All Things Wrong

Chapter 2059: situation

The player's things are handed over to the player. The NP thing there is Li Huailin who has let np handle it, but I have to go and see what happens. Sitting in the octopus's transmission array, Li Huailin came to the human main city on the east side of East Asia. Just after the transmission line, he saw a lot of soldiers around the transmission array, but they were all themselves.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" Everyone is praying to Li Huailin. Yes, this is the soldier of the first legion that Li Huai has just established. Of course, all the people inside know Li Huailin. After all, this first legion is basically All of them were forcibly drawn from the first legion of the Terran.

"Go ahead, Regg, they called." Li Huailin said as he walked, of course, the soldiers immediately called. After not taking a long time, Li Huailin saw Regg, who came over here, and some other officials.

"Your Majesty!" Several people also came to Li Huailin immediately.

Yes, Li Huailin has already transferred his first legion directly. This is the result of a discussion with Gert. After all, this is not over yet. Although there are two holy towns here, there are millions of civilians in the city besides the army. This can't let the holy class manage the civilians.

"Your Majesty, the city we have control." Regg said, "but..."

"What is it?" Li Huailin asked.

"According to this Michot emperor, several of his princes have been sent out yesterday, I am worried..." Regg said.

"Do you mean to worry about the military on the army?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yes, my Majesty." Regg nodded. "Since the emperors have already gone out, then the news here can't hold back. It is still very troublesome to lead the army to the army with the name of the emperor."

"Is there not two holy levels here?" Li Huailin spread his hands.

"Yes, I have already talked to two adults." Regg nodded. "According to their statement, there are also organizations like the Holy Alliance. The two of them intervene in the war and are expected to be holy." The organization knows that if the princes use this name to request the Holy Organization to come to help, it is estimated that the Holy Organization will promise this request."

"It turns out that." Li Huailin nodded. Sure enough, there is a holy organization like the mainland of China. Although the situation on each continent is different, the general template is the same. The holy organization stipulates that the holy level cannot participate in the war in the mainland casually. If the two holy levels are really shot, the holy organization must be in charge. Therefore, for this reason, the emperors are not afraid of it, and they should launch the diligent king. war.

"What about the navy?" Li Huailin asked.

"This King Michot has already signed an order to deliver the Navy." Regg said, "Now that people have been sent to the second and third fleet, but there is no news so far, it seems... Not very good."

"That is to say, the second and third fleets also know the current situation, it is unlikely to deliver the fleet directly." Li Huailin asked.

"Yes, after all, the war is not over yet. This is not the signing of the treaty after the end of the war." Regg nodded. His meaning Li Huailin also understood that it was strange why Li Huailin did not end the war. After all, the other party would surrender. As long as the end of the war has signed a treaty, it is of course simpler to take the treaty and let the other party deliver the fleet.

"What about those players?" Li Huailin did not answer this question and asked other things directly.

"We have now closed the transmission line of the main city and are now expelling the players." Regg replied. Of course, at this time, the main city is already in a state of occupation. Although King Mihot is still not dead, he has been arrested in the Tianmong, so he is in a state of captive, and the command of the city of Outletin. The official is different. So the city has been occupied by Li Huailin, and of course players can't go back to the city or resurrect here, but it takes time for all the players in the city to clear it out.

After all, it is the main city of the Terran, the number of players is a bit more, although the player's combat power is still not comparable to the soldiers, but the difference between hundreds of thousands and tens of thousands, if not two holy levels of sitting is estimated to have been rioted.

"Your Majesty, we need more troops." Regg finally said, "The current situation makes it difficult for us to keep it."

"This is really a little troublesome." Li Huailin helped the amount. The current situation is that Li Huailin really can't retreat. The reason is very simple, of course, because of the problem of transmission array. It is necessary to know that Li Huailin can come here because of the transmission of the octopus, and this transmission array is built in the main city. If Li Huailin withdraws from the army, it is very likely that the other party will reoccupy the city, and then the transfer will be blocked. After all, they are from this transmission array, and people will not be so stupid and will keep it for you. This is a transmission array.

