All Things Wrong

Chapter 2162: Report

"Is this guy credible?" Going out of the temple of the goddess of nature, summoning the Jade Emperor also asked. The summoned Jade Emperor had never been interrupted before, but after coming out, I still felt that I still wanted to ask clearly. After all, she did not know St. Lojom, nor did she know what kind of person is St. Joseph.

"Nothing." Li Huailin spread his hand. "This is even a matter of going out and fighting with the Protoss. Anyway, it will be opened sooner or later. Now the basic preparations are almost the same. It is best to pull those protoss to come in. Not the case."

"No problem?" Summon Jade Emperor thought and asked.

"Do your best, listen to your destiny." Li Huailin said a little vaguely. "No matter what you can't do, let's do what we can do now."

"Also." Summon Jade Emperor nodded. "What are you doing now?"

"Hurry and go to the side of Sealton. I have said it all over here. Of course, I have to string the confession. In a moment, if St. Lojom asks about Saltstone, it will be troublesome." Li Huailin Said.

"You haven't said good yet." Summon the Jade Emperor to see what Li Huailin said before, so he almost wrote a letter, and even Sailston did not say hello.

"I didn't think about this idea when I let Selston go." Li Huailin said, "In short, I will hurry to say hello."

"Hurry up." Summon Jade Emperor also nodded.

The three men also quickly returned to the headquarters of the Dark Church, because the Temple of Sealon is here. Of course, this is easier than the temple of the natural goddess. Li Huailin is going to enter this side and no one dares to stop. Li Huailin let them go out, of course, no one dares not listen.

After everyone went out, there was a flash of light next to it, and Saltstone appeared directly. Li Huailin had already said to him before, if there is anything, come to the temple here to find him, let him pay a little attention, and surely, Saltstone is coming soon.

Seeing that Sylvester Li Huailin quickly said the situation and Selston a little bit, of course, for Sayolton Li Huailin did not use dreams to personally explain to him, and very straightforward to tell Xaar The purpose of Stone Li Huailin is to pull a few Protoss into the water.

"St. Lojom?" Hearing that Li Huailin's goal was St. Rojom, Saltton's face was a bit strange.

"What's wrong, are you old?" Li Huailin asked strangely.

"No, there is no such relationship." Selston shook his head. "Just he took care of Verna, now..."

"Then you think about whether the plan to revive the demons is more important or your personal feelings are more important. I don't care." Li Huailin spread his hands.

Of course, it is said that Li Huailin did not give Selston a chance to choose. How could he ignore the demon revival plan? The Protoss is always the enemy of the demon family. What is the relationship between him and St. Lojom? Anyway, both sides are hostile, and Saltstone also uses this reason to convince himself.

"Understood." Selston nodded. "I will assist you in pointing the target of this culprit to the king of the king."

"Ha?" Li Huailin said a little. "No, I didn't want you to do this."

"Hmmm?" Selston is also a glimpse. He thought that Li Huailin and he said that this means letting him guide the investigation of the protoss to the king of the gods and let them believe that the king is The main thing behind the scenes, after all, is not sure that this is what the King of God did.

"If you are involved in this matter, it will cause suspicion. I am talking about making doubts about the Protoss who believed in me." Li Huailin said, yes, St. Rojom does not necessarily doubt Charles. The purpose of the pass, but the other protoss called by St. Rojom certainly do not believe in Saltstone, and Saint-Lojam can not explain her relationship with Sealstone, is it straightforward to say that Have you sheltered the devil's child and helped her escape? It is absolutely impossible for San Lojom to disclose this matter, so this is not to make those protoss even more convinced. The participation of Sealstone in this matter will only make this matter even more unfavorable.

"What do you mean?" asked Saltstone, "I don't do anything?"

"Of course not. There is only one thing you can do." Li Huailin said, "That is to directly report the suspects and investigations of the King of God at a certain time."

"What!" Sylvester took a direct look, and the whole person jumped a bit. "Reporting... you mean..."

