All Things Wrong

Chapter 2062: Assembly

"Well, hurry up and start working." Li Huailin said to the octopus who came out of the transmission array.

"Your Majesty, is there really no one in the city?" Also, Reggae came along with it. Of course, when I came out, I saw a lot of dead bodies falling on the ground, and I hung a lot of piles next to the transmission array. The staff of the transmission array, of course, the transmission array here can not be used, and can only come over without a way.

"Probably, but it is not very clean. In short, you are working here, I am going to look at the gate." Li Huailin said.

"Your Majesty, give it to me." Regg said immediately, how can the work of seeing the gate be handed over to Li Huailin?

"Don't die, don't come over." Li Huailin suddenly said, "I miss this enemy's skills and come straight down. You remembered a few, you can only work here, a little past is dead, no one can save you. ”

"Well, er, er..." A few octopus people nodded immediately. Reggie didn't know what was going on, but he also listened to Li Huailin's order.

Of course, Li Huailin’s transmission team is here. The reason for choosing Uzumite is also very simple. From the geographical point of view, this is certainly not the best position, a little distance from the first and second legions. However, the city is surrounded by mountains, and there is only one way to enter and exit the city, so Li Huailin also decided to take the city.

Since there is only one way to enter and exit, of course, as long as you keep this road. So Li Huailin came here one step at a time, and opened the aura directly to clean up the people around the center of the city. Although Li Huailin’s current aura range is already large, it is impossible to cover the entire city, although it is only a small town.

After waiting for a while, the surrounding np was basically dead, Li Huailin sent it back (using the skills, the staff died), and then led several octopus people responsible for the transmission of the formation and helped to move things, responsible for safety. Regg and his several hands came down here.

After the account was over, they did not run around. Li Huailin came directly to the only city gate in Uzumite, and calculated the distance of the halo. Then he took out the light and stood at the gate of the city. Yes, the next job is just waiting. Anyone who wants to come out of the city or who wants to go to the city should pass through the gate of the city. In theory, these people will hang themselves.

The only thing that may need to be worried at present is that some people in the city are now organizing and then attacking the construction of the transmission array Li Huailin, because now Li Huailin’s aura can not cover the side, but after all, this is a small town, Li Huailin thinks that this should There are not many troops, and they have just cleared a wave. There should be not much left, so Regg and those men should be able to block.

Of course, it is quite annoying for Li Huailin. This time is really a bit long. It is still noon, and the octopus people say that they have to work until the evening, so Li Huailin has to wait at least 6-7 hours. This is of course a headache for Li Huailin, because Li Huailin can't go away during this time, and there is nothing to do. The only thing that can do is to find someone to chat.

So basically all the online friends were harassed by Li Huailin. The first person to look for was the wind, and the guy was playing, so Li Huailin said that he did not bother. Thousands of loads are not online. Li Huailin can only find the summoned Jade Emperor, so he summoned the jade Emperor for an hour, summoning the Jade Emperor to express that I am annoyed, you are looking for someone else.

So Li Huailin looked for the Red Moon again. This time I talked for more than 2 hours. The Red Moon said that I couldn’t help myself. I was a little busy here. I didn’t have much time to chat. Finally, Li Huailin can only find a night flight chat.

The thing that talks with the night flight can only be the East Asian side, and of course the problem of how the players in East Asia deal with it. In the morning, Li Huailin has already said his own plan. Now several presidents are still here to discuss the feasibility of this program. At present, everyone seems to support this plan more, but the specific implementation plan will be discussed.

Looking at Li Huailin’s time at night, I also asked Li Huailin’s opinion, the most important of which was the issue of pricing and distribution.

"I don't care about anything else, I want the biggest one." Li Huailin thought about it.

Actually, how much Li Huailin actually did not care. Anyway, Li Huailin does not lack a few dollars, but he must have the biggest one. This is not a question of money, but a question of identity.

Listening to Li Huailin’s tone of night, I also understood the meaning of Li Huailin. However, this night flight has no opinion. The reason is very simple. Li Huailin does not have a guild, so there is no competition for him. The night flight wants to have other people jump out against it, so Li Huailin definitely wants to find him.

I talked with the night flight for a long time, and finally the sky began to darken slowly. Li Huailin looked at the time and it was almost the same, so he took up the light and then went to the city.

