All Things Wrong

Chapter 2224: resurrection

"People...human? You..." Wadford Mars was really stunned. He really didn't expect Li Huailin, who had disappeared before, to appear here. At this time, Li Huailin had already thrown a brightly lit scroll on the ground. Of course, Waldfoss could also see the current situation around him.

Wadford Marx couldn't believe what he saw, but Culmolori really fell to the ground, but it wasn't what he thought of the sneak attack, because the other person's appearance was too Miserable, as Li Huailin said, Kulomoli has now dragged a flesh-wing directly in the drag, and now it falls to the side. Not only that, but Waldforth is now able to see the head of Kulomoli directly, which has already hit a flat shape. This is a terrible thing, even if it can't live.

I felt a little bit about Wadford Marth and thought that Cullomori was really dead. As far as it is known, although there are creatures that have the ability to pretend to die, they can’t pretend to be like this, but... Wade Fomas thinks I can't accept this situation myself. What the **** is going on here, and the inexplicable Kulomoli is so dead? This... is really inexplicable.

But the next moment, Waldfoss also suddenly remembered someone who was almost neglected by himself. That is this human being. Of course, Waldfords is also subconsciously not to attribute the merits of this situation to this human being. After all, human beings are synonymous with cowardice, just as Li Huailin said before to help him against the enemy, he is listening to jokes. . But the accident really happened. Kuromori really died, so it is really this human being?

Wadford Mars certainly didn't want to believe this. His more acceptable understanding is of course that Cullomori didn't know what caused the crash and fell, and Li Huailin now appears here because the other party is just nearby, and then just right. I came over before myself. As for why Wadford Marth did not hear the voice of Li Huailin’s coming to the country, maybe it is the short-distance transmission skills of the other party...

Wadfords couldn't understand the fact that a human being was able to kill an ancient behemoth, so he could only explain things in a direction that he could understand, but Kulomoli was inexplicably dead. He really Can't explain it. Vaguely, he felt that this matter had something to do with this human being, but he did not want to believe that he could really kill an ancient behemoth, so Waldford Mars decided to continue to look at the situation with a little cautious decision.

"Hey, help me, lick the other's wings." Li Huailin looked up at Waldford Mars and said again. At this time, Waldford Mars did not escape the light, and it appeared directly in the bright light, so Li Huailin could certainly see each other. It seems that compared to those centaurs, the dragon from other continents, Waldfo Mars, said that it is not very suitable for light, but at least not afraid.

"What are you going to do?" Wadford Marth asked a little strangely. Now he feels that he has not understood this human being. After all, this guy is too strange. Now think about it. Words.

"Recruitment," Li Huailin said. "If you accidentally get the other's wings down, you don't know if you can't pick it up... This one-winged bat...should you can't fly."

"Recruitment?" Wadford Mars certainly did not understand what Li Huailin was saying, and his face was inexplicable.

"In short, I got the thing over." Li Huailin was too lazy to explain, said directly.

"..." Wadford Marth now has no time to care about what Li Huailin said to himself is so unkind. After all, what is happening now is really a test of its brain capacity. After thinking about it, Waldforth also went to the position where Kulowoli’s wings fell, and then took it out with his claws. Yes, he also wanted to see what Li Huailin wanted to do.

With his wings, Waldfoss went to Li Huailin's side, and then "squeaked" his wings around the body of Kulomoli.

"Here, put a little bit here." Li Huailin said directly.

"What do you want to do?" Wadford Marse asked again, really a bit curious.

"All said that the spirit of the soul." Li Huailin said, "first point to the position."

Wadford Marth still didn't understand, but he also understood the meaning of Li Huailin. He directly moved his wings to the position of Kulomoli's body, and almost picked up the position where he had fallen before, saying: " then……"

"Okay, give it a try." Li Huailin nodded, although I don't know if this thing can be connected, but I try it first, and I don't need money. So he took out the light directly and began to release the body of Kulomoli.

