All Things Wrong

Chapter 2095: Fudge

Really, Li Huailin did not expect that the situation in the future would develop to this. In fact, Li Huailin was too lazy to manage the East Asian side. This basically has nothing to do with him. Originally, Li Huailin didn't have much time to do this, but the people in East Asia were too arrogant, and the inexplicable attack on their servers would make so many things.

Of course, Li Huailin has not received a call from Liu Heyun. After arranging the task of the holy class, Li Huailin felt that there should be nothing, so he quickly went back to his own business. At present, the first problem to be dealt with is the Protoss side.

Of course, the most important thing now is the seal of Bailong Iofam. This problem must be solved, because if I don’t get Eofarm out, her son Corranthus might be awkward. There is no such thing as the passage of the element of Corranus Li Hualin. And now it seems that the strength of Bailong is really strong, after all, the Protoss did not kill it is to seal it. In summary, this guy in Iofam really needs to save.

After calculating the time, it was a little time since Li Huailin helped Montos win the forging champion. Now this guy should have inherited his father's position. But thinking about it seems to be really not easy to handle, how to open is a problem.

Although Montos also said that if Li Huailin had something to do with him, he could ask him for a favor, but the problem is that he wants to unblock Iofam. This is the Protoss seal. Now unblock it. It’s not the opposite of the Protoss, this is the case of a minute of war.

But the problem is that the system task that I received now is to let Li Huailin go to St. Montos to find clues. In theory, the task is not going to cause any problems, that is, if you follow this line, it is estimated that the solution can be completed. The task is closed, but it seems that the task of directly fighting the Protoss will not guarantee.

However, it seems that there is no way to do this. I can only ask Montos to ask. At present, only Montos knows this matter. Li Huailin thought about it and explored the tone of Montos without revealing it. From the previous situation, it can be seen that not all of the Protoss support the king of the gods. It is like the Corranthus itself. It is also a Protoss. It is not helping the White Dragon Iofar, so I say this. It is also possible to draw a part of the Protoss.

For example, on Montos, in theory, this guy’s father is the king of the gods, and his father is also against the rule of the king. It may be that this guy is also resentful to the Protoss, of course The situation Li Huailin is not too good to judge, after all, before contact with Montos did not see this situation, so I still have to find a way to understand.

While thinking about it, Li Huailin's white light flashed to the position of the transmission array on the border of the gods, and then found the yellow metal that Montos had given him, that is, the token of Montos, shouting directly at the token. A few times, waited a little while, and as soon as the golden light flashed around, Montos appeared in front of Li Huailin.

"It's you, you are finally here." Montos, here, sees Li Huailin as a joy.

"It seems that the gods have been inherited?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yeah, the inheritance ceremony has ended three days, I have been waiting for you to come to me." Montos said, "I am really not used to this avatar."

Montos seems to have changed nothing. Of course, the clothes have changed a set. It seems that it is really a little solemn. The temperament of the whole person has also improved a lot. What Li Huailin said is that nothing changes mainly in terms of personality. After all, the gods seen before basically It’s all that you can’t do. It seems that it is not a long time to get the gods. It is estimated that Montos will develop in that direction, of course, not yet.

"Right, if you said that helping me, I need to help you with one thing. I still remember this. Now I am a **** of forging. What do you want me to do for you?" Montos is also Immediately said, "Reassured, I have inherited all the forging knowledge left by my father. Now the forging technology is further improved, and there is also the material of Zhenjin. I can give you a better job no matter what you want. thing."

"Yeah." Li Huailin nodded, then thought about it for a moment, and organized the language and said, "In fact, I am not asking you to help me with what equipment."

"Oh? What is that?" Montos said. "I don't seem to be good at forging me..."

"It is like this, and it has something to do with forging." Li Huailin said, "I have a problem, it is a monster that has been difficult to do, I want to deal with him."

