All Things Wrong

Chapter 2065: catch

After all, Heisenberg is also a famous soldier. Although he is still a group of doubts, he still forced himself to calm down. At present, this situation is not the time to think about how the other party has reached the back of the problem. The first problem is that he is so repelling the enemy.

And a little whispered a little whispered next to the Queen of Viran, Heisenberg nodded and then suddenly laughed: "Although I don't know where your troops came from, it is estimated that you have been ambushing here. But in order to attack our troops, you can't bring your ace troops. Now, we still have a lot of people!"

"Ha?" Li Huailin took a brief look and thought about what Heisenberg meant. Yes, this "Ace Force" refers to the troops of the Torogo tribe of his own 5oo. Yes, this time Li Huailin came here really did not bring the Torosgo people, because this group of people is really troublesome, although the combat power is very strong, but the IQ is a bit too low, even to even his own people and enemies. It’s really unclear, and throwing them into the enemy group in a while can really cause a lot of damage, but it’s troublesome to beat people everywhere and even destroy their own formations.

There is also a very troublesome problem. This group of people only listen to Li Huailin’s words. Others simply can’t move, so Li Huailin wants to watch them at any time. This is really too annoying. Looking at the soldier, it must be a small soldier to follow the general.

Another problem is that Li Huailin really didn't want to run away. Yes, the Trosso’s troops are indeed very destructive and have a high threat to the enemy, but the threat is a bit too high. Li Huailin is worried that the troops directly thrown into the other side are really scared to run. I said before that 2 million people running around Li Huailin is really a headache.

In the end, Li Huailin did not bring the troubled Trosgues troops. It seems that Heisenbott is talking about this matter. Of course, Li Huailin does not explain what Heisenbott is. Wave your own troops.

"Don't be afraid of them." Heisenbott certainly didn't deliberately provoke anything, but to stabilize the emotions of his own soldiers. "Their trump card troops didn't come. We have a good number of people. The reinforcements will arrive immediately, and they will withstand them." The attack will wait until the reinforcements come and we will fight back!"

The soldiers around me felt that it was reasonable. Although their camp was raided, but the troops of 20,000 people on their own side, we are overwhelmed by the number of people. The troops of the First Corps are gathering in the back to prepare for support. We can fight back as long as we hold this wave.

Sure enough, Heisenberg’s words immediately replied morale to the surrounding soldiers, and all the soldiers took up the spears and began to prepare for the enemy’s attack.

Li Huailin’s troops also attacked. The advanced attacker was the cavalry unit on the right side of Li Huailin. The leader was a strong man with a giant stick. The first one was rushing to the front. At first glance, it was a charge. .

"Desbayor, stop him!" Heisenbott immediately judged the situation, pointing to the other general's general.

"Yes, Marshal!" replied a loud voice next to him. Then a sturdy general came out, and the general was of course Des Bajo, the general of Heisenberg. The general followed Heisenbott and also experienced hundreds of battles of various sizes, and the force was the highest in the first legion.

I don’t have to say anything to Heisenberg. Des Bajo took a fancy to the other party in the first time. Yes, this guy looks at the momentum and knows that he is definitely the same as himself. Dess. Bayo is very good at fighting. After seeing this big man, of course, the first time is like fighting with the other side.

"Reassure Marshal!" Desbayo rushed out after he finished speaking, directly rushing to the other general.

"Well?" Bruno also appeared in Des Bajo in the first time. The person who rushed out of the Li Huailin camp is of course Bruno. The first battle of the 6th Army First Army can certainly not be missed. And have already scheduled the work, but he is the first general of the Legion (Regg is the Marshal), so how can this first battle itself not stand? Originally, I wanted to catch the prince directly, but since the other side of the camp has rushed out of a road, it seems that it is still a general, Bruno does not mind taking the personal head.

Both of them were very fast, and they had already rushed to the other side of the meeting. Almost at the same time, both of them raised their weapons and attacked the other side.

