All Things Wrong

Chapter 2236: Drop

Rose thought a little, and suddenly understood why people in China did not attack them. Yes, Huaxia District has already known their plans. It can even be said that the people in Huaxia District are guiding them to do so, and the other party knows why they are not annihilated together. The reason is of course that the other party wants to make an illusion. That is, they are now listening to the orders of the Huaxia District, that is, they are only going to pull the blame for the Huaxia District.

Why do you want to do this? The reason is very simple, of course, it is to disgust them. Their purpose is to destroy the stronghold of Huaxia District. Now, if the security of Chinatown is defensive, and the troops of Sector will be pitted, it can even be said that they are helping Huaxia District to work. Although they know that this is not the case, other people don't know. If this is really the case, some people will think that this is the case.

If this is really the case, then other foreign players will see them. They are simply "traitors". This is really to be nailed to the shame column. Later, we will say "the traitor." Such a name may mention his name, so after thinking about this, Ross is also a cold sweat, this Huaxia district is really too bad, this is awkward.

It’s not just Ross who figured this out. People in the command post quickly figured it out, and everyone was a little worried. Of course, you said that so many people can clarify, but if the facts actually help the Huaxia District, can their explanations be said? This is really hard to judge, but what they know at the moment is that they must not be developed in this way.

"What to do?" Everyone stared at Ross with a distrustful eye, which made Ross very stressed. Yes, if the command is proper, of course, the general commander is the object of worship, but if the command is defeated, the commander is of course the object of the shabu-shabu. At present, several presidents look at Ross and look at the expression "We are already thinking about how to give you the pot."

"There is a way." Of course, Ross can't sit still. He thought that he still came up with a way of not counting. "Let these people not go back to the city, stay in the team in Huaxia District, and pull the wild monsters for a while." The troops are about to arrive. When the wild monsters arrive, they will immediately attack the troops in the Huaxia District. Such wild monsters, Sector stars, and our three forces attacking the troops in the Huaxia District will definitely cause huge losses."

I have to say that Rose's urgency is still there. The method that I think of in a short time is quite reliable. A few of the presidents seemed to be a little bit sloppy. After all, the news that came back now said that the number of wild monsters is still very large. Now the Sector star is still fighting the troops in the Huaxia District. After a while, when the troops of the wild monster arrive, they suddenly attack from the inside. Maybe there is still a real fight. The troops in Huaxia District are also deflated.

Of course, it seems that it is not realistic to directly eliminate the strongholds in Huaxia District as before. However, it is of course also a great task to dismantle the troops in the Huaxia District. At least it also hinders the speed of people expanding their territories. Blow it. In this way, several presidents feel that this is reliable and worth a try.

Therefore, the commander immediately ordered that the players here should not go, gather together to prepare, and watch the time in the Huaxia area. And after calculating the time, the troops pulling the wild monsters are coming soon.

At this time, Ross is of course very nervous. The plan just was that he temporarily came up with it. Although it sounds a bit reasonable, the variability is too much. The most troublesome thing is that if the troops in Huaxia District immediately defeated the Siketo Stars and then left, what should I do? It is necessary to know that the Siketor star-studded troops here are only one of several cities, not all, and the number is not a lot, and the troops in China are really huge.

What is a bit of a surprise is that the troops in Huaxia District do not seem to be very capable of playing, because the troops in front of them are actually playing with the Sector star. Of course, the situation on the battlefield is a bit messy, and the field of vision is not very good. The players can't see the actual situation, but the shouting sound from the front seems to be very difficult.

Ross can only always pray that the Sektor star can stand up, at least to drag the time, and everything seems to be developing in the direction he expected, until the troops pulling the wild here came to the news. It’s coming, the battle is still going on.

"Great! God is helping me too!" Rose, who received the news, clenched his fists tightly, and surely God was still on their side, and as long as the wild monster arrived, he could pull back. Although the plan of Huaxia District is rather insidious, it is still too arrogant. I did not expect that they can counterattack.

