All Things Wrong

Chapter 2225: persuade

"Oh? This is really a strange feeling." At this time, Li Huailin has learned this skill called sonic positioning, and this skill is completely different from what Li Huailin had before.

Acoustic Positioning (15th level, full level): Scans all terrain and targets within 2000 yards, allowing you to see even in dark environments. Instant, no cooling, the display lasts 10 seconds, and consumes 0 points.

Obviously this is a hunter-like beast detection type of skill, but it is not so simple to detect, because Li Huailin used it and found that it can not only scan the people around, but also directly through a contour You are shown in front of you. For example, if Li Huailin scans now, he can see the phantoms of Waldfoss and Kulomoli next to him, even if the other party is not standing under the light source.

However, Li Huailin experimented a little and found that the scanned virtual shadow is not moving. Simply speaking, it will show the current movement of the scanned object, but after this thing moves, the virtual shadow It won't follow. However, this skill itself has nothing to cool down. You have to throw the scanning skills on the other side of the action. And this skill can display imaginary time of 10 seconds, which means that you can even see each other's trajectory.

Because it is the skill of stealing Cullomori, it is directly full-level skills when you get it, you don't have to practice. The range of exploration is also surprisingly large. There is a range of 2,000 yards. This skill can’t be used easily on the mainland where nothing can be seen. It is equivalent to Li Huailin’s ability to see the situation on this continent, and it’s still better than the naked eye. Be clear, after all, the naked eye can't see everything in the 2,000 yards, but the scan can scan.

Li Huailin decided to resurrect this colomory on the one hand for security reasons, on the other hand, of course, he wants to try to get this skill. Now it seems that the skill of this skill is still above his imagination. This is of course a big profit.

"Human, are you using the skills of Cullo Mori?" Wadford Marth asked a little surprised, yes, there is one drawback that this skill does not say is that it will expose itself in an instant, after all, when you look at someone else with your eyes It may not be noticeable, but when you use this ultrasound, it will emit a shock wave. Although it does not hurt people, it can still be felt by others. This is of course equivalent to reminding others to scan him.

Wadford Mars is of course very familiar with this skill. He has already played against Curomori many times. This familiar feeling is exactly the same as the sonic skills released by Coolomori, but...why Can this human be able to use the skills of Cullomoli? Shouldn't this be the unique ability of Cullomoli?

The things that Waldfo Mars saw today were too many. I have lived a life that I have never seen in a thousand years. I have seen it all day, even if it is a heart like a dragon. A little can't stand it.

"This... Is there any strange place?" Li Huailin said faintly.

"Ha?" Wadford, a glimpse, is this strange? You guys can use the skills of the ancient behemoth, do you say that there is nothing strange? Of course, it is also the simplicity of Waldford Marth's mind, and does not take into account the idea that Li Huailin is pretending.

"In short, what you have promised should be counted." Li Huailin said of course, what Wadford Mars agreed to help them establish a transmission array here.

Wadford Marx was a little reluctant. Yes, Waldford Marth was too shocked because of it, and he really had some fear of Li Huailin that he did not want to admit it, so when Li Huailin asked Subconsciously nodded, but now think about you saying that he is willing? Obviously impossible, but it is hard to repent.

"You don't have to have such a big psychological burden. In fact, many dragons are my younger brothers." Li Huailin said.

"Ha?" Wadford Marsh was a glimpse of his face, not looking at it. In its heart, the dragon is the greatest race. Do you say that the dragon is the younger brother of the human race? This is of course impossible.

"If you don't believe, you can go to my mainland to see, there is a dragon valley over there, you can go there to confirm, the dragon over there should explain to you." Li Huailin said.

"Dragon...Dragon Valley? Are you talking about Dragon Valley?" said this Waldford Mars suddenly excited. "That is, there are many dragons on your continent? Are you still together?"

"Hmmm?" Li Huailin took a look at it. Hearing what it meant in the former mainland of Waldfords was like a dragon. "Of course, it’s not so simple to gather together. Now the dragons have established a country." ?"