The bang of the "铛", the two men's weapons slammed together, and Desbayo's face changed instantly. He also knows that the strength of the enemy general is definitely strong, and I did not expect such exaggeration. There was a huge force on his iron gun, which made him almost ready to get out of the weapon in his hand, but after all, he was prepared. Desbayo still took full control of his weapon and wanted to The other side was more energetic, but the iron gun in his hand suddenly came down at the next moment.

Desbayo took a direct look, then looked at the gun in his hand and was shocked because the gun's gun head was gone. You must know that this is a gun made of pure fine iron. After the other party has hit a shot, the gun head has actually been defeated by the other party. This is too exaggerated.

Desbayor’s slight surprise was a bad thing. Bruno certainly didn’t give the other side a chance. He lifted the mace directly to Des Bajo and smashed it. Des Bajo responded, but this time the first hand was robbed by Bruno, he could only choose the defensive action, and lifted the long gun that was cut off the gun head and blocked it on his head.

"咚" is another loud noise. Desbayo's hands were shocked and unconscious, but they were blocked. As a result, he didn't wait for him to be happy for a while and suddenly the whole body fell. Desbayo quickly looked down and saw that his horse couldn't hold it anymore. Bruno's next break of all the front legs of his mount, the whole horse fell down.

"What, this..." Des Bajo didn't expect to have this situation. When it was too late to respond, Bruno's third strike had already followed, and this time directly hit Desba, whose body was out of balance. About, the mace is directly on the chest of Desbayor.

Of course, Desbayor's body is wearing a strong plate armor, but it is completely useless. It feels like the feeling of the skull on the empty can, and Desbayor's chest is all concave. I vomited a blood, and then the whole person flew straight out.

"General! General! General!" There was an exclamation in the camp of the First Legion. Of course, it was too late, and Desbayo had already heard it.

"This...this is impossible!" Desbayo was already the strongest person in the First Legion, but did not expect to be given the second by the opponent's generals. This is of course the moment Hesenberg The soldiers here have been frightened, and the morale that has just been raised in a flash has been suppressed.

This is not over yet, just that everyone’s attention is on Des Bajoo who flies out. When Bruno saw this situation, he immediately thought of Li Huailin’s order. Li Huailin said that it was a dream to capture this emperor named Wirant, and Bruno is not far from Wilant. Seeing this situation, Bruno did not stop at all, and rushed directly toward Wilant.

"It's bad! Protect the prince!" The first reaction was still Heisenberg, which was of course extremely shocking in his heart. He could hardly speak, but he saw Bruno still facing this side. Hesenbott rushed to make the most correct response.

At the reminder of Heisenbott, the soldiers around me also noticed the Bruno who rushed over, but at this time they panicked, their generals had just been three strokes, and then this guy is now rushing towards you. Come over, are you panicked? Although the soldiers are also veterans, the discipline is not bad, but in this case, everyone is panicked.

This hesitation gave Bruno a chance to get close to the team, but the soldiers finally reacted, and the next row of soldiers immediately stopped in front of Heisenberg and Wirant. And Verant is also the opponent of the other party's goal is himself, he is of course panic, he is just a prince, on the battlefield that was the time when the battle was over a decade ago, and he has not been on the battlefield for more than a decade. Ah, so he is really flustered to death. When he sees this situation, he doesn’t care about morale and morale. He wants to run when he turns his horse.

"Get out of the way!" Bruno had already rushed to the other side of the meeting. He saw Bruno, the soldier who blocked him, lifting his own mace directly, and the soldier who was heading for the top shield smashed.

"咚", the person turned over. A row of soldiers in front of this killing can almost be said to be flying around. At this time, Bruno is like a god, and no one can stop it.

Verant really wants to run, but behind him is his own soldier, he even wants to run not so fast, and Bruno is stopped without stopping, the line rushed to the Wirant. Next to Heisenbot, when he saw that the situation was not good, he quickly pulled out his sword and prepared to fight for his life. But it was still too late. Bruno directly grabbed the helmet of the team from the rear and then gently I picked up the whole person of Wirant and got it in my hand.

"Hahahaha... What kind of prince are you?" Bruno laughed, then raised Verant and shouted at the back. "Your Majesty, it is mine." (To be continued.) 8

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