All Things Wrong

Chapter 2217: Prepare for war

The joint conference of the mainland was prepared at an unimaginable speed. As expected, these things that Druid could not do were relatively simple for Li Huailin. When Li Huailin’s statement was sent to the heads of the major leaders, everyone believed in the words of the Druid, and of course decided to come over to the meeting.

The location of the meeting was still the Duke's House of Li Huailin, and there was no big preparation. The banner did not pull one and became the meeting place of the mainland joint conference. It’s not that Gert is lazy here. It’s really that people come too fast, so that they don’t have time to prepare anything.

After all, this is the first time that the mainland emperor Li Huailin has convened everyone to hold a meeting since he became the king. Although the leaders of these big countries have not known whether this ancient **** is true or not, Li Huailin said that you can come to you if you come. And not only do you have to come, but you have to come soon. If someone else arrives, your family will not come. Is this not an excuse to fight Li Huailin? Everyone knows that Li Huailin likes to look for things and is extremely brutal.

So the first thing that came to the meeting was the meeting of the Mozu and the Dwarfs. Because these two countries were originally shackles, they were certainly afraid of Li Huailin, so they came over the first time they received the notice. It entered the reception mode, so there was no time to arrange anything.

Not long after, the people of the Terran, the Elves, the Undead, and the Orcs arrived, and there were still many people coming. In addition to the leaders of the countries, there are a lot of entourage. In this case, the conference room in the hospital of Li Huailin is not enough, so Gert will also allocate a list of the people attending the meeting.

After all the people were arranged in the seat, the meeting was of course started immediately, but the problem was that Gerrington could not find Li Huailin suddenly. I asked a little. It turned out that Li Huailin was here to negotiate with the Elanwen explorer. Gert thought about it. At the moment, he could not let the gangs wait, so let Tsmeg. Advanced to introduce the current situation.

When Li Huailin came back, he saw this situation. When he walked into the conference room, of course, the entire conference room was quiet immediately. Everyone immediately stood up against Li Huailin.

"Ok, everyone is sitting." Li Huailin said, "The current situation is known to everyone, things are more urgent, Tesmoog, simply say it."

"Your Majesty, it is true that this ancient **** called Beyaki is indeed preparing to destroy the souls of the mainland. We have investigated the situation around the remains of Teldistan. It is only one day, the black pillar has polluted Tyre. In the entire area near the remains of Destin, the black mud turned the land into black soil. It is obvious that ordinary plants cannot grow on these black soils, and the animals that are stained with black mud become crazy. Aggressive. The black mist that is sprayed into the air shields the sun. If this situation continues, the black soil will spread to the entire continent, and the black mist will cover the entire continent, let us across the continent. They all became the second dark continent." Tsmoge next to him stressed again.

"So everyone understands. The only way to solve this problem is to get the culprit, the ancient god, Biyaji, so we need to organize the coalition to go to the Cliveson continent. We already know Kerry. The position of Weisen's continent, so it is directly attacked by the Elavent explorer's fixed-point transmission technology." Li Huailin pointed to his side as he spoke, of course, just now, Li Huailin had already gone to Ella. At the headquarters of the explorer, we found Verdirus. The other party is of course willing to cooperate. It is not difficult for the octopus to establish a transmission array.

Of course, Li Huailin’s opening of these leaders certainly knows the truth of this matter. After all, this matter is related to the safety of the entire continent. If the ancient gods really invaded the entire continent, of course they are also dangerous. So soon all the leaders expressed their willingness to cooperate and listened to Li Huailin’s deployment and command.

"There are two things to do at the moment. First, you go back and sort out the troops and prepare to dispatch. The ancient world of Clewison, where the ancient **** worships Yaki, is called the dark continent. This continent has been completely eroded by the ancient gods. All creatures have become servants of the ancient gods. The situation should be similar to those that are now polluted by black mud. It is also the kind of attack that everyone sees, because the number may be many, and the army needs to clear it. Besides these creatures. There are also worshippers of Beyaki, a group of self-proclaimed Sektor star geeks. These gangs are faithful followers of the ancient gods. Of course, nothing is said to be our enemy." Li Huailin said.