Just thinking about it, suddenly the emergency contact came again, and the sudden appearance of the voice also scared Rose.

"There is something going wrong, the wild monster is not chasing." A member shouted in the team channel.

"Ha?" Everyone is a glimpse, and one of the presidents immediately said, "What happened?"

"I don't know, we walked with the strange coordinates, and we walked away and we disappeared. We went up and saw that these monsters are going backwards." The player immediately replied.

"What?" Everyone is a glimpse. What is the situation, why is this blame chasing after chasing?

"Do you pull the blame to pull out the scope, and quickly fight to restore hatred." The president next to him immediately said.

According to the settings in the game, the wild monsters are of course hateful. Although it is not so obvious, a wild monster will chase people, but it is necessary to keep hatred until you can take it. Of course, this is a very basic thing. In fact, people who pull strangers certainly know about it, and it is not difficult. The players here are of course also keeping hatred all the time, but this time it’s strange, because these strange things are starting to go backwards.

"No, we catch up and fight. This strangely ignores us and runs backwards." The player is also rushing back.

"Hey? You don't look back when you chase them?"

"Yeah, now we are chasing after the blame, they simply ignore us, just run themselves." The player said.

"Ha?" said that no one really saw that no one would believe that there would be such a thing. The strangeness in the game is not a fool. You said that if you chase someone else, you will not fight back. This is not looking for death. How can it happen? This kind of thing. But not just this player, all the players reply to this message, but it seems that these people have no reason to lie to them.

"What is the situation?" Everyone is a bit stunned. This has never happened before, so they are met. Is this the system? The monster is stuck, so I won’t chase it? There has never been a situation at all, and it is at this time.

"President, what should I do?" A group of players chasing wild monsters couldn't help but ask.

"How do I know what to do!" Of course, the president did not know what to do, and everyone soon turned his attention to Ross.

"This will not be part of the plan for people in China." Suddenly Rose said slowly. Yes, he doesn't know what's going on, but he seems to be familiar with this rhythm. Yes, just a second before, he thought that his plan was going to be successful, and then suddenly there was an accident in the next second. This rhythm is very familiar. Isn’t this the rhythm of the former Huaxia District? So Rose suddenly thought of this situation.

Yes, Rose feels right. Li Huailin may have problems in this place. Originally, the position of these gangsters was revealed to them by Li Huailin. Of course, he has a way to deal with them. In fact, this method is also very simple, relying on Black Dragon Wadford Mars.

From the situation of the half-humans that Li Huailin had encountered before, Li Huailin knew that these wild monsters would choose to escape when they met Waldford Mars. This is of course, after all, they can only be regarded as Waldfo Mars. food. Although these wild monsters are a little IQ, they are not really smart, so as long as Waldford Mars is present, they will not dare to approach.

Of course, foreign players don't know about this. They don't even know the existence of Waldfoss. After all, they didn't participate in the siege yesterday. How can they think that there is still a dragon to help in China? Now, Waldford Mars is flying over the position of the troops in the Huaxia District. It doesn't need to show up. If you just distribute a little Longwei, you can scare the gangsters completely afraid to get close, and because of the environmental problems here. Foreign players simply can't see the Waldfoss flying in the sky, so it will lead to the situation that is relatively incomprehensible.

"What should I do?" Everyone's mood is like a roller coaster. Just now they have a look and they suddenly fall to the lowest point. If the wild monsters can't get there, what should they do next? The most embarrassing thing is a group of players standing in the Huaxia District. Now a group of soldiers are around them. The wild monsters can't come. They still fight?

Of course, Ross has no way. Now he is in a chaos. He feels that he seems to be doing it in another person’s plan. He can’t resist at all, let alone he can’t think of it now.

At this time, the Huaxia District troops probably also cleared the Sector's star-studded troops. In fact, the battle was not so tense, but the orders they received were slowly played. At the end of the battle, the frontline commander McCann also came to the front of the foreign players: "It's done well, and the task is completed satisfactorily. It seems that I have to reward you."

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