All Things Wrong

Chapter 2057: forum

How can the current forum not be blown up, especially the gangs of East Asian players who have been killed and can't even get games. Of course, they can only vent their anger on the keyboard. First of all, of course, a bunch of people posted in the forums in East Asia. Of course, it is useless to post on their own side, so I quickly thought of posting to the forum in Huaxia District. Of course, most of the contents of the post are horrible because They are really hot.

But what is the use of fire? At this time, many players in Huaxia District probably learned what happened. On the one hand, they expressed their happiness in winning the war on their own servers. On the other hand, they expressed disappointment that they could not catch up with this kind of war. . They also heard that there was a war in the east and decided to go east. Even if they were different camps, they were all ready to rush over. As a result, they did not expect to end so fast, and there was no room for venting.

As a result, I heard that people in East Asia dared to go to the forum to swear. The md server lost and was so arrogant, simply looking for death. So a lot of people went straight down and went to the East Asian side.

Of course, the confrontation was originally the defensive warfare of the Huaxia server. As a result, there were more and more people who didn’t expect the other party to come, and actually said that it was not the same thing. A little inquiring about the results did not expect the East Asian side of the human main city accident, Huaxia captain Li Huailin and the drug queen called the Jade Emperor actually took the people to fight the human main city of East Asia, this is even more heated.

Of course, the Huaxia District is even more cool. It is still very powerful. It’s all hit by people’s homes. It’s just a good thing for us, and the East Asia area is of course more aunt.

Of course, there is no way to say that you are too strong in the East Asian region. This is not to praise the other party. So the players in East Asia basically focused on the output point of Li Huailin. After all, Li Huailin, the battlefield in Huaxia District, stopped the retreat plan in East Asia, and then Li Huailin in the main city of East Asia. . Players in East Asia say that this is simply impossible. You are a player. How can you lead the whole battle alone? So they all said that it was Li Huai-lin who used the game bug.

The players in Huaxia District are of course to support Li Huailin. What kind of game bugs are there, and what kind of bug have you seen in the game "Glory Heart"? To be honest, until now, "The Heart of Glory", but they have seen the game with the least bugs, almost no bugs, some players are desperate to find bugs in the game but really can not find, now The bugs are basically some benign bugs or the game is set up like this, just looking at the bug.

Of course, they don't know that this game is originally a black technology product, so of course there are no bugs, but East Asian players simply don't pay attention to this rhetoric, or that they know they will not care. It is said that Li Huailin definitely used the bug, which is not just what they said, even the people in Huaxia District said so.

"Ha?" The players in China are shocked. What do we say? How can this be? To be honest, there are people in Huaxia District who really think that Li Huailin is a bit too perverted. Is it really a game bug? But at this time, some people may raise this opinion. This is not to find it yourself. Spray it.

As a result, the players in the East Asian region actually took out the evidence. The evidence is that a few weeks ago, a group of players in the Huaxia District reported Li Huailin’s application for using the game bug.

Speaking of this application, the players in Huaxia District really remembered it. Yes, this thing was quite big a few weeks ago. I remember that a group of people in the World Association did not know what the reason was for Li Huailin’s troubles, and they did not dare to yell with Li Huailin, so they were facing A female guild with a relationship with Li Huailin was shot, and Li Huailin exploded the whole family. Some people have not released it until now, and some people have started to re-train.

It was after this group of people began to publish various arguments about the use of game bugs by Li Huailin at the China Forum. He also said that he would protest against the game company, but it seems that he has not heard of any protests.

Regardless of who makes sense in this matter, who cares for them at this time is not reasonable. What do you mean by the players in East Asia? This seems to them to be a traitorous act.

So needless to say, a group of netizens who are on the top of the blood directly pull these guys together and spray them. The most miserable of course is that the leader of this group is the grassy kettle.

Qingcao Kettle really didn't dare to speak at this time. Yes, he also knew that he couldn't talk at this time. He really hated Li Huailin, but this time he was helping the Huaxia server to attack the East Asian server. It could be regarded as a national hero. At this time, you stand up and say that he is not looking for death.

