All Things Wrong

Chapter 2212: penetrate

"This is really a wonderful battle." Li Huailin applauded while applauding.

"God n wonderful battle." The Tsmog people next to me did not return to God or could not help but want to say this, not after all, Li Huailin is the boss, although I want to say it but still stunned.

"And then...?" Li Huailin looked at the Tesmoog around him and asked, "Are you not talking about catching it?"

"Oh, yes!" Tesmoog finally recovered, facing a few Druids next to him, and several Druids were also summoned to be rescued by Jade Emperor at this time, although the situation is still Some are not very good, but the body is no problem.

Upon receiving the signal from Tesmoog, several druids that had been prepared immediately acted. The Tesmoog here also said to Li Huailin, and then rushed up, four people ran to the side of the oss, and then surrounded the oss from the four corners.

"Go... walk away!" The oss here wants to resist, but after all, it means the remaining 1 point of life, the injury is too serious, so the hands can not lift.

The four Druids nodded each other, and then from the four people at the same time a green light, Li Huailin saw everyone flying a tree vine, and then turned to the oss body. With more and more tree vines, it seems that it is directly intended to wrap the entire oss. Of course, the oss that are not right now still want to struggle, but it is really no resistance, and it is quickly overwhelmed by the tree vine.

"Don't you say you want to torture?" Li Huailin came over and asked.

"Yes, but it is not a good place," Tesmoog said. "Our strength is suppressed too much here. When we return to the moon well, we can strengthen our strength and weaken his power. This will destroy his will, so that we can get some information that is useful to us."

"Oh, this way." Li Huailin nodded. "That now..."

Li Huailin originally wanted to ask where he should go now, because it seems that there are walls all around, there is no place to go, so ask this group of druids to see if there are any clues, and the results are not finished. Suddenly he received a system announcement.

System Announcement: Congratulations to the team "Spiritual" successfully passed the final oss of the Kingdom of the Kingdom of Thidstein, Sektor Chief Tissos. Team members: the spirit night captain, the spirit of the fire world... chest Huaolin, summoning Jade Emperor, Enron. Reward experience 85ooooo, gold coin 75o, and record in the history of the 6th Glory.

"Ha?" Li Huailin and the night flight looked at each other and were a little surprised. Of course, they are not surprised by the announcement. Every oss will appear after the game is finished. Although this oss is not dead, it will be announced that they will be announced. But the problem is this "final oss" word, that is to say, this oss is already the last oss of this copy? Is this copy passed? But... it seems that I have never finished playing, isn’t it that the ancient **** worshipped Aki’s behind the scenes? Doesn't this guy show up? And now this place...

Just thinking, suddenly everyone felt the ground shaking. The sound of "咔" made everyone stunned and almost fell to the ground.

"What's wrong?" asked one of the team members.

“I feel... seems to be hitting something?” another person replied.

Yes, of course, everyone feels that this thing is moving at the foot, although the action is not big, but it seems to be the feeling of the drill bit that is spinning down. At this time, the drill bit suddenly stopped, and it seemed to be stuck on something.

"We hit the oss so the drill stopped?" The night flight came over and asked, "So what is this drill used for?"

"The target of these Sectors may be this bit." Tesmoge said, "This is the king city of Isaiku. When Isaiku built this king city, I heard that it was very huge. The drill bit, after the establishment of Wangcheng, may exist in the treasure house. It should be the one under our feet. I just don’t know what the Siktor people want these drill bits to do... but it should be related to Bai Yaki’s plan. Let’s go back. I will know if I torture this Sector."

"It seems that the follow-up story will take a while to touch." The night flight nodded. "Since the final oss have been played, let's go."

"Is there nothing to hide oss?" Li Huailin said.

"There is no hidden oss setting for the team copy. Several oss are stipulated..." The night flight has not finished yet. Suddenly there is a shock at the foot, as if something is facing them below. For the first time, let everyone jump up a little.

"What is the situation?" Night flight is also a glimpse.

