All Things Wrong

Chapter 2161: persuade

A little uncomfortable dream is of course coming out again. Li Huailin also pointed to the front of St. Lojom, saying that this is the protoss I am looking for on our side, let the dreams here help explain the current situation.

After all, it is a matter related to the world of dreams. There is no hesitation in this dream. I immediately told St. Lojom about what she now knows. St. Lojom listened very seriously here, and she realized the seriousness of the incident now.

"That is to say, the pollution in the dream world is now increasing. You suspect that this is someone's behavior." St. Rojom nodded slightly after listening. "But how can you confirm this and the king of God?" There are relationships?"

"I don't know." Li Huai-lin said, "I don't know who did it at the moment, but the behavior of the Titans before the death is the command of the king. Right, since it is his order, you say this. I don’t have any relationship with him at all. I don’t really believe it. If you don’t, I won’t believe it.”

"..." St. Rojom was slightly silent. It was indeed the order of the king of the Titans, but it was always thought that the Titan developmental horror destroyed the balance of the mainland. I did not expect this. relationship.

"Of course, it's not just the king of God. Maybe other gods are also involved in this matter. In short, I don't know anything at the moment. After all, I am not a protoss, and I can't get into the gods, so I don't let Selston pass. Help me to investigate," Li Huailin said.

"Well..." Li Huailin’s current statement is quite plausible, and there is no doubt about St. Lojom’s side. After thinking about it, St. Lojom said: "So what you came to me this time is... let me help investigate this matter too?"

"Yeah." Li Huailin nodded. "Because I thought about it, although I have already sent Selceton to investigate, but you also know that people are descendants of the demon family, and it is estimated that they will be excluded in the Protoss. Let him investigate such sensitive content. I think there may be any trouble. If it is discovered by other gods, it may be noticed. If I think about it, I think it is better to find a person inside the Protoss... so I think of you. Alright."

"You are not afraid that I will sue this matter to the King of God." St. Rojom said with a sneer.

"After all, we have another relationship." Li Huailin said with a smile. "I will say that the natural goddess is definitely a good person. This is a crisis that affects the entire continent. If it is a dream world." If it collapses due to erosion, then there will be big problems in the real world."

Yes, Li Huailin said before, relying on what to convince St. Lojom, that is the righteousness, it is too cool to use the righteousness to suppress people, and Li Huailin is also a person who knows St. Joseph, she is more decent. The character, so in this case Li Huailin has a great grasp that the other side will be biased towards himself.

Sure enough, São Jojoom nodded a little. "I know, I will pay attention to this matter. Of course, I am not sure that this is really related to the King of God, but I will find a way. Find out who this is related to."

"So if this thing really has something to do with the king of God?" Li Huailin suddenly said, "What are you going to do?"

"..." St. Rojom did not speak, a little silence.

"As far as I am concerned, after all, this is related to the safety of the entire continent, so no matter who the culprit is, we should stop this thing right." Li Huailin said.

"Are you a lower-level person dare to start with the king of God?" St. Lojom asked a little unexpectedly.

"Of course I don't dare, but I don't have a sword here." Li Huailin pointed to the dream next to him. "I am just an executive. This is the will of the Excalibur."

St. Lojom looked at the dream next to him and nodded. Yes, of course, she knows the Excalibur. This thing is a relatively evasive thing in the Protoss. Although she has never seen the Excalibur of the Dream, she does not know the characteristics of the Excalibur, but she still remembers the situation of the light a hundred years ago. At that time, the situation of the Protoss was very difficult. If it was not another Sword holder, it would be very difficult to solve.

"So I want to ask your attitude now." Li Huailin continued. "If you really investigate the king of the gods, you are behind the scenes. Which side do you stand on, is it to defend your king of God, or to protect the peace of the mainland?"

"This matter and other results of the investigation." St. Rojom did not know how to answer, simply said that she did not think about it, so she directly escaped the problem.

