All Things Wrong

Chapter 2160: reason

Actually, there is nothing to say about Urnos. At present, this guy has no effect at all, just for a certificate. It was guaranteed that he would continue to help him find the companions of the Titans and his body. Li Huailin left the institute directly with the summoning of the Jade Emperor. After all... Ulnos said that he did not trigger any tasks for a long time. According to Li Huailin’s judgment, he did not find anything.

Out of the research institute, of course, Su Dasi at the door immediately greeted him. The main reason was that Li Huailin had never been to the undead family for a while. To tell the truth, the undead people are a little confused now, and they don’t know what to do. At present, the whole continent can already be controlled by Li Huailin. After all, it is under the jurisdiction of Li Huailin. You said that there is no reason to call anyone. But their purpose is to let the undead people unite the entire continent. The special race of the undead people can't multiply without fighting, so they like to fight, but now this is the case...

Li Huailin thought about whether he would find a time to send these guys to the next-door mainland to go shopping, and they just had trouble. Of course, Li Huailin now has no time to manage this. He casually dealt with Su Dasi and Li Huailin set off again. This time the destination is the city of Parisol, the main city of the Elves.

Li Huailin, the place where the elves are, really don’t want to come. The main thing is that there are too many flowers. On the big road, they may be dragged into a nearby alley by a idiot, and the city guards will not control it. You dare to call others. The kind of people from the City Guard also come together, don't ask how Li Huailin knows.

In order to avoid this situation again, Li Huailin decided to put a cloak here. Yes, Li Huailin didn't like this thing very much, but it was actually a reality that forced nothing.

Of course, I noticed that Li Huailin’s more unexpected call to the Jade Emperor also asked what was going on. After listening to the reason, summoning the Jade Emperor was also very heart-rending and very happy. Fortunately, there is a cloak Li Huailin who is safe to go to the destination, that is the temple of the natural female sacred Lojom.

It is true that the first goal of Li Huailin’s election is this natural female sacred Lojom, for several reasons. First of all, this guy's official is very big. Indeed, in other respects, the river sacred Gaius who is basically standing on the side of Li Huailin is of course the easiest option. Li Huailin thinks that this guy can basically get a few flickering. However, after all, San Gayius is an eight-small official. It is really useless. If Li Huailin wants to pull someone, he will pull a little bit more people. And this St. Lojom is so powerful, the tens of millions of believers, the Elves of the State, and the same level of St. Dickka, of course, is more reliable.

Second, this guy Li Huailin is more familiar. From the previous situation, this guy is at least not deadly loyal to the king of the gods, but also secretly adopted the Vulna, the demon family. So in a certain sense, the other party is betraying the king of the gods. Of course, Li Xiaolin, who opened this small mouth, will continue to dig it up.

Third, that is, St. Lojom is now estimating himself. The reason is very simple. Selston is going back now. St. Lojom, who knows some of the insiders, certainly feels very strange. Li Huailin also needs to see. What is the reaction of the other party, I was originally looking for her.

Based on the above points, Li Huailin’s first person to look for is St. Lojom. It seems that there is no better choice than her, not to mention the other’s tokens. His green blade is still there. In your own hands.

Of course, Li Huailin went directly to the border of the gods to find St. Lojom, but now this situation must not go to the border of the gods to say, so Li Huailin directly to the temple to see the situation, try to use this token can summon to the holy Lojom came over.

The Temple of Nature Goddess in the main city of Pirisol is of course the largest temple of natural goddess on the mainland. It is built directly on the edge of the tree of life, a very magnificent temple, and the building of the elves. They are very shabby, even if the palace does not look like this temple is beautiful. Of course, this is also because the concept of the elves is slightly different from that of the human race. In their view, although the queen is a queen, it is not as noble as the Terran to see the emperor. The Elves have a relatively narrow concept of equality. Of course, this is not the case for the Protoss.

It is really troublesome for Li Huailin to enter the temple of the goddess of nature, because the humanity believes that the natural goddess is less than 1% of the total believers. So Li Huailin was stopped by the guards when he entered the door. Do you believe that the natural goddess is running here? Li Huailin did not want to expose the temple on the side of the province to become the yin temple. Fortunately, he took out the holy things of San Lojom and gave a few people a little look at it, indicating that he was here for the task.