At the moment when the light appeared, next to Waldford Mars suddenly felt a dangerous taste. Although it had never seen the Excalibur, the sixth sense told it that it was in danger. Almost immediately, Waldfoss was ready to take off and flee, but soon he discovered that this danger suddenly disappeared.

Waldford Mars doesn't know what it is, but something that can make him feel like this crisis is not unusual. Of course, the sense of crisis that it also found may be from the black sword that Li Huailin had taken before, so I wanted to ask clearly, and the result was not waiting for him to open. Suddenly the situation changed.

Only the body of Kulomoli on the ground suddenly trembled, and the whole body began to shake. The hair on the body all fell for a moment, and the skin below began to lose moisture quickly, and it became dry and stiff, as if it had been drained.

When Waldford Mars was surprised, the body of Coolomori actually moved again. First, it trembled, and then he began to slowly get up. In theory, Waldfoss should be careful of the sudden attack of the other party at this time, and immediately take off, but at this time, Waldford Mars really looked at it, and he forgot to guard against the other side's sneak attack.

Sure enough, Culmolori finally stood up again, but it has changed a lot. First of all, the hair on the body is gone, and the skin feeling on the body has become carrion, and the body seems to be a little smaller because of dehydration, the body is more light, and Li Huailin is worried about the falling fleshy wings. I really took it back, it seems that there is no big problem.

"Oh..." Cullomori made a snoring sound, then looked at Li Huailin on the ground and nodded slightly, but immediately Cullo Mori saw Watford Mars again, and again It was a snoring, but this time it was totally different from Li Huailin’s snoring. This is the warning buzz, the kind that is ready to go to war.

Wadford Mars of course understood the meaning of the sound of Kulomoli. Although he could not understand the current situation, it was obvious that the resurrected Kulomoli was still aware of himself, Waldford. Thinking of the battle posture that is also open immediately.

"Wait." At this time, Li Huailin suddenly spoke up and stood between the two men. "Give me a face, don't fight."

"Oh..." Cullomori looked at Li Huailin, then looked at Kulomoli in front of him, and then nodded directly. Yes, because Li Huailin was resurrected, so Cullomori’s feelings for Li Huailin are very high now. Li Huailin said that he gave him a face. Of course, Cullo Mori thought and agreed.

"What is going on here?" Wadford Mars certainly understood it, but he really didn't understand what it was. How did this Kulomoli die, and now how can he die and resurrect? And even if I still listen to this human word, I actually gave up the attack for the time being. Everything is in the eyes of Waldorf Mars, but I really can't understand it. I have lived for thousands of years, but what I saw today is really a bit of a subversion.

"Oh... is this difficult to understand?" Li Huailin spread his hand. "Just like I said, I will help you deal with the ancient behemoth. You promised us to build a transmission array, so I will shoot it. Now this guy is me. Resurrection, I should listen to me for the time being, I will let it leave this side, this will solve your problem."

"This... is this what you did?" Although it was all true, Waldford Mars really couldn't believe it. Li Huailin was only a personal class.

"Who can do it, do you do it?" Li Huailin spread his hand. "I don't all do it in front of you?"

"But... you are a personal class... this..." Wadford Mars is really a slap in the face.

"So don't always be alone in such a place, go to see the world." Li Huailin spread his hand. "Right, is it valid if you said it before? If it is effective, we are building a transmission array, you will be It’s good to be responsible for driving away the troubles around you."


"You don't want to go back, I can turn you into something like a bone dragon..." Li Huailin said.

Wadford Marth still really believes, because the facts are in front of you, this situation in Cullomori is like a situation in which the undead mage has become a lost behemoth. Since Li Huailin can change one, of course Can change to the second, Cullomoli and his level are similar, the other party may really have the ability to turn themselves into bone dragons and the like.

"So I will hand it over to you, no problem." Seeing Waldford's expression, Li Huailin knew that the other party agreed, waved and said, then turned to Kulomoli behind him. "You will use The skill of ultrasonic positioning is right, this skill is the active skill, you can try it with me. I can see if I can learn it." (To be continued.)

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