All Things Wrong

Chapter 2061: disaster

Uzumite City, a city in the northern part of the East Asian continent, is a small city built in the mountains, quiet and peaceful, and has no competition. However, at noon that day, the peace of the city was broken by sudden movements.

Lulant is the most common city guard in the city. In fact, this city does not need any city guards. After all, it is not the front line of war. The nearest one is the elf country in the north, but the elves are The alliance of the Terran, so the possibility of launching a war is very small. Although the situation has been a bit nervous recently, Lulant does not feel that there will be a real war.

The daily work of Lulant is to maintain the order of the city, nothing more. However, the city is unusually peaceful. After all, there are no aristocrats coming here in this remote town. The only nobleman is the lord of the city, Bang Ante, and the Viscount Ban An is 77 years old. He is a nobleman with no aristocratic shelves. Basically, it is a piece of land with civilians. Since I have been a city owner for more than 40 years and there is no possibility of any promotion, the Viscount Ben Ante is really good for my people in the city. The only city owner, the atmosphere of the whole city is very good, although it is a small town, but everyone likes it here, although the people living here are poor, but they are very happy.

Lulant also likes the city very much. He also does his own job every day and maintains the peace of this small town, at least he thinks so.

"Lurant, come to a fresh Turandot fruit?"

"No, Rui Ni, I am still working."

"Lurante, Scott seems to be making trouble again recently."

"Okay, Uncle Banru, I will talk to the kid for a while."

The civilians who walked all the way to see the Lulante were also smiling and greetings, and they all said some common words, which are invisible in the big cities, because the civilians saw that the city guards had a sense of fear. Of course, this fear comes from the gap between the identity classes, they are civilians, and the soldiers are the running dogs of the nobility, but here, the gap does not exist.

Lulant smiled and greeted the civilians next to him, while continuing to patrol, but at this moment, Lulant suddenly found a figure in front of him rushing toward this side. The city of Uzmit is a quiet city, and the people living here are basically very free, so this rarely happens.

Lulant looked at it and found that the guy who was flying around happened to be Scott. Scott is a 20-year-old young man living near here. He is idle, eats and wears his parents all day, and does not go to work. Simply put, he is mixed and turbulent. Of course, Lulant does not like this guy. In his opinion, the man will start to bear the burden of the family after he is 16 years old. This guy is still eating and wearing his parents when he is 20 years old. Of course, it is very uncomfortable. He Nai's parents are really pets to this child, so Lulant is really a little helpless. He can only learn Scott after a time to see if he can teach him.

It was just that some people said that Scott was making trouble recently. Lulant was also looking for a chance to find Scott again. As a result, the other party rushed over. Lulan nodded. This is just right.

"Scott!" Lulaner shouted directly at Scott, who was rushing forward.

But just after shouting Lulant, I felt a little bit wrong. The panic that Scott ran over was like what was terrible. Even if he didn't seem to hear him, he rushed in this direction.

"Scott!" Lulan rushed straight to stop Scott. "What happened? What happened to you?"

"Roland Big Brother?" Scott seems to be the one who reacted to stop him at this time, but after he lost his mind, he quickly said, "That side."

Scott pointed to the place where he ran, as if he wanted to say what was there, and as a result, he suddenly spit out a blood "wow".

"Scott! What's wrong with you?" Lulant was terrified. Although he was a city guard, he was also a person who had barely seen blood. This is what it is like to vomit such a big blood.

"There are a lot of people dead there! All are dead!" Scott said with a trembling voice.

"A lot of people have died?"

"Yes, all are dead," Scott said immediately. "Although I don't know what's going on, run fast! Wow"

Just after Lulante said, he spit out another blood.

"What's wrong with you? Who made you like this?" Lulant asked quickly, but Lulant also felt a bit strange, because Scott didn't seem to be being beaten. Nothing hurts.

"I don't know." Scott is also a bit flustered now, wondering if he is infected with a virus, but he can't stay anyway, "Run fast."

