All Things Wrong

Chapter 2040: confusion

Sandro's fall was heavy enough and sudden enough. What does it mean that you just lie down on the ground before you finish saying this? Even the players in the Huaxia District are speechless, okay?

The scene was silent for a while, and several players who were relatively close went up to check the situation, and it turned out that the opponent was no longer a heavy fall, and his head broke, okay? It’s true that it’s not surprising that you fell to the ground and opened a scoop at this height, but the problem is that you just appeared on the stage so awesome, and as a result, you were inexplicably hit by a brick and fell to death before you finished your lines. What a thing? ?

"Uh...Chairman, this wave of SS fell to death..." Of course, the quite speechless members hurriedly reported this incident and the night flight later, and the tone of return was also a feeling of not knowing how to comment.

"Uh..." Ye Hang looked at Li Huailin next to him. Of course he could see clearly. The previous brick was thrown out by Li Huailin next to him. When this Sandro was still talking, Li Huailin picked up a brick anywhere and threw it towards Sandro in the sky. Before he knew it, Sandro hung up like that, and he didn't even know that night flight. What's the matter?

"What do you think of me? Who made him wear a cloth? Isn't this a death?" Li Huailin said flatly, yes, of course, Yehang also knew the judgment of Divine Sword.

"Anyway, can you let someone finish the line?" Ye Hang said with a wry smile.

"Wasting time, it's about to fight." Li Huailin said with a wave of his hand.

"Okay..." Yehang also spit out casually, and immediately said in the guild, "Okay, don't worry about this wave of ss, continue to attack the city."

"Attack!" Although I don't know what the situation is, anyway, the wave SS has also died. Then continue to attack the city, so the Chinese player's attack is carried out again.

And the city of Outletin really exploded at this time. What is the situation? Their six well-known holy warlocks, Lord Sandro, was thrown to death by a brick. What the **** is this, I don’t understand. Ah, the Huaxia District is really poisonous here, how can all unbelievable situations happen.

Commander Mather Torinen's whole person is not good, and he couldn't accept the fact for a long time: "This...this is impossible. How could Lord Sandro be killed by a brick? This is not true!"

"Master Mathetolain, the other party is attacking!" Of course, the soldiers next to him didn't believe it, but the facts are in front of them. At present, the players in the Huaxia District have begun to attack the city. They need the command of Mathetolain. So quickly shook Mather Tolain and shouted.

"No... it's not true, I must be dreaming." Mather Torinen has already begun to escape reality, and the impact is really too great. The adjutant next to him took a look at the situation with Mather Torinen and quickly ordered the defense on his behalf.

However, although the defense was ordered, the morale of the soldiers was too low. Originally morale was very low. The appearance of Sandro just gave them some hope, but their hopes were so shattered after a brick. , These soldiers really couldn't hold on to gains and losses, even if they were ordered from above, they didn't have the confidence to fight on.

Of course, the players in the East Asian region also exploded. They were already panicked after the fleet ran away. The appearance of Sandro made them a little better, although they didn’t know what the situation was with this np, but watching It looks awesome, maybe it can come back and so on. In the end, he was smashed to death. Are you here to be funny?

Then another question they have to face is what to do now, obviously they can't go back here, and fight with players in Huaxia District? How can this be hit? With so many people outside, they drowned them with one spit. So at this time the players started to be confused again.

Originally, this group of people is not a guild, there are people everywhere, and there are scattered players, so the organization is not very strong. At present, do you still expect them to unite? The first one to be questioned is Ten Stone Lian, everyone thought that it was because of Ten Shilian's wrong leadership that led to their current situation. You know, as long as something goes wrong, everyone’s first reaction is to blame others. Some people who obviously want to get some oil on the task they are taking on are also starting to blame Ten Shilian, and of course Ten Shilian does. Take responsibility, who will let him be the commander.

"What do you say now? Didn't you tell us to let us follow along and be fine?"

"Yeah, how do we go back now?"

A group of players began to criticize Ten Stone Lotus. Of course, Ten Stone Lotus was very angry. This is enough headache. The group of people still quarrel, but he still took a breath and said to everyone: "Everyone. , Do you still have time to quarrel in this situation? The only way now is for us to rush out together. In the city, we are waiting to die. Let’s kill together and escape to a place where no one is in the wild. We will wait for the Huaxia players here. We will find a way to go back after we leave."