"What? Establishing a country? A country of the dragons?" Wadford Mars was certainly more surprised.

"Yeah." Li Huailin nodded a little, and then explained something to Waldford Mars, including his identity, then the situation of the dragons, and the matter of helping the dragons establish the country.

"Is there still such a thing?" Wadford Marth was shocked to hear the whole thing. All the things that were seen in it were very amazing. I didn't expect the dragons to establish the country, and I didn't expect it. It can also be done this way. After listening to it, Waldfords also looked at Li Huailin. After all, the people who can make such a plan, Waldfo Mars also felt a little admire.

"If... If I go there, do you say they can accept me?" Thinking about it, Wadford Marth asked. It seems that it has been a long time for one person. Waldford Mars is obviously looking for his own companion and returning to the dragon group.

"Well... now the dragons are short of people. If you go back, you should be able to help." Li Huailin nodded. "As long as you don't destroy the situation of the dragons, I think I should accept it. Can you give me an introduction?"

"Good... rest assured, I won't do anything, I just want to return to the Dragon Valley." Wadford Marse said immediately, a happy look, thought, and said, "If you can let me In return, I promised to accept your orders like those of the dragons."

"Very good." Li Huailin said for a long time, of course, wants Waldford Marth to say this. It is not difficult to introduce the fact that Waldford Mars is going back. Of course, he is not in a hurry. Li Huailin wants him to help him now. As I said before, we came here to deal with the ancient **** Beyaki. After this is completed, I will take you to Longgu to help you arrange a new home, but here you must help me."

Speaking of this Wadford Mars's face changed a little bit and thought about it: "You really have to deal with Beyaki, that thing is not so good."

"Of course I know." Li Huailin nodded. "But you can rest assured that I am not alone. The establishment of the transmission array is to bring my troops. You know what happened to Beyaki? How much?"

"Not many," Wadford Marth said. "But you also know that this continent is the sphere of influence of Beyaki. The black fog of the whole continent is actually caused by Beyaki. Although I heard that this worship was long ago. The sub-base has fallen into a deep sleep, but now you see this continent is still like this. And the consequences of Bayanki are far more than this, he has a group of appraisers, claiming to be the Sector star. They are the true rulers of this continent, and they are said to be trying to wake up their owners, that is, Biyaji. But I am too lazy to say hello to the people, and they will not come to my site, so Now, their situation is not very clear. In addition to this, there are some other ferocious creatures on the mainland. They are also eroded by Beyaki, become strong and violent, and you have just seen some. These are the paws of Beyaki."

"Well, I have seen all of this." Li Huailin nodded. "But now Baiyaki is really resurrected. Do you know what Secthor star is doing? Or know how to stop the resurrection of Beyaki. ?"

"What? Is Becky really resurrected?" Wadford Mars was a little shocked. "This is a big deal. These ancient gods are all very ferocious things... If Baiyaki really resurrected If this is the case, I am afraid that the world will be in chaos again. However, I really don’t know about this. You see that I am only staying on my site. I don’t really know what the Sector star is doing. ”

In this respect, it seems that there is no useful information from Waldford Marth. Li Huailin nodded and did not have much hope. And Cullomori is even more to say, the situation of the ancient beast Li Huailin almost knows, these guys are just some of the more powerful beasts, even if they can't talk, basically can't be called a smart creature, so from It is even more impossible to understand what it is here.

"You know the terrain near here, like the settlement of Sector's star..." Li Huailin asked and thought.

“You are talking about the city built by the Sector star?” Wadford Marse asked.

"There is a city." Li Huailin nodded. "Yes, do you know where the nearest city is?"

"I know this." Wadford Mars nodded. "You are going to ask them directly to ask about Biyaji? They are loyal followers of Bahaki. I guess I can't ask anything."

"How could it be, or how do I know the location of this continent?" Li Huailin spread his hands to try. "(To be continued.)

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