All Things Wrong

Chapter 2159: Big meaning

Although the Titans were annihilated together across the continent, in fact the Protoss was indeed the leader, so Li Huailin said that the Protoss was the chief culprit in destroying the Titans. Of course, Urnos itself has a certain resentment against the Protoss. It is impossible for you to destroy your whole family. You don’t hate him. It’s impossible to know what Li Huailin is. But I’m listening to the Protoss. Then of course he also helped to say that the Protoss is not.

The testimony of Urnos is very credible, at least the dream is so. Judging from the current situation, Li Huailin’s previous speculations are basically true. That is to say, the Protoss destroyed the Titans, robbed the Titans’ research results, and then got the dream fragments, which are now preparing to interfere with the dream world. It must be a Protoss.

"So this guy is really helping?" Dreamland here still candidly looked at Li Huailin, always feel that this guy is not very reliable, but it is really a bit useful to start things, so investigate soon To the situation...

"In summary, it seems that the preparation for interference in the dream world is really a Protoss." Li Huailin began to say after Urnos said, "I am right."

"Yeah." The dream nodded and agreed with Li Huailin.

"But... Protoss is a kind and harmonious person in my impression. I am struggling for a good race for the cause of the mainland. I really can't believe it." Li Huailin said.

"Don't think of them so well." The dream immediately said that it seems that dreams are also somewhat hostile to the Protoss.

"No, no, I mean, the vast majority of Protoss should be good, but there are a few Protoss possible... there are some other ways." Li Huailin said.

"Do you mean that some people in the Protoss have done this?" asked the dream.

"Yes, I think this may not be the will of the whole family." Li Huailin nodded. "Although I don't know what they want to do with the dream world, if the matter is passed out, the Protoss can't say it right." So I think the participants in this matter cannot be the Protoss..."

"Well, it makes sense." The dream nodded. "That's what you mean."

"I am a good person." Li Huailin said, "This is definitely something to be done, but you can't handle the Protoss who didn't participate, right. So I think we should investigate it and see which Protoss are involved." This matter, of course, the Protoss involved in this matter, we must not let go, right."

"That is of course." The dream immediately nodded, and the man who dared to shoot in the dream world, no matter what his dreams are, would not let him go.

"It’s not easy to investigate which Protoss participated in this incident." Li Huailin said, "After all, we are not protoss, and we can’t get into the place where the Protoss live..."

"I can pull them into the world of dreams..." The dream thought about it.

"Wait a don't mess up." Li Huailin immediately said, "How are you going to ask, directly torture? How do you judge the authenticity of the other person's speech? If you lie to you, you will be stunned and the other party will destroy the evidence. Isn’t the time to catch the culprit forever? Isn’t it more troublesome?”

“Well?” The dream thought a little. “You said something a bit, then what do you say?”

"Of course... find someone to ask." Li Huailin said, "Look for a Protoss."

"What is the difference between this and my plan?" asked the dream.

"Not the same." Li Huailin said, "The person I am looking for is a fixed person. We can explain to him the situation. I think that according to her, people should understand the importance of this matter, so they will prefer us. Here, if we do this, we can let him help me in the Protoss."

Li Huailin’s dream is to understand, but I want to ask: “Are you sure that the person you are looking for will be biased towards us?”

"I'm not sure," Li Huailin said. "But you can try it. You can't just ruin the family of the Protoss."

"Well..." The dream nodded a little. "Try it."

"Of course I am responsible for finding someone, but you have to be responsible for explaining this matter. After all, you see me as a human race. The official is slightly weak. It is normal for people not to believe me. You are more reliable when you speak, right." Li Huailin said. .

"Yes." The dream nodded. There was nothing to quit. "That's the matter, I will go back and continue to deal with the mess you made. Also, you have to come to help at night."

Of course, the last sentence of the dream is to say to Enron. It really makes Li Huailin help the dreams. I don’t want to adjust the world of dreams. It’s just a mess in the past.

System Tip: Complete the ss-level mainline mission to save Dreamworld-1, you lost 27 million experience, 500 coins, and 4000 reputation points.