What Ten Shilian said is really reasonable, yes the players will not die, but if they stay here, they will be infinitely guarded by the Huaxia District, and they will be hit by the equipment and all the exposure levels are cleared, even if the Huaxia is forced off the line now The district is waiting for them in the city and they have nothing to do. However, players who went out to find a place to offline the Huaxia District would not find it. This is much better than in the city.

Seeing that many people accepted this proposal, Ten Shilian hurriedly said: "In that case, listen to me, let's go to Ximen to gather now. I just saw it, Ximen's..."

Ten stone lotus hadn't finished speaking yet, suddenly someone pointed to the beach and said, "Look, everyone, our fleet is back!"

Everyone immediately looked over, and sure enough, the silhouette of a row of warships appeared on the sea in the sunset, this must be their warship.

"We are saved!" At this time, the fleet reappeared. Of course, everyone thought that the fleet was here to pick them up. In an instant, the crowd burst into cheers. But after they saw the situation of the fleet clearly, everyone took a breath, because the fleet hadn't seen it for tens of minutes, and now it's completely changed.

The previous mighty and magnificent warships are gone. Almost every ship in the current fleet is filled with black smoke. Many ships are still carrying fire. The ones that are going to sink and sink slowly follow the end, even if they are their main force. The ship is already riddled with holes, which really looks terrible.

Yes, during the time I came back, of course, the fleet suffered several rounds of flying dragons, and it was still throwing bombs. Although the effect was not very good, it was not intended to sink them. At present, Wilken has time to play with them. So first, the support ships are slowly eliminated. He doesn't look at these small ships at all. His target is the capital ship. First, he blows up all the surrounding support ships. Although these capital ships are so powerful, they can’t be played anymore. They move. It's just an iron box.

Of course the Marquis of Lederwater understood the other captain's plan, but he was still hopeful. The other party relied on the flying dragon in the sky, and they really had nothing to do with this, but someone had a way. He thought of the warlock Sandro who had come with them.

Like Huaxia University 6, the profession of Warlock is not very popular in Triorion University 6. After all, people always think of the notorious Necromancer. Although the two are not the same profession, they are not the same. It does not affect that the Marquis of Lederwater does not like them.

The Marquis of Lederwater knew that Sandro was very upset when he was going to go on an expedition with him, but he also wanted to listen to the emperor’s orders. After thinking about it, he didn’t say anything. Just ignore this guy anyway, so the previous ones He didn't look for Sandro at the meeting, and decided that he made the decision all by himself, just as if this person didn't exist. But now to deal with the flying dragon, the Marquis of Lederwater finally remembered this man. If he had known that they would meet the flying dragon, he would have left Sandro on the ship.

The battleship approached the coast, and the next wave of flying dragons hadn’t arrived yet. The Marquis of Lederwater hurriedly sent a small ship to inform Sandro in the city and asked him to quickly deal with the flying dragons in the sky so that they could still beat. So with the order of the Marquis of Lederwater, the messenger found Commander Mather Torrain of the 6th.

"Master Mathertoline! Where's Master Sandro? Master Lederwater ordered Master Sandro to go to the ship to deal with these flying dragons." The messenger said anxiously, but the current situation of Masterline is a bit wrong. Very tired and slumped to the ground.

"Mather Toline!" The messenger was also anxious, and went up to grab Mather Toline.

"Master Sandro is dead, let the fleet take us away." A soldier next to him also anxiously pulled the herald and said.

"Yeah, the fleet is here to take us away, right." At this time, the soldiers had already begun to disobey orders. Of course, they wanted to retreat when they saw the fleet coming. Commander Mather Torinen was like this again. This is of course messy.

"What? Lord Sandro is dead?" The Herald looked inexplicable, "How is this possible?"

"Watch it for yourself." A soldier pulled the herald and pointed to a mass of rotten meat under the city wall. "That's Sandro. Let alone retreat, let the fleet come over and pick us up."

"Yeah, let the fleet come closer!"

The scene was chaotic. The messenger didn’t know what happened, and at this moment something more troublesome appeared. The players rioted. Yes, I heard that the fleet sent people. Of course, everyone was anxious to leave. Come here. When I asked what was going on, of course I was stopped by the guards again, but at this time, whoever said what the guards said, the conflict broke out all at once. (To be continued.) 8

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