All Things Wrong

Chapter 2218: Arrivals

Yes, talking about the more serious problem of the dark continent is of course the problem of lighting. According to the Druid, the dark continent can be really a dark continent, which is directly black. Think of the situation of playing the final wave ss in the copy before. Li Huailin thinks that this may be almost the same.

Of course, Li Huailin is not very worried in normal circumstances. After all, there is a case where the summoned Jade Emperor is present. You said that people will not be in trouble, so you don't have to be too careful about this problem. The black spots are black spots, and there is no big problem. But this time the situation is not only to protect the personnel, but also to protect the equipment, this protection equipment is very troublesome.

For this reason, Li Huailin needed a certain amount of lighting equipment, but asked Verdius that there was no place to put any lighting equipment. It was said that the uncertainty of transmission caused the position of each transmission to be different. The maximum load capacity is 20 people plus the transmitter device, nothing else can be put down. You have to transfer it twice... then it is hard to say where the second transmission appears.

Since the lighting equipment can't be transmitted, Li Huailin thinks about it, then look for the humanoid light bulb directly. So Li Huailin thought of the people of the Guangming Church.

There are two occupations for lighting, one is the priest, the other is the paladin, just the light church has two. And Li Huailin wants more than just the skill of lighting, because the range that lighting can illuminate is really too small. Although it is not clear, there should be more advanced lighting spells than lighting. Thinking this way, Li Huailin found the Guangming Church, and the other party of course sent people immediately.

"The Emperor's Majesty." The person who asked Li Huailin is the new Pope Melekden Pope who just took office soon. Some people may remember that this Pope was directly supported by Li Huailin, so Melekden also understood his own Pope. The location is shaded. Since ancient times, the Pope has been elected by the previous Pope, and then was born through the discussion of the Pope's congress. He is Li Huailin's finger. The position of the Pope is not correct, so if someone wants to attack his position, he really There is no way to say anything. Therefore, the only thing that can be done at present is to rely on Li Huailin’s thigh. As long as Li Huailin does not fall, no one can doubt his status. Therefore, Melekden is very respectful to Li Huailin. He heard Li Huailin’s call and he came with him the first time.

The people brought by Melekden are of course the church pastor and the Pope. In fact, a lot of people are brought, which is far greater than the amount that Li Huailin needs, and it is also to prepare more.

"This matter is related to the safety of the entire continent. Of course, our bright church will not sit idly by, please tell me." Melekden also heard about the incident, so he quickly said.

Li Huailin of course immediately asked about the lighting, and also got a very clear reply from Melekden: "Is the bright magical spell that you said? Please rest assured that most of the clerics of this spell will be used, and we There are also a lot of magic scrolls here, enough to provide lighting."

"And the scroll?" Li Huailin took a look.

"Yes, this spell can be said to be a relatively basic light spell, so we often use this spell practice during practice, and usually hoard a lot of this scroll." Melekden also knows that Li Huailin is not familiar with Sheng The magic of the knight and the priest, so introduced to Li Huailin, this spell is simply to throw a magic to continuously illuminate the surrounding, the range of illumination is very large, and the duration is very long, but the only drawback is that it can not Like the lighting, you can follow the player and you can't change places when you throw it out.

"Md has such a good thing, why don't you say it earlier." Li Huailin couldn't help but say that he had to throw a ss on the ground before hitting the ss before this spell.

"This... sir, this spell is a relatively simple spell, but it is also the cleric of our bright church. Of course, if we need it, we are willing to provide it." Melekden said as he spoke. Next to the fellow staff, a pastor next to him immediately understood the meaning of Melekden, and quickly handed over several reels.

"Your Majesty, this is the magic scroll of light," Melekden said with a smile.

Li Huailin certainly accepted it without any politeness. He thought about it: "There are many places in the battle that need the help of the bright church. I hope that the Church of Light can also establish a stronghold in the dark continent."

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will do my best to promote this." Melek nodded, and he had already considered this.