As a result, he did not expect that people in East Asia would still pull him into the water. The grassy kettle said that they really had a hard time. Now he can’t even play the game. The characters are still in prison. It’s not going to come out, and the situation on their side is simply miserable. When the heat was still high, there were still many people who supported them. Now no one cares what they are doing. They want to organize people to protest. The problem is that it is really impossible to organize. People are not organized. Some of them feel that they have gone away, or they have compromised directly with Li Huailin.

Qingcao Kettle certainly knows that it is impossible to compromise with Li Huailin, so it also established a post to specifically target Li Huailin. Because there are still many people who hate Li Huailin, this post is still mixed. The result is now being said by East Asia. The player in the angry Chinese area exploded.

Yes, now all the posts in the post are the posts of Miao Niang. Basically, "Is this traitor if you are a small Japanese benzene pie?" Or "Is it a very comfortable feeling?" . Therefore, the trouble of finding Li Huailin at this time is simply to find a death. The paste of the grass and the small kettle is not dare to return. Some people just quit. Because in fact, many people and Li Huailin have no enmity. In fact, they hate Li Huailin. In the end, they are envious of hatred. Now, when they look at this situation, they quickly leave, and the provincial fire burns on themselves.

Qingcao Kettle also knows that even if he has a few more mouths, he can't tell this thing. He really has a hatred with Li Huailin, but it has nothing to do with East Asia. But what is the use of this now? So the grassy jug wisely chose to shut up and said nothing.

At the same time, the netizens are of course continuing to confront the people in East Asia. Of course, the confrontation is not a result. After all, it’s definitely not the players in Huaxia District. Now it’s not the game. People in East Asia, so after calming down, players in East Asia feel that it is not a problem with players in China. We still get something practical.

Of course, the practical thing is to protest to the game company. Players in East Asia have said that this is a junk game. This kind of vicious bug can't be played at all. Quickly seal the account of the captain of Huaxia District, and then send us back.

When players in Huaxia District saw this situation, they also worried that the game company was forced to put Li Huailin’s account on pressure. At this time, they must have Li Huailin, so they rushed to the game company’s homepage to leave a message, indicating that our Chinese captain was absolutely There is no use of any bugs. The East Asian side is simply losing the team after the fight. If you seal our captain's account, we will not play this game.

Of course, not playing games is to talk about, in order to give the game company pressure, after all, there are more players in Huaxia than in East Asia. In Huaxia District, we have more people here, so we give more pressure than you. Much more.

In the face of the pressure of players, Tianyu did not respond, but later they announced a rather strange statement, that is, a forum management of the East Asia Tianyu Company Division was suspected of accepting bribes and illegally tampering with the game forum. The data was taken away by the police and investigated.

The player first squatted, but quickly felt that something was wrong. What happened? East Asia Tianyu Company Division Forum Management suspected of illegally tampering with Forum Data? What data has been changed? Also suspected of accepting bribes? Whose bribe?

The specific situation has not yet been announced, but this public opinion has blown up again. What is the situation in your East Asia region? Also said that our Chinese captain used a bug? Have you been despicable to change the data with the internal staff of the bribery game company? Although it is said that this change is the forum data, but who knows if you have bribe the game company's internal staff to directly change the game data, you tnd is disgusting?

Of course, the players didn't know that the game data couldn't be changed. Although Tianyu Company did not correct the situation immediately, it issued a statement that emphasized that this person only modified some of the data of the forum, but now nobody cares about this. The people in East Asia are really disgusting, and this is really unbearable, so the new round of large-scale battles began again, and it was a whole day.

Of course, at this time, Li Huailin, the initiator, has already gone to bed. Of course, he is too lazy to manage the above matters. Although the battle is temporarily over, there are still many problems left. Li Huailin also needs to take some time to deal with these follow-up events. . (To be continued.)

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