"The literal meaning." Li Huai-lin said, "You know that no one can be sure that the king of God is behind the scenes." To be honest, I think it is a possibility of 50%, so this is true. If the investigation goes on, maybe we get an answer that we don't want. This is very troublesome. But what we need is not really sure about it. Just let the two sides split up, and St. Lojom investigates them privately. The matter of the King of God is of course a fact. Whether or not the King of God has done this, of course, will deal with this problem. We only need to be responsible for it."

Li Huailin’s meaning is very straightforward, and Saltton understands it in an instant, but the problem is that this is how they sold St. Lojom directly. For Selston, St. Lojom was the one who helped him. At that time, only St. Rojom helped him. The current heart of Selston is of course tangled.

"When you hesitate this, think about the problem I just had." Li Huailin said, "I want to know if you are carrying on your own or the future of the devil's family. If you can't even do this, don't play. It is."

"..." Selston did not answer, but it was already convinced by Li Huailin. Yes, Li Huailin took the Devils to suppress him. There is nothing to say about it. Of course, there is no way to do it.

"I will inform you of the specific time anyway." Li Huailin continued, "Do not do anything as much as possible after going back, and don't contact any Protoss."

Selston nodded and then left silently. From the expression, it can be seen that Sealstone is very helpless, but Li Huailin knows that the other party cannot violate his own meaning.

"I found that it is quite easy for you to do this kind of thing." Summon the Jade Emperor to say, "I don't want to be a big family of the Emperor."

"Ha? Emperor's big family?" Li Huailin first glimpsed, and then suddenly thought that when the last engagement, summoned the Jade Emperor, they said that Li Huailin is the emperor's big family, Li Huailin really nodded and nodded, of course, too lazy to explain "Yes, yeah."

"What do you do now?" Called the Jade Emperor to look at the time is still early, asked.

"There is nothing to do now." Li Huai-lin spread his hand. "The current preparations are basically completed. The rest of the time, just a little improvement."

"Go to the border of the gods to brush the power of the point?" summoned the Jade Emperor.

"The income is too small." Li Huailin directly refused, the reason is of course that his brushing power here is equal to deducting power. What is good to brush, "It seems that the biggest improvement for us is equipment and skills, especially special skills. ...but learning advanced skills has a level of support, and it seems that time is not allowed."

Of course, Li Huailin is here to summon the rank of the Jade Emperor. His own level is just a brush, but unfortunately there is no skill to take it, and the skills of his own tutor have long been learned. There is still a lot of skills to summon the jade emperor's current level. There is no such thing as the mystery skills book that was created last time. The required skill level is 100, and the summoned Jade Emperor can't learn now.

"So at present, the best thing that can be done is the artifact, because it is directly bound, so there is no need for equipment. This kind of thing is the most important." Li Huailin thought about it.

"You think that the artifacts are all cabbages. Now go where to make artifacts." Summon the Jade Emperor said, "At least the task of s or above, or a world-class wave ss, this opportunity can not be met. what."

"I know, this is not trying to find a way." Li Huailin nodded.

As a result, the two of them were talking about it. Suddenly, Li Huailin found that the system prompt came, and looked at it. It turned out that the night flight sent a request for a remote call.

Li Huailin of course immediately picked it up and asked what the situation was.

"This is the case." Night Airlines explained, "I have a friend here to find you, but you have blocked the stranger's private chat function, so he thought he could only find me first."

"A friend?" Li Huailin asked strangely. Although the night flight said that the friends are quite extensive, but have not introduced the situation that friends have known him, and may know that they do not like this, so this time I am looking for myself is definitely not a friend. So simple.

"This is the case. My friend has a task that involves you on the side of the situation, so I am looking for you to ask, but I can't find where you are." Night Flight explained.

“Is it involved with me?” Li Huailin did not expect, “What does it have to do with me?”

"Yeah, it's a mission about the world of dreams," said the night flight. "Because he checked and found a body called Np from Gloria, but went to the city where the np is located, and asked the result. The man told him that this np, called Gloria, was taken away a long time ago. The person who took her was still an adventurer. As a result, he asked for a long time and found that the person seemed to be he wanted to find You ask what is going on."

"The mission of the dream world?" Li Huailin took a look. (To be continued.)

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