All Things Wrong

Chapter 2064: Night attack

"What happened? What happened?" The quiet night was suddenly broken by a snoring sound. The Queen of Virant felt inexplicably nervous and saw a general at the door coming in and asked immediately.

"His Royal Highness, we were attacked!" The general was the deputy of Marshal Heisenberg, and of course Heisenbott sent to inform the Queen of Wilt.

"Is it attacked?" Wirant sighed directly. "Wait, has the Elf been retired?"

Yes, the first reaction of the Queen of the Seat was that they were beaten by the Elf. After all, only the Elfs around them could beat them. But the problem is that the elves have already retired. They are retiring faster than the Terran. They also saw that the elves had already retired and then packed their bags to prepare to leave. Did the elves kill a carbine again? ?

"His Highness, not the Elf, is the Terran army." The deputy immediately replied, of course, he does not know where the troops came from now.

"What?" Will the Viran really hold on, the Terran troops? How could it be a Terran army? Where did the Terran troops come, they are the new emperors of the Terran, how can they be beaten by the Terran forces? Besides, where are the troops coming from, there are no other troops around, "How many people?"

"The current situation is still unclear," the deputy replied. Yes, the black wind is high, and now they know that they have been beaten. The specific news has not been passed. I said before that the army of the First and Second Legion stretched for a few miles. Where was it hit, how many people have not figured out yet, mainly because it is too sudden, and they are not prepared at all.

"Come and take me to see Marshal Heisenberg," Willant said immediately.

"Yes." The deputy was originally to bring Verant to see the marshal.

The two walked out of the camp, of course, this is already able to hear the obvious shouting, and the number is large. The military account of the Queen of Vilant is of course in the middle of the entire legion, so no troops have been seen yet, but the sound of the sound knows that the other person seems to be very close to himself, really close.

At this time, Heisenbott was in command of the dispatching force. The Queen of Virant quickly found him in the previous position.

"Marshal Heisenberg, what the **** is going on, where is the troops coming?" Wirant asked inexplicably.

"I don't know." Marshal Heisenberg did not know of course. "But the number of the other party is very large, at least there are more than 50,000 (because the darkness is not clear, so it is falsely reported)."

"What? 50,000 troops?" Wirant was shocked. "Where is it, what is the army?"

"His Royal Highness, I am not sure." Marshal Heisenberg did not understand.

Just talking about it, the former soldier ran back very anxiously: "Marshal, the big thing is not good, the second legion in front seems to be unable to stop, and Marshal Tiawes may have been killed!"

"What!" Both of them stood up in amazement. Tioves is of course the marshal of the Second Legion. Yes, the first place to be beaten is the position of the Second Army Corps. The relationship between Heisenberg and Tiawes is not bad, the personal relationship is very good, the political views are basically the same, so there is no conflict of interest, the two are basically the same front, so I heard the second army was hit the sea. Senbot did not have any interest in watching the fun. The first time he was ready to send reinforcements to help. As a result, the troops were not dispatched yet. The news of the death of Tiawes was so exaggerated.

"Marshal Tiawes is dead?" Wirant is also a glimpse, which is too fast.

"Quick, go and start with me." Heisenbott is also a long-awaited marshal after all, and the reaction is still very fast. Since Diowes died in battle, the Second Corps was faced with a collapse. At this time, once the Legion collapsed, everything was finished, so Heisenberg’s first reaction was to stabilize the situation immediately.

Fortunately, the Queen of the Seat is still in the military camp. Because of the death of Tiawes, he is not necessarily able to control the collapse of the Second Legion. After all, he is only the Marshal of the First Army. But the Queen of Verant is not the same, the people are the imperial prince, and the next emperor, he can certainly stabilize the Second Army here.

"The prince must immediately stabilize the Second Legion. Once the Second Corps collapses, everything is finished," Heisenbott said.

Verant immediately understood the meaning of Heisenberg, although he was a little scared, but there is no way. At present, the Second Army Corps is going to be defeated. If the First Corps has not adjusted its troops, it may be directly opened by people. It will be completely collapsed.

