All Things Wrong

Chapter 2058: redemption

Li Huailin just received a long-distance call from the night flight on the line, and the two did not talk much, because Li Huailin had to go to the night flight. Soon Li Huailin came to the city of Outletin, and also saw the situation in the city of Altering.

The current city of Outlet is really very lively. Originally it was a medium-sized city on the border. Of course, no one came here, but now it is almost crowded, and most of them are players in China.

Although there are many people, because most of them are members of the Grand Council, the discipline is still relatively good. When Li Huailin came, no one blocked the door, and Li Huailin came to the door of the town center.

The current town center is also a big change, that is, the wall next to the town center has basically been completed in one night. The materials used are also directly removed from the house next to it, although it looks a bit crooked. After all, the materials used are not uniform, but they are actually very strong.

In addition to the wall, a small house was built next to the town center, which is the temporary command post here, and they are now here at night.

When Li Huailin walked in, of course, it was not only the night flight, but also the more familiar back, Nangong Yishou, the long-distance presidents, and some who didn’t know much but looked like several guilds. Official person. After all, it was the first night, although it was estimated that the guilds were on duty in turn, but the previous few nights were estimated to be worried about the other side’s counterattack, so we still choose a safe approach and everyone will keep together.

When Li Huailin came in, the first one to say hello was of course the night flight. Others also asked Li Huailin, although many of them had a bad relationship with Li Huailin, but no one said this at this time. Things.

Li Huailin probably also knows what this group of people want to know, mainly the situation in the main city of East Asia yesterday. Yes, everyone knows that the main city of East Asia has been beaten by Li Huailin, but now, no one knows what the situation is, because yesterday no one followed Li Huailin into the palace, only to see Li Huailin enter, and then came out again. What happened is that only Li Huailin has found it now, because now the palace has been blocked, no one can go in.

Of course, Li Huailin also said what happened in the palace. This does not mean to take advantage of them. However, when he heard that Li Huailin forcibly did not end the war, several presidents frowned. It was not an objection, but a matter of thinking about it.

"Wai Lin, are you going to brush all the people in East Asia back to the novice village?" asked the night flight.

"I can think of it if I can." Li Huailin said with a smile. "But everyone knows this is impossible."

Yes, you said that it is too difficult to brush the newcomers to the new village. This is not what they want to brush, but also the other party. If the other party is not on the line, then they want to brush no one. brush. You think that in this situation, players in East Asia are basically impossible to go online. Why are they going online and waiting to be killed? They are not stupid. The Huaxia District here is also here to prevent accidents. After all, no one can still run the other party all at once.

Li Huailin certainly knows what they are worried about at night. The main reason is that this thing is really troublesome because there is no one. Of course, the people who are anxious now are the players in the East Asian region. They are not in a hurry to play, but the Huaxia District is here, although it is rotated, but it also hinders the leveling and games in the Huaxia District.

At present, there will be no problem with the incident. After all, everyone’s patriotic sentiment is high. Not only are these members willing to stay here, but there are also many casual players who want to run over to defend the corpse. But after a long time, this will become a troublesome thing that drags down the guild, because it is very likely that they will not encounter a few East Asian players online for a long time, guarding an empty city, of course, some people will feel bored. .

Yes, they are worried about this problem at night. All the presidents know the result of development. Although the most unfortunate is the players in East Asia, after all, they can't even play the game, but the Huaxia District is just as hard.

"Then we still have to talk to each other?" Hearing Li Huailin's words, of course, they also know what Li Huailin meant. "What conditions?"

"It depends on what you mean." Li Huailin said, "This time everyone is working hard. I will listen to what you want."

"What else can there be, money, equipment, materials." Nangong Yishou is a staller. "The number of course is as good as possible."

If the words are not rough, no one will refute them. Of course, everyone thinks about this. It's just that this situation is very difficult now. Although it is obvious that Huaxia District has achieved a clear victory, it is a bit difficult to let the East Asian side promise to negotiate its own conditions.