"You have a rest here, I have a look." Lulant suddenly thought about it. Yes, he was a city guard after all. Although he didn't know what happened in front of him, he didn't know if Scott said anything. Really, but I still have to go see what is going on.

"Don't go, run fast." Scott shouted, but he wanted to run but now he was really unable to run, and shouted on the floor.

At this time, the civilians around us also came to this side. They also heard the situation, but they did not know what happened. At present, they are a little confused and look at Lulant.

"You take care of him, I used to look at the situation." Lulant thought for a moment, pointing to Scott on the ground.

Of course, the civilians nodded, and now they don’t know what happened, but they also know that it’s not a trivial matter, so of course they all listen to Lurant’s.

Lu Lan features the head, and then prepares to go to the front to see the situation, when his hand with a spear has been very tight. He is really scared, but he can't back down at this time.

As a result, I was about to go forward. Suddenly, Lulant saw a group of sparrows in front of the sky. I don’t know how it happened. I suddenly fell down like a dumpling, and I fell on the ground and fluttered a few times. Moved, this look is hanging.

The whole person of Lulante was in the same place, of course, the surrounding civilians also saw this situation, and all of them were stunned.

"Fast, run." Lulant didn't know what was going on, but it was absolutely wrong. He turned and immediately shouted at all the civilians. Hearing Lulan’s shouting, of course, all the civilians turned around, and Lulant quickly pulled up the Scott on the ground and then ran back.

"Lurant, what the **** is it?" Someone asked while running.

"I don't know, it's probably poison or magic," Lulant said.

“Is our city being attacked?” someone asked immediately.

"Great probably," Lulant said.

"The class of Ants"

Lulant’s heart is also tight. Yes, he’s just familiar with the past. He is very familiar with the city’s central location, what kind of town center, and important buildings like the transmission array are there, of course, the Viscount Banant is also There. Of course, Lulant is also a bit worried about how the Viscount Bente is going, but he still has to bring these civilians out first.

"Lurant, where are we going?" another asked.

"In short, I will escape first." Lulant thought about it. "It seems that our city has been attacked. Although we don't know what the other party is using, it is absolutely impossible for us to deal with. The current situation, We will go out from here first, then go to the city of Dylan Mill in the north."

"Okay, okay." Of course, the civilians don't know what to do, so of course they all listen to Lurant, because only Lulant is more prestigious here.

All the way forward, of course, people on the road also noticed the people who are flying. Of course, it is strange what this is, and I don’t know if I want to keep up with anything. As a result, I just wanted to ask what was going on. Some people in the crowd shouted: "Run, someone is coming from behind!"

"What, we were beaten?"

"Fast, kid, hey, run."

Although I didn’t see anyone, I heard that everyone was nervous when I was beaten, so I quickly started to run away.

"Loulante, will the enemy ambush us at the gate of the city?" Someone said, running and running.

"Well?" Lulant is also a glimpse. Yes, the biggest feature of this Uzumite city is that there is only one city gate. There is only one way to go out of town or into the city, so if you are an offensive force, it seems I am guarding at the gate of the city.

Lulan nodded and said: "You are waiting here, I will go to the gate of the city to see."

Of course, everyone did not have any opinions, so Lulant carefully ran to the position of the city gate, looked at the situation at the gate of the city, just saw two colleagues, responsible for defending the city gate two city guards.

"Mead, Steele?" Lulan went out with some surprise.

"Loulante? What's wrong? How to patrol here?" The guard named Mead asked, this is not Lurant's patrol area.

"Don't you have any unexpected circumstances?" Lulant is also a bit strange. The city of Uzmit is only the gate of this city. If someone attacks, it must come in from this city. How can it be okay? What?

"Nothing," said Mead. "It’s suddenly a lot of quiet in the city. What happened today?"

"Yeah, Lulant, you know," Stil, who was just about to say something, suddenly spit out a "wow".

"Steel! En?" Meade just wanted to say something, and suddenly fell directly.

"Mead Steele!" Lulant was stunned. He hadn't reacted yet. Suddenly, his eyes were black, his body slammed, and he fell straight on the ground. To be continued.

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