At present, the situation of the First Legion is also chaotic. The most important thing is that it is not ready. Everyone was packing their bags and preparing to return to the main city. As a result, they were suddenly beaten. How do you let these people react? The Second Corps was so ridiculous that it was washed away. At present, the collapse of the Second Corps is already a fact. They can't reverse it, but the troops of the remaining Second Legion are able to withstand each other's attacks and then give the first. The time when the legion created the troops was the best way to do it now.

"Okay, go!" Willant couldn't be embarrassed at this time, and immediately replied.

With some of the First Army's reinforcements, Heisenberg and the Queen of Viran went directly to the garrison of the Second Corps, and the adjutant stayed here to continue the integration of troops.

The more they went ahead, the worse the situation was. The most worrying thing happened. The Second Corps was really in a state of total collapse. The soldiers who had run to the side had already been seen. These soldiers are not blocking the enemy's troops, but are running away, which means that the second legion is really going to collapse.

"The first emperor of the Dolomite Empire, Wilhelm Levine Durres, is here, all the soldiers gathered!" The soldiers who received the instructions began shouting at the fleeing deserters around. As soon as these deserters looked up, they saw the royal flag, and then there was also the Ferrante who was wearing the royal armor immediately after the flag. Of course, everyone here knows the Viran, and as soon as he sees this situation, all the soldiers They all gathered in the direction of the team.

These soldiers were originally regular troops. They just ran away after they had been beaten. Now, when they see the heart of Willant, they will stabilize, so they will start the team immediately. As soon as he rushed in the direction of the Second Legion, the soldiers around Willant also gathered more and more, which made both Wirant and Heisenberg both reassuring.

The result was that a face-to-face army rushed towards them. The other side’s army is very neat, and it’s not like the collapse of the Second Legion’s troops. Both Wirant and Heisenberg are shocked because it’s still in the Second Army’s military array. The military corps of the First Legion is not far away. The other party has already rushed to this place? This speed is really too fast.

"Ready to fight!" Heisenberg immediately ordered that the surrounding soldiers immediately set the battle. The former troops saw this situation and temporarily stopped.

Heisenbott looked at the troops in front of him. When he saw the soldiers of the other side, he knew that he was a strong soldier, but he was definitely not his own. He looked at the flag of the other side and the black flag. It says that the two characters of "Bai Ni" are completely unseen, and are new forces?

"Who are you? Where are the troops?" Heisenbot asked immediately.

Of course, the people who came here were Li Huailin. The direct attack in front of them directly hit the other party and was unprepared. The gangs were unpacking the accounts. They did not expect that a force would attack them at the rear. It would be too late to want to defend the array. And the camp was also demolished, there was no defense at all, so in a mess, Li Huailin rushed in.

Marshal Tiawes of the Second Army hurriedly rushed out and wanted to organize the army. As a result, he died in the chaos. Whoever hacked did not know. It was also waiting for the people around to shout when the marshal died. Li Huailin knew that someone had hacked the other marshal. The marshal died, of course, the whole army collapsed. Li Huailin did not expect the effect to be so good.

The situation afterwards was of course that Li Huailin’s troops chased the gangs and ran. The other side wanted to defend the side and rushed to break up. The soldiers who went one after the other completely collapsed, all running towards the position of the first legion behind. Li Huailin, of course, was chasing after him, and finally he met Heisenbott and the Queen of Verant.

Looked at the two people here, this Heisenbot Li Huailin did not know, but look at the other party's dress also know that the other is a senior officer. And this Wirant is not ordinary, although Li Huailin has not seen it, but the other party’s name is written by Wilhelm Levin Durres, and Li Huailin certainly knows that the royal family is the Durres family, and Just now he also heard the shouts of the soldiers here, shouting like "the first emperor", that is to say, this Wilante is the Prince?

"In the lower chest, the leader of the mainland next door, are you not going to find me?" Li Huailin said with a smile.

"What?" Both were shocked, the emperor of the Tutossen continent? How did he appear here?

Tiawes looked directly at the next Queen of the Sean, and the Queen of Verant was surprised: "You...what can you be here, it's impossible!"

Li Huailin can still understand when he appears here alone, but he is here with tens of thousands of troops. How is this possible? Wilant couldn’t figure it out.

"Well? It seems like amazed." Li Huailin smiled. "But at this time, it is too late to say anything."

After talking about Li Huailin, he shouted directly to the side: "This Wilant wants to live, and the other... don't have to stay." (To be continued.)

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