"At present, the guilds in East Asia should not talk to us." Night Airlines thought about it. "First of all, they have not yet given up completely. I haven’t tried the counterattack yet." As far as the current public opinion is concerned, they are not likely to start talking with us immediately. It is estimated that no one will dare to make this head and no one will talk to us alone."

"And, they don't have as many things we want," added the counter.

Obviously several presidents here have already discussed this issue. The conclusion is that this is true. It is indeed impossible for East Asia to talk to Huaxia District alone. For example, now the Revenge Society and their side are alone. After the talk, I paid the money and went back. How did the revenge guild see people later? It was the netizen’s saliva that drowned them. It was said that the most important thing for the Grand Council was face, so this is definitely impossible.

So at present, it can only be discussed with the entire East Asian region and then let them go together. But talking together is a nuisance, because they are not a whole inside. They will negotiate the price for a while. They will also discuss how much each person will produce. If they don’t want to go out or can’t afford it, they’ll really It’s a bit long-lasting. I also said before, the Huaxia District is also afraid of dragging.

In short, the current situation is that everyone has a headache for negotiating, but to be honest, everyone thinks that a negotiated settlement is the last resort.

"Actually, this matter is not so complicated." Li Huailin suddenly said.

Of course everyone turned around and the night flight immediately asked: "Huai Lin, what do you do?"

"Division and rule, each breaks..."

Li Huailin said immediately after the end of the opposite direction, "all said that they can not be separated..."

"Can you not be finer?" Li Huailin asked.

"A little more detailed? You said that you are divided into individuals? It is impossible for more than 30,000 people. We talk to them one by one?"

"Don't talk, we just specify a standard, the other party will give it, we will let go, the other party will not give it, then stay here, first send most of the people back." Li Huailin said.

"Well?" This is why several presidents have collapsed.

“Simply say that we can propose an 'upgrade service'. You see that this group of people are going to be back to Xinren Village by our turn to level 10, but we will help you upgrade for the reason of **** like 'Asian friendship’. As long as you pay a part of the money, we will send you back to several levels, such as paying 100 gold, raising it to level 70 and sending it back, paying 200 gold, and going up to level 80 to send back what... The exact amount is fixed. Don't order too much, just send someone to go back."

"Oh..." All the presidents understood it. Li Huailin is simply extorting. This is the meaning of letting the other party buy their own level. This is a bit of a pit, and the level of training is now going to be bought back. I also said what to help you level the business, but I want to laugh when I think about it.

"Of course, the list of people who go back is not announced. Whoever gives the money and who leaves? Do you think there is no market for this kind of quality service?" Li Huailin said with a smile.

A few of the presidents looked at it and felt that there was no problem. Yes, the players in East Asia must be anxious. If they can't get on the line, they may have to be reincarnation in the new village. In this case, you say let them pay some money. They may be willing to buy their own grades. As long as the price is not fixed, there should be no problem. Of course, it is also profitable for Huaxia District. Is it really good for this group of people to return to Xinren Village for Huaxia District? I didn’t make anything at all, but it only weakened the East Asia region. They themselves were time-consuming and laborious. It’s better to get an objective fund in a short time.

Let’s talk about income, don’t you know, it’s really terrible to calculate the income. For example, they can set a price of 100 blocks and 1 level. This is really cheap. You must know that the level of players is now almost 80 (the East Asia is also a guild team), and the level of 10 to 80 is 70, so An account can pay home as long as 7,000 yuan, 7,000 yuan is of course affordable for a player, an 80-level account you say worth 7,000 yuan? But if you count a person to give 7000, 30,000 people to add up, this is a terrible total. And this is just an example. I really want to calculate how much this player can give, and I should say more than this.

"Of course, there are hard-hearted people who refuse to go back, but it doesn't matter. After most people go back, a small number of people will be sent to watch np." Li Huailin continued. "In short, are you responsible for this? Don't forget me. It will be fine."

"We studied the program." Several presidents looked at each other and said. (To be continued.)

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