If Li Hualin came over, it would be a bit of a hassle. If you can’t transfer it, you can only go to the sea, and the sea is the strength of the Dolomite Empire. Li Huailin’s navy has been There is no shadow yet, Wilken is still chasing the ships of the First Fleet running around, even if they are all taken, they need support ships and the like, and the number and quality of the crew are completely incomparable, so At present, it is really impossible to go to land and land. So once Li Huailin retired at this time, it would be more difficult to come back here.

However, it is still a bit of a hassle to send reinforcements. It is not that Li Huailin does not have reinforcements. It is relatively easy to just call a military, but it takes time. Moreover, Li Huailin is really too lazy to get it. He has no thoughts on the mainland of East Asia. He just wants the other side's fleet. He originally wanted to get the fleet and left. He didn't expect such trouble.

"Your Majesty, you don't have to worry too much about this matter." Suddenly someone spoke at this time.

Li Huailin looked at it. The person who spoke was a little skinny young man standing behind Regg. He looked at the other person’s name. Li Huailin felt like he still had a little impression: "Hey... you are..."

"Your Majesty, under Manaius," Manaius replied.

"I know." Li Huailin certainly saw the name. When I just wanted to ask who Li Hualin suddenly remembered, this guy seems to be the military division that he sent to Regg before. He used to attack the mechanical family. In the policy, Li Huailin thought that this guy was very smart, so there was still some memory. "What do you mean by not worrying?"

"Your Majesty, although the other's prince has escaped, and may have arrived in the military camp, but the army did not enter so fast." Manais said, "I have already asked, the Dolomite Empire has a total The three legions, the first and second legions are currently on the northern border, and the emperor is most likely to be fleeing, and they are fighting the elves."

"War with the Elf?" Li Huailin took a brief look and then immediately understood, "I was the last time I killed the Elf family's tree of life, and then the Elves found the Terran."

"Is it dry?" Manais said a little, "Oh... In short, the elves have found the Terran, and the two sides of the army have assembled in the north. Although they have not started the war, the army cannot say this now. Withdrawal and withdrawal."

"Yeah." Li Huailin nodded. "Continue."

"And the position of the Third Legion is in the east. Like ours, the Mozu and the Terran are deadly enemies, so the Third Corps is to deter the Mozu in the East. This is also difficult to adjust." Manais continued. "At present, the most likely situation is that the first and second corps in the north and the elves have reached a consensus, and then the South is under the king, and the third legion in the east is almost impossible to move."

"Understood." Li Huailin nodded, and it was much clearer to analyze the situation by Manais.

"Let's talk about the navy." Manais continued. "The second and third fleets are all inland sea fleets. They are all in the inner sea of ​​Sasolin. They also have their own defense zones. And because they are fleets, the possibility of returning aid is relatively high. Small, so for the moment, the first and second legions in the north are threatening us."

"Hey... Where did these messages come from?" Li Huailin asked.

"Your Majesty, here is their palace, so you can know the situation by directly interrogating the minister." Manaius said.

"Oh." Li Huailin nodded, then looked at Reg. Regg also had a headache, and he did not expect such a thing.

"Then what do you say should be done?" Li Huailin did not care about what Regg thought, and continued to ask Maneus.

"Your Majesty, I originally wanted to try to negotiate with the Elf family a little, but you said that the tree of life is what you destroyed... then I don't think it is necessary to talk about it." Manais smiled. Said.

"Oh." Li Huailin nodded. It seems that Manais originally planned to cooperate with the elves and cooperate with each other, but after the last tree of life was destroyed, Li Huailin seemed to be directly with the entire elves. Enemy, it seems that there is no end to hostility, so this method is not feasible.

"But squat, no matter what, we still focus on defending the first legion and the second leg in the north." Manais thought about it.

"Defense..." Li Huailin blinked. "So why not take the initiative to attack?"

"Ha?" Manais looked a little.

"I said, why don't we take the initiative to beat them, but also wait for them to call us?" Li Huailin asked, "Regg, call the Legion, let me try your newly formed army now." (To be continued.) )

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