Of course, Li Huailin saw a lot of bodies along the way, especially the body at the gate of the city. After all, this city gate, of course, can only go out here. Although many people have been lying at the door, but many people have not seen the enemy, they naturally feel that they have the opportunity to run out, so they still come over. I don't know if there is a halo that kills invisible things. It is too late to react, so most people fall directly to the door.

All the way to Li Huailin, a living person did not see, when he went to the door of the transfer point, Li Huailin found that Regg and several soldiers stood at the gate, they also had many bodies around them, and they did not seem to be killed by the halo. Dead, but hacked, but most of the bodies are not the dress of the soldiers, how to look at ordinary civilians.

"Your Majesty!" Seeing that Li Huailin, of course, everyone immediately greeted Li Huailin.

"How is it, is it built?" Li Huailin asked.

"It seems that it is still not good." Regg replied, "Your Majesty, there seems to be a living person in the city. Do we have to search it?"

"No need." Li Huailin waved and said that he walked into the transfer point. A new machine has been set up in the transfer point, which is similar to the transmission pattern of the main city octopus. At present, several octopus people are still debugging next to the machine. Li Huailin asked directly: "Is it still okay? How long will it take?"

"I’m going to kneel down and do it for 2 minutes.” One of the octopus people said.

"Speed." Li Huailin said.

After waiting for another 2 minutes, the octopus also opened the transmission array, and then one of the octopus people walked directly into the open transmission array. After the white light flashed, it was transmitted away. After a while, it was a white light. It is back.

"Your Majesty, finished." The octopus who came back immediately said.

"啪", Li Huailin directly raised his hand and flew out the octopus in front of him. Of course, this octopus was not a soldier, but an ordinary technician, so he did not wear any armor and was directly slap by Li Huailin. died. All the octopus people next to it are a glimpse.

"It’s useless to die slowly," Li Huailin said. Then he looked at a few octopus people who were watching him. "What happened? I feel that I have completed the task and waited for me to praise it. What you did is really good, but I It is to beat you, have opinions? "

"Your Majesty is very good for us!" Inexplicably killed the octopus who had just completed the task. Other octopus people saw this situation, of course, the sensibility of Li Huailin was multiplied, and all of them were full of joy.

"Well, Regg, the speed has brought people over." Li Huailin is just to maintain the goodwill of the octopus, kill one, or else who will work for him. So the remaining few Li Huailin did not move, and said directly to the next Regg.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Regg certainly saw Li Huailin’s actions. The life and death of the octopus had nothing to do with him, so the feelings of the goodness did not change, but seeing Li Huailin’s action felt that Li Huailin’s mood was not very good, of course, he did not dare now. I talked more, and immediately nodded and started to work. It took a while for Li Huailin to send the fire to him.

After the construction of the transmission array was completed, Li Huailin’s troops began to be transmitted continuously. Of course, this transmission method is not the same as the general urban transmission. Everyone is first transmitted to the relay point of the octopus base and then transmitted. Although the effect is the same, the principle is still somewhat different. No matter how the octopus's transmission array is really easy to use, it can really transmit the army.

Of course, Li Huailin’s first army was originally the veteran of the original First Army. The quality was excellent, so the whole process was fast and orderly. Even so, the entire process of transmission and assembly continued for a while, and it was not until more than an hour later that Li Huailin’s troops were completely assembled.

"Your Majesty, the first legion is here." Regg also came back to report, "There are only a few teams left in the city, probably a hundred people. It may be a long time after a long time."

"There are not two holy levels." Li Huailin said, "I have something to do with them, don't worry about the Holy Alliance."

"Yes, Your Majesty, you have already told me." Regg nodded.

"ok." Li Huailin nodded, then walked to the stage, in front of 30,000 people. The flag bearer next to him also quickly lifted Li Huailin’s black bully flag to Li Huailin’s side, pointing to Li Huailin.

"Listen, this is the first stop after you become a soldier. Your opponent is only 200,000. I don't want you to lose my face in the first battle. Do you understand?" Li Huailin yelled at the soldiers below. .

"Invincible! Invincible! Invincible!" the soldiers below shouted in unison.

"Departure." (To be continued.)

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