The guards didn't know the true and false, but they could really feel the breath of the natural goddess from the leaves. Of course they were also devout believers, so they could judge that this might be something related to the goddess of nature, so they nodded. Li Huailin went in.

Since it came in, it is more convenient, and in the moment of coming in, St. Lojom’s estimate is that Li Huailin is coming. The statue in front is directly flashing green, the miracle is coming, all the believers are falling down, of course. Except for three people on the scene, they are Li Huailin.

"You must all quit." St. Rojom looked at Li Huailin and then lowered the gods to the believers. Although everyone is a bit strange to the natural goddess to meet the three humans alone, but the gods can not be violated, so everyone went to Saint-Jojoham for another ceremony, and then all the very orderly retreat Go out, including the guards of the temple with Li Huailin before.

"It's a bully."

"It seems that I have received hidden missions?" There are also several elves in the crowd. It is good to sacrifice to God. There are players who are tired of brushing every day, but there are not many people. After all, the players are not. So pious, come over and brush up and finish it, he will leave. So there aren't a lot of players in the hall, and players can only follow if they see everyone quit. Do you still want to grab the hidden task of the tyrant? Are you tired of living?

As soon as everyone walked, the giant statue in front of the green light flashed, St. Rojom appeared directly in front of Li Huailin, but his face was not very good, asked a little anxiously: "What happened? Why is the Salt Pass? Going back to the realm of the gods? Do you know what? Verna?"

"Don't worry," Li Huailin said. "I'm sorry that Verna and Selston have met, and that Saltstone is letting me go back."

"What? Is it you?" St. Rojom said a little, "What do you want to do?"

"I came here to talk to you about this matter." Li Huailin said, "Do you know about the annihilation of the Titans across the continent before the millennium?"

"Yeah." St. Lojom nodded, not only knowing that it was so simple, but at that time, St. Rojoham was one of them. It was her **** who descended from the elves and described the behavior of the Titans. The elves have participated in the coalition forces of the mainland, how can she not know. Of course, she did not explain so much to Li Huailin, and it was very strange that Li Huailin would know about this. After all, the Titans have been extinct for so many years. There are few documents in the paper. How can he know these things?

It seems that I saw the appearance of St. Lojom. Li Huailin continued: "In fact, I am currently carrying out a task, a very important task."

"What mission?" St. Lojom did not respond to the task that Li Huailin said. After all, it is not normal for the adventurer to do the task again. This group of people is doing the task all day.

"A task to save the world." Li Huailin said, "The cause of this mission is a place called Dreamland. Where did I find a person named Dreamland who gave me this task? I will let her explain it to you later. The main thing is that I found the clue of the Titans through this task, and looked down this clue. I also found that the Titans were extinct at the time. I am right."

"Yeah." St. Rojom nodded, but admitted.

"Who was the order at that time to say?" Li Huailin asked.

St. Lojom did not answer, but Li Huailin immediately said, "In fact, you don't answer me, I know, so I let Selston go back and help me investigate. You know that I helped Selston find him. The daughter is also protected. He owes me a big favor, so he will venture back to the domain to help me investigate this matter."

"It turned out to be like this." St. Lojom nodded. This is quite ok. It is indeed Li Huailin who rescues Verna. That is definitely a big favor for Li Huailin. This is no problem. "You are in the end." What to investigate?"

"The purpose of the king of God." Li Huailin whispered.

"What, you dare..." St. Rojom was directly shocked.

"You know that what I am doing now is the task of saving the world. When I investigate the investigation, I will find the king of the king... This makes me a little trouble. Obviously I can't investigate, I just found it. The help of Selston, of course, come to you this time..."

"You mean the king of God, he will..." St. Lojom heard the subtext of Li Huailin. "How dare you..."

"Of course I don't dare to guess at random. If I don't have some dry goods, I dare to talk nonsense?" Li Huailin spread his hand. "So I just brought people to you, let her explain to you personally what I have investigated. Enron, call the guy out." (To be continued.)

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