All Things Wrong

Chapter 2041: Castle

The cause is of course that the players also saw the fleet coming over and sent a small ship. It seems that they are coming to pick them up, but the people who sent them went directly to the npc, and the players must start guessing. It is. Please search for the most complete! For example, is it necessary to leave them, is it necessary to let npc go first, and they have seen it before, the most destroyed by the fleet is the transport ship, and the number of places that can go is of course less, can you say this? Are npc ready to leave them?

At this time everyone was in a state of panic, and the commander Mather Ryan was not seriously stunned at the moment, so the scene was too chaotic. Some players who can't stand the pressure directly conflict with the npc guards, and the scene of the first person is even more chaotic. The players behind don't know what happened. Anyway, seeing the npc and the player playing it is of course considered to be Npc is ready to grab the number of ships, and as a result, all of the brains are hit.

At this time, the players outside the Huaxia District just climbed into the city, and just came up to see this chaotic situation, I did not expect that it actually hit it, what a ghost. It’s like this now, do you still have to fight yourself?

"President, what should I do?"

"Take him, call it again."

Because there is no decent resistance, it is very easy for Chinese players to attack the city. In the chaos, the players go to the city. Of course, the first time they enter the city is to open the city gate. There are several players in a mess. I touched the gate of the city and opened the gate. The players at the other gates swarmed in, and the city of Outletin was officially broken.

At first glance, the city gates were lost. Of course, the people inside were frightened. At this time they did not fight each other. The first reaction was to run. So a group of people ran in the direction of the port, and Mather Ryan was dragged back and forth by his own hand. Of course, running here in the Huaxia District, the 200,000 players simply rushed in. The troops chasing each other ran to the edge of the harbor.

But what is the use of the harbour? The ship did not come at all. The situation on the spot is still the same, a mess, a large group of people do not know where to run, everywhere are being chased.

Of course, the Huaxia District has been much more stable. The night flights and other people have already planned, and the command is also very calm.

"The president, the rebirth point is completely surrounded."

"The president, found the other party's command, many people are guarding." One member reported.

"According to the plan, they will drive them to the town center." The night flight replied, "The others are divided and eliminated."

Yes, according to the plan of the Huaxia District, the other party's command is absolutely impossible to die. If you want people in the city to die, Li Huailin alone is enough. This is not a direct aura to complete. But that doesn't make much sense at all. What Li Huailin wants is to leave them with a psychological shadow, so it is not enough to kill once.

So why should we leave this command, the reason is very simple, just to prevent the East Asian area from resetting its rebirth point. Now the city of Altering has been occupied by the other side, so the rebirth of players in East Asia is here, but if the commander of the occupation is dead and the town center is reoccupied by Huaxia District, then the city will return to China again. The area is here. If this is the case, then the city's rebirth point will automatically become the rejuvenation point of Huaxia District. If the East Asian game player dies, he will return to the re-emergence point of the last record, which means that the other party is going to die.

This of course is what everyone does not want to see, so the current commander is the only one who can't die. Of course, they have already planned for the night flight, that is, they are not allowed to die.

Sure enough, Mather Ryan was subjected to various containment in the escaping escape. Of course, in this case, these guards must ensure that their commanders are alive. When they see the front and the troops round up, they of course fight back. Go to places where there are few people. In fact, this is all planned by Huaxia District. It is to let you go.

When they retired, they came to the town center. Of course, a group of people naturally hid in the town center to start defense. And seeing the other party go in, a group of players in the Huaxia District are of course very happy to surround the town center.

"The president, get it, push them in." The mission was completed, and someone immediately reported to the night flight.

"Good job." Several people rushed to the door of the town center, surrounded by players in the Huaxia District. The strictness of this side is not attacked, that is, the people inside are not allowed to come out.

"You can let the engineering team behind come over." Li Huailin said to the people behind him, and then the people behind let a road, and soon an npc team rushed over, and still carry a variety of materials and The tool came over.

