All Things Wrong

Chapter 2096: Orb

"I remembered?" Hearing the voice of Montos, Li Huailin immediately turned and asked, "You see what I said is right. It really has this thing. Just think about how to get this thing?"

"This...this it a weapon that can seal monsters?" Montos touched his head a little, inexplicably.

"What's wrong?" Looking at Montos's look, Li Huailin asked strangely.

"I know what you are saying," Montos said. "This is indeed a weapon forged by my father, but according to the information I have received from the present, this thing does not work as a seal. It is only A very powerful rifle named 'Islk'."

"This is impossible." Li Huailin immediately said, "According to ancient books, this is what seals the white dragon."

"No... this rifle is indeed an artifact, but it does not have the power to seal the monsters." Montos said affirmatively, "Yes, this weapon is indeed forged by my father... I know the weapon now. Forging method, but I am sure that this weapon does not have any seal power."

"Ha?" Li Huailin squatted a little. "Are you sure you said the same weapon as I said?"

"Yes, the holy gun 'Islke', my father's forged weapon against the Gulong family, the damage to the Gulong people." Montos said while continuing on the drawings drawn by Li Huailin. Draw it up and complete the picture that Li Huailin had previously painted. The paintings of Montos were better. After the revision, Li Huailin quickly saw a sketch of a long gun.

"Oh..." I looked at the picture that Montos had drawn, and it was almost exactly the same as the lance that I had inserted into Iofah in my memory. Li Huailin thought about it and asked, "Have your father forged this kind of long shot several times?"

"This is my father's proud work, of course only one." Montos said immediately, "My father will not make the same weapon, Iskirk will only have one."

"Hey..." That said that the thing that was inserted in Eofarm was this holy gun, Iskerk, but why did Montos say that this thing has no seal effect, that is, Iofarm What is the situation.

"The ancient books you read are wrong." Montos thought and said, "Islk can be used to kill dragons, but seal monsters, this is really not good."

Li Huailin really wants to pull Montos directly to Bailong Iofam to let him see what is going on there. See what he has to say, but the problem is that he can’t do it, and Li Huailin also There is no way to say that I have seen it with my own eyes. This tnd is really a bit awkward.

"So if I have to use this thing to seal a monster, what should I do?" Li Huailin did not know this, he could only ask casually.

"Hah? I said that Iselk didn't..." Montos was talking, and suddenly the voice slowly went down, as if he had remembered what it was like.

"What happened to you?" Li Huailin immediately asked the other party's situation. "Is it something?"

"Speaking of this, I seem to remember something suddenly." Montos said immediately. "Yes, I have just accepted my father's forging knowledge soon. A lot of information has not been sorted out. I just said that When I was in Srk, I suddenly remembered that the knowledge passed down by my father had the process of upgrading to Iselk..."

“Upgrading?” Li Huailin said a little, “Md, I said, did you upgrade the seal?”

"Amount... I don't know." Montos thought about it.

"What do you not know?" Li Huailin said directly. "Don't you say that you inherited your father's forging knowledge?"

"Yes, but only the knowledge of forging, I know the whole process and method of this transformation, but I don't know what changes Isisk has after the transformation." Montos said, "Because this transformation The process is to put a treasure inlaid on the top of Iselk..."

"Baozhu?" Li Huailin took a look.

"Yes, a treasure." Montos nodded and then stroked his hand. "The memory is probably so big, it is a white pearl. The process of transformation is very simple, just put this treasure inlaid directly. Iselk is above, not a complicated forging technique, but it was done by my father, so this memory is preserved, I can think of it now."

"So,...Isleck itself does not have a seal effect, but the treasure may have a seal effect?" Li Huailin asked.

"I don't know." Montos shook his head. "I don't know how the Orb came, because I only have memories of my father's forging, but if the ancient books are correct, it may be true."

