, this Doskanen lord is the one who fired the fire element wave ss on the opposite side of the fire. When I heard Li Huailin’s words, the guy immediately got screamed. After all, it’s been a long time, and this time It can certainly be a year of winning.

"Where you do, do you mean that the elements of the Salentite fire do not believe in our great God of Kutani?" Li Huailin first had to know what the appeal of the great **** of Getani in the elemental creatures was.

"Oh... Salent sent those guys to do everything, maybe they have already abandoned their faith." Doskanen sighed and said hesitantly.

Speaking of here, Li Huailin probably understands that the Salent faction is also believed to be the great **** of Ketani, but the lord of Doskanen is, after all, the Geerjin faction, and the two sides are opposite each other to see each other, so they want to provoke what is wrong. .

Li Huailin did not immediately debunk the other side's careful thoughts, and thought about it: "What other elements of fire, apart from your elements? What is our attitude towards us?"

"I think there should be no one who will violate the goddess of Ketani." Doskanen’s lord thought and said, "Of course, if it is, it is our enemy. You don't need to be a god, we are The gold sent out to kill them.

"Well..." Li Huailin nodded. Now I understand it. It is similar to what I think. The great **** of Ketani seems to be a sublime existence in the elemental creatures. In addition to working on the fire element side, it works well on other elemental creatures. It would be great. If this is the **** of the fire element, it is only the **** of the gods of the fire, or the **** of the gods of the Golkings. Li Huailin may have to direct the elements of fire to unify, and now save more.

"Well, it seems that we have not appeared in the great **** of Kutani for a long time, but everyone's belief is still very firm." Li Huailin nodded with satisfaction. "This time, Ktani is coming out for the purpose of the elemental world." future."

“Sure enough?” Doskanen’s lord was very excited. “I know that Kutani’s great **** must have any purpose to show up. Is it really necessary to prepare something big? Can God make adults Tell me what is it?"

"You are not qualified to know now." Li Huailin directly installed a deep, "But now Kutani is indeed something that I have to explain to you, are you willing to do it?"

"Of course I am willing." Doskanen’s lord did not entangle this problem. After all, it’s a small person compared to Ketani’s great god. It’s definitely a big thing for people to think about. It’s no surprise to say nothing to yourself. of.

"Well, the truth and you said that the things that Cartani is going to do now must gather all the power of the elemental world, so with this point people can't do it, so our first step now is to help Kutani. The power of the Great God to integrate the elements of the plane, let them drive for the great **** of Getani."

"It turns out to be like this." Doskanen’s lord nodded, completely unsuspecting. "Would we like to go back and discuss this with the Master Geerjin, how can God see the adults?"

"Good." Li Huailin and so on is this sentence.

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