Yes, this npc is the engineering team under the name of Li Huailin’s own First Army Corps, and these engineers have started working here, and the so-called work is to build a wall.

On the other side, people began to dig pits, and the people on the side began to dismantle the materials of the building next to them. According to Li Huailin’s plan, they were prepared to directly create a wall to surround the entire town center.

Of course, creating this wall is not to say that the people inside are not allowed to come out. In fact, the people inside are not allowed to come out without such trouble. They will be finished directly. The main reason for Li Huailin’s wall building is to protect the people inside. Of course, players in China will not harm them, mainly players in East Asia, they are expected to quickly understand why they want to protect this npc, so it is very likely that these guys will kill these npcs later. To let myself go back, so in order to protect the safety of these npcs, Li Huailin built the wall ahead of time, and the province’s people in East Asia jumped to the wall.

Of course, people in East Asia have not responded to these things yet. The city is still in chaos. No one notices that Li Huailin has quietly laid out the situation here, and they have found it too late. The players in East Asia are still desperately trying to escape. Of course, the gates are not going out, they are blocked, and the only way out is at sea, but the fleet simply did not come.

Not only did not mean to come, but now the fleet is ready to leave. Yes, they saw the city gate broken at sea. At present, a large number of enemies have already entered the city. At present, they have two choices. One is to force troops to save people. This is too difficult because they The transport ship is really losing too much, and the time required to save people is too long. How much time do they have? The next wave of dragons is estimated to be coming soon. Then in addition to this, the second choice is to run.

The decision is of course in the hands of the Marquis of Leidwart, but the Marquis of Leidwart is still a little swaying. After all, there are so many people on the landing force. If you choose to give up, the battle plan will completely fail. After all, they did not log in to the army at most and harassed the coast. They could not occupy any city, and with the threat of the dragon, it would be better to return directly to the army. So he said here that the retreat is to directly retreat to his hometown.

"Captain, this is not alright, let's retreat." Next to the adjutant Sampus said that the commander did not return. It seems that Sandro is also a lot of fierce, and we are still retreating now. ”

"Now return to let me explain to the emperor." Marquis de Rydvat said, "We have expedition to this, no city has been occupied, and lost tens of thousands of troops and hundreds of ships. How can I explain to the emperor? What?"

"Yes, adults, but if you don't leave now, I am worried that our fleet may be completely annihilated." Sampus said anxiously. "The other side's dragon is now estimated to be on the way to this side. We can't Live such a continuous bombing."

"I know!" Marquis de Ryward wrinkled his eyebrows, and of course he knew the current situation, but...

"Captain, or else." Samp thought and thought, "We separated our fleet. I led several ships and transport ships to take over the retreat work here. You took most of the main ships first." go."

"What?!" The Marquis of Leidwart was a glimpse of the whole person. It was really good that Sampus’s opinion was, but the question was... the question of who the other’s fleet would chase. If you chase their main fleet, then you can carry out the retreat work, and if you attack the retreat here, their main ship may be able to escape the safe range. It is really a good plan to think about it.

"Good." Marquis de Rydvat thought a little and said immediately, "Sampus, the retreat will be handed over to you, I will give you six main ships. If the other side's fleet is chasing our main ship, you must Take this time to bring our people back as much as possible."

"Yes, Captain." Samps is also a courtesy.

After the battle plan was completed, the Marquis of Leidwart immediately withdrew with 21 main ships and a dry support ship, while Sampus took the remaining six main ships and a dry transport ship to take up the retreat and began to distribute the transport ship to the port. Ready to pick up.

Of course, the Huaxia District is always concerned about the other party's movements. Someone immediately told Li Huailin about this incident, and there were players on Wilkon who were responsible for providing contact on the ship, and immediately told this to Wilken. I have to say that players in communication really have a big advantage.

"Tell Wilken, let him go to the main ship." Li Huailin immediately let the players on the boat say, "What retreat plan I am here to get, let him quickly take the other ship."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Wilken, who received the dictation order, immediately directed the fleet to chase the main fleet of Marquis of Rydwart. (To be continued.)


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