"Secondly, we need to establish a stronghold. As I have just asked, there are not many people who can transmit by fixed-point transmission. It is necessary to establish a transmission base there to carry out the large-scale transmission of personnel and materials, so we are most important now. The thing is to establish a sentinel stronghold. Because the fixed point transmission only knows the position of the coordinates, and does not know what the coordinate position point is, so this thing is a little dangerous." Li Huailin continued.

"Wilin, let us know about this matter." It was Anthony, who was the only one of the country's leaders to call Li Huailin's name, just as Li Huailin also called the other's name.

"No, I am responsible for this matter personally." Li Huailin waved and said, "And it is about to start moving. The time to build the first stronghold according to the current situation is about 4-5 hours, and the first one. After the establishment of the stronghold, your troops will start immediately, so you must assemble the troops within four hours. The transmission will be connected to the location of the cross-service battlefield transfer point of all the main cities, and you will come with the troops immediately. ""

"Your Majesty, isn't this a very dangerous thing? You come in person..." The Gelter next to it, of course, just heard about it and immediately wanted to dissuade him.

"I am prepared for this incident." Li Huailin reached out and stopped. "In short, everyone's tasks are very heavy. This time the task is more urgent, and there must be no loss, so I hope everyone can cooperate very much. I don't want to see any. Unpleasant things happen, if it happens, I will be very, very angry, so... understand?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Everyone immediately got up and replied.

"Well, you can go back to the whole army to prepare for the battle. When the stronghold here is established, set off immediately." Li Huailin said.

All the leaders who said nothing soon said goodbye to Li Huailin, and then went back to the army. It is obvious that no one is ready to sing the opposite tone. After all, Li Huailin’s prestige is still very high.

Of course, Li Huailin should also be prepared immediately. The situation of establishing a stronghold before is of course true. Li Huailin spent a little more time on the Eleaven explorer to ask this question. According to their introduction, fixed-point transmission is feasible, but because there is no corresponding transmission matrix, this transmission not only consumes a lot of energy, but also has certain instability factors, that is, transmission offset may occur. The accident, so generally will not be used. Moreover, the location they transmit is still a dangerous area of ​​the Dark Continent, so what is happening is possible.

One way to make the people here settle down is to calmly take the boat in the past, first send a team to land on the ship, and then build a stronghold on it. It is safest to pass the past. However, it takes a week for the ship to take a boat. Li Huailin said that he could not wait, so he still adopted a more radical plan. Of course, Li Huailin’s reason is still the current crisis.

After all, it was Li Huailin’s order. Of course, the octopus also agreed to this plan. Of course, the octopus will also send some people to the front, where to build a transmission base. However, it takes 4-5 hours to build a transmission base. This is already the fastest speed. Of course, in such a dangerous place, this definitely requires escort.

So Li Huailin set out to prepare an advance team here. There is no way for the number of people. According to the expectations of Vedi Rus, only about 20 people can be sent at a time. Among them, the octopus technicians will occupy 7 people. They are responsible for transmitting. The construction of the array. Therefore, there are only 13 places left. Because the number is really a little less, Li Huailin needs a good plan.

First of all, of course, I have to go. Then Li Huailin quickly thought of summoning the Jade Emperor. After all, it is too important to summon the Jade Emperor to ensure the safety of everyone.

Of course, the problem now is not only the safety of personnel, but also a more troublesome place is the safety of the goods. They used to build a transmission array. At present, they can only send a set of equipment in the past. If the equipment sent to the past is damaged, it will be a little troublesome. I said before that there is some deviation in the fixed-point transmission. If the first set of equipment is broken and the second time you want to send it back, it will be different. It may be that it will fall in the high altitude of 10,000 meters and it will be broken. . So once the device has a problem, it is simply a rhythm to repeat it.

Therefore, Li Huailin needs a lot of senior thugs to help resist possible attacks. Li Huailin thought about it and thought of the Holy Alliance. It was just that there were not a few people who just joined, let them express their loyalty.

In the last few places, Li Huailin suddenly thought of a very good choice, that is, the Church of Light. (To be continued.)

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