All Things Wrong

Chapter 2213: launch

"What is that?" Of course, this is also the case with a large number of players at the door. Yes, after they received the message that Li Huailin had opened the final wave of the team copy, they had not had time to sigh. Suddenly all the players who were making a copy were instantly transferred to the door of the copy.

This situation has already happened once before, that is, the last time Li Huailin’s team passed the ordinary copy, they also passed them out, but this time everyone just felt different, the whole ground was shaking. And the shock made them all unable to stand up.

Just when they were still discussing what was going on, suddenly they heard a "bang" explosion in the mountains ahead. When they looked up, they saw a black thing drilled from the mountain. Come out, of course, Li Huailin, they actually got out at this time, but not many people saw it because it was too small.

"What... what?" The players were surprised to see such an exaggeration.

"I don't know, it looks like a **** pillar, it's still smoking, look."

"Wave ss? Or what kind of story animation?"

"I always feel that something is going to happen."

Of course, the players don't know what it is, and they look at the sudden appearance of something. At this time, suddenly the golden light flashed, and a golden dragon appeared next to the black stone pillar. Of course everyone knows that it is Li Huailin's mount. It seems that Niubi wants to see what it is. But no one knows that Li Huailin was topped out of this copy by this thing.

Li Huailin was really stunned before it was hit. The road ahead was a bit too messy. It was hard to come out. Li Huailin called God and summoned Xiaomi, then flew up. Because of the previous impact, Li Huailin was also smashed. Li Huailin also asked the other four people in the team channel.

Summon Jade Emperor is of course no problem, this guy will not die. And she is always with Enron, and the two landed in the same position, so they are all fine. However, the night flight and the firehead are quite miserable. The position where they flew out was not right. When they landed, they were not in the scope of the aura of the Jade Emperor. Therefore, it was unfortunate that it was hung directly. The night flight is still unfortunate. Lost a piece of equipment.

"The copy of the fight for a long time is really a white fight." Night flight couldn't help but say, yes, the current level of death deduction of 10% experience is really an exaggerated punishment, the experience of rewarding the night flight after the copy is not yet It’s much more to die, not to mention losing a piece of equipment. Now that this situation is going back, it’s estimated that it’s gone.

But fortunately, it is just a matter of experience and equipment. The president of the Great Guild of Night Flight is not too concerned about this loss. Li Huailin didn't pay much attention to it, and soon his attention turned to something more important, which is the black thing that suddenly appeared.

Riding Xiaomi Li Huailin flew to the side of the black pillar, because this thing is out of the mountain, the current position of the general players can not come up at once, so there is no one near the pillar. Li Huailin flew around the pillar and then fell to the side of the pillar.

Careful look at the size of this black pillar is too big, it is equivalent to the size of a tower, Li Huailin even suspected that this is a building, but still can not see any entrance around a circle The place of the class. And looked down and found that this thing not only sprayed the black smoke in the air, but also began to flow out of black mud. Yes, it is estimated to be the same thing as the black mud that was seen in the eroded creatures that I saw before.

Li Huailin clearly saw that the black mud was slowly infiltrated from the surface of the stone pillar and then flowed to the ground. Now Li Huailin knows where these black mud and black smoke come from, but what exactly is this black thing?

If the laser skills are still there, Li Huailin might try to look at this thing directly to see what is going on, but only to change the laser skills into lighting skills in order to play wave ss, so Li Huailin is going to shoot now. The laser is going to get there again at Argos, which is a bit of a hassle. Just at this time, the night flight also sent a contact.

"Wilin, the Druids are looking for us." Night Airlines said, "I just resurrected from the camp, they are here, or are you coming over?"

"Oh, good." Li Huailin nodded and then flew straight in the direction of the camp. Anyway, there was no way.

Just arrived at the station, Li Huailin saw a bunch of druids waiting for the bottom, as well as a lot of players. After all, suddenly there was such a strange thing. All the players felt a bit strange. There are still many players who think this is a new mission event, so of course they all want to come back and find this Druid. .

Only this group of Druids did not care what they meant, but they were talking to them at night. At this time, most of the players also understood that this was the task triggered by the copy of the night flight, so there may be only night flight. They can pick up, but although the Druids don't bird them, look at what it is, so the players are certainly not here.

Li Huailin flew directly in, and no one dared to stop him. And the Druid who is waiting for him is also a group of Tesmoog, who have just seen it in the copy.

"Your Majesty, the big thing is not good." Tesmoge said.

"How do you like this group of nps like this?" Li Huailin helped, "What is the situation now."

"Your Majesty, it seems that Baiyaki’s plan is already obvious," Tesmoog said gravely. "Look, look at that thing. Although I don’t know what it is, it must be related to Beyaki. Things are now releasing black fog and silt, and it is obvious that the other party’s plan... is to pollute the continent."

"Well, so what do you mean by Bayaki’s plan is to turn the continent here into an environment like the dark continent?" Li Huailin thought about it.

"I think so." Tesmoog nodded. "Although we don't have time to torture the Sector, it is estimated that the answer is similar. Of course we must stop this happen now."

"Oh." Li Huailin nodded slightly. "What are you going to do?"

"The current situation seems to be impossible for us alone. We must seek help. If Baiyaki’s plan is successful, it is a threat to our entire continent, so we should contact humans, elves, dwarves and even Orcs, demons, and undead, gather the power of the entire continent to counter the invasion of the ancient **** Beyaki," Tesmoog said.

"Amount... directly pull everyone up against Beyaki?" Li Huailin nodded, not against it. He just thought that suddenly things seemed to be quite big. "But what should be done? Pull everyone up too." Have a goal."

"Yes, I have already thought about it. Now, Baháki should not be on this continent. According to my guess, the other side may still be in the dark continent of Crevisen, we should launch all the power to the Creweson continent. Defeat Beyaki," Tesmoog said.

"Oh? Where is the location of the Cliveson continent?" Li Huailin asked.

"I don't know yet, but... we didn't catch the captives, we can know the location of the Cliveson continent from him." Tesmoog replied.

Tesmoog said that Li Huailin probably understood what was going on here, and surely it all went according to the plot. It was strange before that why the last wave ss could not be killed. Now I understand that it was to trigger the next story. Finding the location of the Crevison continent through this wave of ss, and then proceeding to the next story, is actually as simple as that.

"Your Majesty, I have sent people to contact the leaders of the six major countries, and tell them the stakes of this matter, I believe they will join. And the Sector we are also trying to torture, will definitely let it say More information," Tesmoog said.

"Oh...that is, have to wait now?" Li Huailin asked.

"There will be results soon." Tesmoog nodded. "But this time, let you kneel down because you have to give you something. After all, this Sektor captive is caught by your Majesty and your companions. I think we should also say something about the druid..."

"Well?" Li Huailin first glimpsed, then suddenly reacted. Yes, Tesmoog said that the main purpose of finding this group of people is not to ask them to tell the story, but to reward them. Why give rewards, the reason is very simple, because the last copy of the copy wave ss because they did not kill, so did not open the body of this link, then according to the system rules, no matter how the wave ss will give you a reward, The previous wave ss was given to you through the treasure chest. This time, because of the relationship that the plot needs, it will be given to you directly through this group of Druids, so I will come to Li Huailin.

"This is some of the props of our Druid family. I don't know if it is useful to you. It is our druid's thanks." Tesmoog did not care whether Li Huailin had figured it out, anyway, directly Let a few people carry things up and put them directly in front of the night flight and Li Huailin. (To be continued.)

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