System prompt: accept ss level main line task, save dream world-2

Mission requirements: Find the culprit of erosion.

Mission rewards: experience 35 million, gold coins 1600, reputation points 15000, and unknown special rewards.

Next to the Enron golden light flashed, even a few levels, after all, the level is low. Li Huailin looked at his own situation, and it was the same as the last time. Although it also showed the experience deduction, but he is still 100% 0% experience, still did not adjust to the 99 level, do not know what the reason but see It will not fall.

"Wait and so on..." Seeing the dream here is going, Li Huailin quickly stopped the other side.

"What happened, is there something?" Li Huailin asked.

“What is my mission reward?” Li Huailin asked. “Isn’t it good to get a reward after finding the reason?”

Dreams think about it too. Although it is a bit uncomfortable to see Li Huailin, people do things, and it seems that it is not a good thing to give something. Of course, the dream is originally intended to give Li Huailin the ability to open the door to the world of dreams, but I think it is too unreliable to think about it. Can you give him this ability to be peaceful? So the dream side waved directly, and a blue light rushed to Li Huailin.

System Tip: Dreams teach you new skills, hypnosis, nightmares. Do you study?

"New skills?" Li Huailin didn't think that rewards were a skill, but of course I learned it first.

Hypnosis (15th level, highest level): hypnotizes the target and 75% puts the target to sleep. There is no level limit. Casting distance 30 yards, casting 1.5 seconds, cooling 10 seconds, consumes 0 points.

Note: The sleep state duration is related to the target level. The higher the level, the less time spent sleeping, and the one attack during sleep will wake up from sleep.

Nightmare (15th level, highest level): Can only release the nightmare state that has been released into the sleep target, keep the target lasting, lose 3% of life per second, and last until the target is awake. Casting distance 30 yards, instant, no cooling, consumes 0 points.

"Hey..." Looked at the original two skills, and it is still a combination of skills, that is, let people sleep first and then let people have nightmares, always let him less blood. Only though this skill is written to release to any level of enemies, but the higher the level, the faster you wake up, so it seems that it is not very useful.

However, another aspect thinks that this skill is also an interrupting skill, and it is still a long-disturbing skill. The distance from the cast is 30 yards. Even if the opponent level sleeps for 1 second, it will sleep. This of course can interrupt each other. Casting action. This kind of skill can't be said to be useless, at least it can be used, but it is not as good as imagined.

"Okay." Dreamland is also a direct apportionment to the skills. "I am leaving."

"Hey, how can I have skills?" Li Huailin asked, then pointed to Enron, "Enron?"

"I have already given her in advance." Dream said.

"You said that it is the ability to open the door to the dream world?" Li Huailin nodded. This ability is very convenient. It is also a reward, but it always feels wrong. "Wait, why is it different for me?" what?"

"Are you a manager of the dream world?" asked the dream.

"Hey..." Li Huailin, who asked this question, really couldn’t answer.

"So I understand." The dream spreads the hand, and then directly turns into a blue light disappeared.

"Md still feels a little loss, obviously the ability to open the door is relatively hang." Li Huailin said a bit uncomfortable, although it is a pity, but let him take care of the place, he certainly does not know that the dream is just a reason. .

"Well, don't complain." The next call to the jade emperor walked over and said, "So what do you mean by meaning?"

"Yeah." Li Huailin nodded. "Now is a dream that allows us to save the world. We can talk to a few protoss who are inspiring to maintain world peace and see if they are interested in joining us."

"What if this thing has nothing to do with the Protoss?" summoned the Jade Emperor.

"What we need is just righteousness." Li Huailin said, "It is not important at all who is doing these pieces of dreams."

"Yes." Summon the Jade Emperor, of course, and nodded. "The protoss..."

"When things are done, they will be disposed of together." Li Huailin immediately said.

"Oh... it really is like this." Summon the Jade Emperor to help the amount, think about Li Huailin who is likely to leave the Protoss. "But listening to what you just said seems to have already had a goal? Who did you decide to start?" ”

"Yeah, I am not all arranged." Li Huailin nodded. "It started from the guy who seems to be the most selfless." (To be continued.)

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