"Hey... Could it be that there is a hidden oss below?" Li Huailin asked.

"This..." Night flight is also difficult to judge, although the team copy generally does not have any hidden oss settings, but can not stop people really play this hand.

The sound of "咚" is being guessed. Suddenly, it’s the next time. The strength of this time is even greater. Basically, the team’s people are halfway down.

"Your Majesty, something is wrong, there is danger here, hurry to leave." Tesmoge suddenly said.

"Ha?" Li Huailin said, I didn't expect Tesmoog to say this.

"Your Majesty, this is not right, I felt dangerous. I immediately opened the portal, and everyone left me here first." Tesmoge said again, after Tesmoog said that he began to cast spells. .

"What is the situation?" Li Huailin did not quite understand what was going on. The night flight is what I see: "Like the plot, let us make a copy."

After the night flight was finished, Tesmoog had already cast a portal on this side. The door was lit with green light and it looked like it was connected to the previous Moonlight Valley.

"Your Majesty, fast, leave with us." Tesmoge said as he directed the druids next to him and took the oss away. Of course, the three druids also entered the portal without saying anything about pulling up the oss.

"President, let's go?" A few spiritual players next to the scene saw the situation a little urgent, but still asked about the night flight.

"Wilin, what should I do?" Night flight is looking at Li Huailin.

"You go first." Li Huailin thought about it. "I stay here to see the situation."

"..." The night flight thought a little, then said to the members of the spirit world, "All of you will leave first."

The players were of course obeying the orders of the night flight, so they went into the portal one after the other. However, there were still a few people who did not leave. In addition to Li Huailin, the summoned Jade Emperor and Enron did not go, of course, and the night flight and the firehead stayed.

"I also look at the situation." Night Airlines said, "It is okay to summon the Jade Emperor."

"咣", the night flight just finished, there was a huge shock on the ground, this time all five people were directly shocked to the ground. Before I could stand up, suddenly there was a huge force coming from below, and everyone suddenly felt the ground rise.

"What?" Five people felt the rise of the ground crazy, and indeed it should be something to put the drill bit on top, and the top is very fast. Because the place where the drill bit was drilled was also uneven, so the surrounding walls and various gravel were flying around.

Because the degree of ascent is a bit fast, Li Huailin can't get up here, look up, this moment is almost the place to jump before.

"The top is going to the top." The night flight exclaimed, but although it was shouted, it was useless. The five people couldn’t leave at all. The portal next door didn’t know when it’s gone, and the ceiling was not seen. How to do it.

The loud noise of the "砰", the entire drill bit was topped into the ceiling of the treasure house above, of course, all five people are at the top of the drill bit, so this is equivalent to saying that it is squashed. Of course, this time the summoned Jade Emperor is by their side, so five people have nothing to do.

After hitting the top, the drill bit was slightly fixed. When the five people had not done anything, suddenly it was a huge force. The drill bit below was raised again, forcibly breaking open the rock layer. Continue to rise.

"Living trough..." At present, Li Huailin can't see anything. He feels that the force below pushes himself up, and the degree is almost as fast as the previous rise, so he can't do anything at all. Any action.

A loud bang of "咚", suddenly Li Huailin shined from the top of his head, and looked up slightly, Li Huailin was shocked because he actually saw the sun. Yes, the thing under the drill bit actually climbed from the bottom of the drill bit until it penetrated the entire underground rock formation until it was pushed out to the ground.

Li Huailin had already flew in the air at this time. When he was out of the ground, he finally left the drill bit and flew straight out to the side. Of course, he also saw the same caller who was flying around in the air. Waiting, some of them are of course a bit of a state of arrogance, and now they are observing the surroundings and wondering what happened.

"Look, what is that?" Suddenly the night flight in midair pointed to the bottom and shouted.

"Oh?" Li Huailin immediately looked down, but saw the thing that popped them out. This is a huge black cylinder that has now been worn out of the mountain, and now it is spraying a black mist around it. To be continued.

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