"This can't wait until then." Li Huai-lin said immediately. "When it comes to investigating the results, it's too late. You have to know what is happening now. This is related to the safety of the whole continent, so you must be cautious in handling it." And be prepared for everything that will happen."

"What do you mean?" asked Saint-Lojom.

"For all possible consequences, we have to think about the solution." Li Huailin said, "Just like this, your current plan is to investigate this matter first, and wait until the results are investigated. In case, I say 10,000 The behind-the-scenes of this matter is the king of the gods, then do you think of ways to deal with him? The thought is very good, but what happens if it is discovered by the king of God? The king of God will definitely deal with you first, you want If you want to fire the Holy Montos, for the Protoss who oppose yourself, the King of God will remove him without hesitation. When you want to do something, it is too late."

Li Huailin mentioned that the holy Montos of the fire made St. Rojom slightly surprised. Yes, St. Rojom was a neutralist at the time and did not oppose the king of God, but also opposed the method of dealing with St. Montos... and Li Huailin now mentions This incident made St. Lojom think more, especially in combination with the previous situation...

"Because it matters, you must prepare all the things that may happen. Otherwise, once you are discovered, God will certainly do it to you immediately. If that happens, then our plan will fail completely." In this case, no one wants to see it right," Li Huailin said.

"What do you mean?" asked Saint-Lojom.

"Of course, it is first to pull people into the gang." Li Huailin said, "After all, this is a matter of saving the whole continent. I think we can't do it with a few of us, so I have to find ways to pull more people. Of course, we don't know the culprits now. Who is the culprit, considering that the worst situation is of course God King himself, then prepare for the counterattack once it is discovered by the other party."

"What do you mean by letting me go to other gods and let them join this action?" asked St. Rojom.

"Simply said this." Li Huailin nodded. "Of course, this is only to deal with the worst situation. Isn't it true? If the final investigation is not a god, then nothing will happen. At that time, it will be dissolved directly." Ok, I think if the King of God is really a good person, then you will not blame you for saving you."

"..." St. Rojom nodded slightly. Yes, Li Huailin’s meaning she understood, just in case, just now, I really don’t know who did it, even though St. Lojom himself I don't believe it, but if it is really a **** king... Will it become the second Montos after I have been discovered? When the plan is exposed, no one can stop the king. Li Huailin’s approach is to do this preparatory work in advance, and St. Lojom feels that Li Huailin’s statement is no problem.

"Of course, this thing is also to be prepared. After all, no one knows the culprit. We are just a little guessing. So everyone in the Protoss may be, the person you are looking for may be, so The person who is looking for is of course the first person who wants you to know the bottom. Of course, this matter can't be reported to the gods now, so I don't think it is suitable for people who are too loyal to the king of God." Li Huailin continued.

"I understand." St. Rojom nodded, and of course she still knew.

"Of course, if the function is to bring these people, the progress of our investigation will be faster. Isn't it?" Li Huailin said, "I certainly hope to finish this task quickly."

"Oh..." St. Rojom snorted. Yes, Li Huailin said that the meaning of this statement is to let St. Lojom understand that he is just an adventurer. This is the destruction of your continent, he is here to do the task.

"Of course, you may not understand this. If you don't, I will come here to find you two days later. You will bring the people you are looking for. I will explain them to the present situation. There is a dream here. This incident is relatively simple to explain." Li Huailin thought about it.

"Two days?"

"Yeah, now time is tight." Li Huailin said, "Now the dream world has been eroded. No one knows how serious the consequences will be, so it is really impossible to drag. You can only ask for a little speed. Alright."

Anyway, there is a big righteousness here, and everything goes up. It is really convenient to explain. Under normal circumstances, these protoss have such a good job for you, but now it is more convenient.

Surely, St. Lojom did not refuse. After all, Li Huailin said that it really makes sense. She doesn’t know how dangerous the dream world is. Of course, the dream next to her will not tell her that she can still support it. You also Use too much urgency, because the dream is also to solve this matter quickly.

"Understood." St. Lojom did not say much, nodded and replied. (To be continued.)

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