"It turned out to be the case." Li Huailin probably understood, so it seems that he had found the wrong target at the beginning. It was originally sealed with a bead of white dragon Iofarm embedded in the weapon, not the long shot. After thinking about it, Li Huailin immediately asked, "Do you know the effect of releasing this seal?"

"Ha?" Montos had a slight glance.

"Oh, that's it. I want to inquire about the news of this bead. Since this bead is a tool for sealing monsters, then I can find a way to find one. It will not create a weapon that can seal the monster. Is it right? You will build it right." Li Huailin also said quickly, "So tell me now how much you know about this bead. I want to find a way."

"I don't know much about it." Montos shook his head. "It can be seen from the memory of my father, but... I don't know what I have, what I haven't seen, I don't analyze it. What is it?"

Listening to Montos’s words, since he doesn’t even know what the beads are, he doesn’t know how to unblock it. Li Huailin can’t ask more, or it will definitely cause Montos’s suspicion. To be honest, it’s time to All rely on Montos to trust Li Huailin, and he should not know about Bailong.

"What do you like to paint for me." Li Huailin thought about it. "I am going to find out if there is such a material."

"Good." Montos nodded, and then added a few strokes to the previous drawings. Li Huailin looked at it. It turned out that this bead was placed in the back of the gun. There is no special feature, it is a sphere. There are a few lines. "Probably this is the case. This thing will glow white. It was very careful when my father handled it. It seems to be a very dangerous thing..."

"Very dangerous..." Li Huailin nodded. "I know, I am looking for it. If you find it, would you give me such a weapon?"

"Well, this is fine." Montos nodded.

"Right, this thing... It is best not to talk to others. I think that if it is discovered by other protoss, my weapon may not be available. After all, it is not for you to build weapons for me. Within the scope of work." Li Huailin thought about it.

"Yeah." Montos thought of this and nodded. "Reassure, this is what I promised you, I will do it for you."

"Good." Li Huailin nodded. "Then I will go find this bead first."

Li Huailin looked at Montos and left. He looked at the other side as if he had not found anything. However, Li Huailin was not sure. In a short time, Li Huailin couldn’t think of any good reason. He could only do so first. I hope that Montos’s IQ will not find anything.

Sending away Montos, Li Huailin immediately started to act. The current situation is of course to go to the bead immediately. Of course, it is not looking for another bead. It is the one on the rifle of Iofam. Now Montos does not know how to release the seal, but since the seal It was caused by this bead. Li Huailin wanted to try to get this bead directly from the rifle. Is this a seal?

When the white light flashed, Li Huailin once again came to the side of the altar in the submarine city where Bailong Iofam was located. Looking around, Iowam was on his side. But this time, Ioofam didn't mean to wake up. Before that, he said it himself. It has to go into sleep for a long time, so it seems that it is not awake.

Going up, Li Huailin jumped directly to the back of Iopham, and looked up. Sure enough, a long gun pierced Io'am's body directly. Compare the picture drawn by Montos before. It should be the holy gun Iselk, exactly the same.

Li Huailin quickly searched for the position of the bead, and the result was a problem, because Li Huailin found that the long gun was running through the body of Eofarm, one of which was inserted in the body of Eofarm, and the position of the bead was also In this paragraph.

"That is, now the beads are in the body of this guy?" Li Huailin took a look.

Pulling out the roots Li Huailin directly wants to break through the skin of Iofam, but if you don't think about it, this is an online game. If you cut Iofam, you will only let Eofarm have less blood, and Iowam is like this. The guy of the ranks estimates that he will not shed blood for a long time, and the most important thing is whether he will attack the opponent and it will be considered hostile...

After thinking about it, Li Huailin directly took out the scales that Iofarm gave it before, and then used the props directly. Just one use, the next shock, Iowamu woke up, it also said before, if there is any unexpected situation, use this scale to wake it up.

"Human, it's you..." Iowam soon found Li Huailin on his back, a little weak and said, "Do you wake me up with any way to get rid of the seal?"

"Don't say anything, open your mouth and eat me first." (To be continued.)

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