"Ha? Is it a monster that is difficult to engage in? Is it very powerful? I have just inherited the position of God. But at present, there is basically no kind of divine power. Now the temple of the lower bound is dedicated to the image of my father. I can’t There was the power of faith over there." Montos said immediately. "If you don't, you can help me tell us that the **** of forging has changed people and let them worship me, so that I can gain the power of faith, wait until me. The power of the gods raises, I will help you kill the monster."

System Tip: St. Montos releases the power of a level hidden mission.

Mission Requirements: Help St. Montos develop at least 500,000 believers.

Mission rewards: At least 500,000 believers will be developed. The more believers will be developed, the higher the reward.

"Md refused." Li Huailin directly refused this hidden task, and they were too lazy to pick up. There is no time for this guy to do any believers. "No, I don't want you to help me fight this monster."

"Hey? What is that? Is it for me to forge an invincible armor, or a squad that can kill monsters?" asked Montos.

"You don't be so nervous, I really don't want you to help fight monsters." Li Huailin said, "Listen to me, what I want now is not to kill this monster, but to surrender it, understand?"

"Oh, that's not that difficult." Montos thought about it. "You just didn't say that this monster is hard to do? So surrender it?"

"Yeah, but because it is strong, I have to surrender it." Li Huailin said, "Is it very reasonable?"

"The amount... indeed." Montos thought about it, there was nothing wrong with it. "But what can I do for you?"

"Of course you need your help." Li Huailin said, "This monster is so fierce, I can't even beat it. If I want to surrender it, then I only want a more tricky way. So I found you."

"I?" Montos shook his head. "I don't really have any power at all. I don't think you can beat it."

"Don't worry, I said it is not for you to help fight monsters." Li Huailin said, "I heard the previous Vulcan, that is, your father will create a weapon that can seal the monster, that is, plug it into the monster. The body can make it inoperable, so I only ask you for help. You are not saying that you have inherited your father's forging knowledge, so let you help me build such a weapon."

"Ha?" Montos said a little. "Is there something like this?"

"Of course there is." Li Huailin immediately said, "I have accurate news here, it is said that the weapon created by the holy Montos is not your father."

"Yes, the sacred Montos is indeed my father. I have just inherited my father's forging knowledge, but it seems that there is no such weapon that you can make the monsters unable to act." Montos thought about it. Said.

"No, you think about it, how could it not be." Li Huailin immediately said, "According to the information I found in my book, I heard that there was a huge dragon in the past. It seems to be called something like a white dragon. It finally seems like It’s the seal of your father’s weapon.”

“Hey? Is there this?” Montos had a slight glance, “White Dragon?”

"Yeah, look at it now, as long as you forgive me such a weapon, and then teach me how to unblock it, I can seal the guy first, and then let the other person convinced, then I will let it out again, if the other party is not satisfied. I will seal it again, so that this guy can't just listen to me?" Li Huailin said with a smile. Of course, there is no such thing as a "difficult monster". Li Huailin just found a reason to get a solution.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this." Li Huailin's meaning Montos seemed to understand, but carefully recalled and said, "No, I don't seem to remember how my father forged something similar, white. Dragon... I have never heard of it. Is there really such a thing? What books do you read? Is it reliable?"

"Of course it is reliable." Li Huailin couldn't help but say, "Is it recorded in the history books?"

"Ha? History can still record this? My father seems to have died for thousands of years, the history of the history can still be passed on to the present?" Montos asked.

"Oh? Do you still doubt me?" Li Huailin said. "But it's a pity that the book is really lost, but the recorded things are absolutely true. Right, I still remember the history of the seal. Look like."

"What, you know what the thing looks like, draw it for me." Montos did not doubt Li Huailin. After all, he was so easy to believe that he immediately asked about the appearance of things.

Li Huailin certainly saw the thing that seemed to be a trident in the body of Eofarm. When he found a piece of paper, he gave Montos a little rough look. Of course, Li Huailin’s painting was a bit ugly, not More approximate shapes and key signs are drawn.

"Wait, is this thing?" After the painting was over, Montos seemed to remember it suddenly, and immediately shouted. (To be continued.)

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