After the negotiation with the Guangming Church, the personnel preparations have also been completed. Of course, the summoning of the Jade Emperor has already come, and the five holy levels of the Holy Alliance have also arrived. So Eleven explorers, 5 sacred alliances, 6 bright churches, and a team of 20 people summoning Jade Emperor and Li Huailin have been integrated and ready to go.

The crowd also came directly to the Elevan Explorer's headquarters through the transmission array. At present, the Elanwen explorer has already established a transmission array in the court of Li Huailin, so the past is very convenient.

Followed by the Ellavi explorer Vidi Russ to the upper level of the Ellwin Explorer's headquarters, which is still in the general control room. There are already many people waiting for the biggest transmission array. Several accompanying octopus people are working. Organize your gear, while others are moving the equipment to be used on the conveyor.

"Your Majesty, it is still very dangerous to say that this fixed-point transmission is because it is not clear where it will be transmitted." Verdiruz once again stressed, "If there is any danger, or the equipment is damaged, Please click on the locator here and we will send you back immediately."

"Know it." Li Huailin nodded. The positioner was of course handed over to Li Huailin.

When everything was ready, Li Huailin went to the transmission array according to the order. As with what Vedi Rus said, 20 people plus equipment is already the limit, and the entire transmission line is crowded. Out of Li Huailin, I can stand up straight, and the others are just twisting into a ball. Of course, several sacred grades have not encountered this kind of situation, but Li Huailin is next to them. Of course they dare not say anything and can only accept it.

"Your Majesty, are you ready?" A little tune for a while, and Vedi Russ said again, it seems to be the last question.

"Get started." Li Huailin nodded.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Verdius nodded, then ordered the octopus next to him, "Scheduled delivery is ready to open."

Next to the octopus, click on the button, pull the switch, the whole machine starts to work, the blue light flashes around, the face of everyone is a little worried, especially the octopus people who have no fighting ability, they are very scared, but also There is no way to follow.

"3...2...1, the transmission is on." Verdius counted down, then waved directly, the octopus next to him pressed the light, and the transmission array emitted a dramatic blue light. Everyone disappeared into the transmission array. on.

Li Huailin felt a flash of white light here, and suddenly he felt his body began to fall. And surrounded by a black mist, it is obvious that they are in place. Seeing this black fog, Li Huailin knows that they are already in the dark continent, but they still appear in the air. Of course, Li Huailin now does not know how high he is. After all, there are black fogs around him. Li Huailin can't even distinguish between the top and bottom.

"Lighting!" came a few whispers around, and soon it lit up. Of course, the knights and pastors of the church took the shot, and quickly relying on these lights, Li Huailin also saw the current situation.

It’s true that everyone is falling down, but fortunately everyone is basically together, not far apart. A few sacred grades are very calm, then follow Li Huailin and go down. After all, they can fly directly, so they are not very worried about falling, but the remaining church knights and pastors are flustered, and those octopus people A few have already fainted.

“What about the equipment?” Li Huailin shouted directly at the holy level flying next to him. “You go to protect the equipment.”

"Your Majesty, what about those people?" asked a sacred class called Sergey to ask Li Huailin. They were of course ready to save people for the first time. Of course, they still can’t see the specific heights of their whereabouts, but Going down is definitely going to kill people.

"People don't have to worry." Li Huailin immediately shouted, "All of you protect the equipment first."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Although I don't know how Li Huailin saved people, Sergey did not entangle this problem. After all, it was Li Huailin's personal order. Of course, the listening of the Holy Class is very exaggerated. At this time, although the chaos, the five holy levels heard the instructions of Li Huailin, and they quickly moved closer to the box of equipment installed next to them.

"Your Majesty, what do we do?" The church knight captain Moktis, who is next to him, took the initiative to approach Li Huailin and asked him if he was not a holy class flight. This height is definitely a direct pie.

"Well... I think about it..." Li Huailin touched his chin, as if he was really thinking.

"Your Majesty, this..." Seeing Li Huailin’s situation is still slowly considering Moktis is really anxious, the result has not had time to ask again, "咚" a few loud noises, yes they Landed. (To be continued.)

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