All Things Wrong

Chapter 2237: select

“Reward?” All the foreign players who heard the rewards are really a dog at this time. Of course, it’s no problem to do the rewards for the task. But the problem is that they don’t have any tasks now. They are messing around. Okay? And now they also know what it is, if it really takes the rewards of others, isn't it that you admit that you are working for people in Huaxia? Can this be said clearly?

Although I don’t know what is happening in Huaxia District until now, this reward is definitely not available. Of course, what they think now is not to take rewards, but to think about whether or not to directly smash the former guy who seems to be the commander. Of course, even if he can’t die, he’s going back to the city. Anyway, it’s really not true. Get rewards here.

A group of people are planning to do this. Suddenly, a soldier is coming next to the commander in front of him, reporting to the commander, and the voice of this report is particularly large. It basically feels like saying it to them. : "Marshal, the commander of the emperor sent an order."

"Oh? What is the order?" McCann asked.

"This is the case. His Majesty said that he received a secret report saying that several of these adventurers were spies. They were mixed in them and prepared to mess with us. But now that the plan is not completed, let us find out these spies," said the soldier.

"What? Is there a spy here?" McCann looked very surprised. Of course, the players in front did not know what to say at the moment. What is spying inside, are all spies?

It was directly dismantled, but the players are not very afraid. Anyway, they know that the Chinese team already knows their identity. Now it seems that their identity is prepared for the fall. They originally planned to kill the commander directly and return to the city, so they are not very worried. So when I heard McCann, a few people were prepared to jump out and admit that they were spies. As a result, McCann immediately slammed them back.

"What I hate most is these spies." McCann said eagerly. "Look, be sure to find out. Just find these spies, kill them directly back to the city, block them at the resurrection point of these adventurers and kill me." Until level 0. I remember that these adventurers can't go back right now, just kill me and cry."

"The trough" "" These players are messy for a moment, and they suddenly think of a problem that they really can't go back. Now that the bases in Huaxia District have been completed, and they are coming with a visa, they are not illegally entering the country. Therefore, they can be reborn in the bases of Huaxia District, that is to say, they are in Huaxia District after they die. According to the resurrection of the point of resurrection, now people directly block the resurrection point to kill them, they have no place to run. The only place where I can go back is the transfer point, but how can I go back to the door of the resurrection? The other side is really dead, they can really take them back to the new village. Or, like the players in East Asia, they are blocked from getting on the line. This kind of thing is really not done in China.

For a moment, I was just about to jump out and face the McCann. They taunted the guys, "Grandpa, I am a spy," and they shrank back in a straight line. Yes, no one wants to be killed and can't get on the line. Even if they know that it is the threat of the red fruit in China, they don't want to hit it at this time.

"But how do you judge who is a spy?" McCann seems to have seen the movements of these people at all, and continues to talk to himself. "Do you know how to distinguish?"

"Your Majesty did not say, let the Marshal adults distinguish themselves." The soldier replied.

"Oh, but this group of people just helped us to seduce all the enemies. It seems that there are no spies." McCann said after looking at these people and asked, "You just really helped us to seduce them." Let the troops come, really help."

"This" everyone is so good, they are completely messy, and they don't want to admit it at all, but once they don't admit it, they are directly used as spies to return to the city, then all kinds of rounds, so now it is admitted deny?

"Although I have a spy, I think they are still very hard." McCann continued. "I think it might be a bit of a misunderstanding. If you don't, come, come over."

McCann waved, and everyone saw a player from Chinatown coming over from the side. McCain said to him: "I remember that your adventurers seem to have a recording function similar to recording crystals. You should record them. I will let them all say that they are really helping us. You put this record. Give your squats a look, so that the credibility is higher, and the province’s shackles are wrong."

Of course, the person who came over is mortal forgot about it. He has been filming for a long time. The pictures in front have been recorded, but now it is the most exciting part. Smiling and looking at these foreign players who are arrogant, the mortal is really wanting to laugh, but still replied with a hard answer: "Okay, this marshal, I must shoot well."

"Come, you all heard it. Your Majesty said, there are spies in you. Anyway, I don't believe it. You are telling him that you are really helping our troops. As long as you are sincere, I believe you look down. I will believe your words when I get here," McCann said.

Needless to say, at this time everyone's face is directly written with a "dry" expression, is this not to let them show their attitude? Now let the players shoot, everyone knows that this video is not just for Li Huailin alone. This is definitely to be sent to everyone to see it online. Is this forcing them to admit that they are "traitors"?

", I said you," of course, there are also people who are grumpy. McCann just said that someone can't stand it. Directly pointing to McCann, they want to marry her, and she didn't say a few words. The soldiers came up and slammed directly, and the guy lay down on the ground.

"I didn't expect to have a spy." McCann nodded uncomfortably. "It seems that his majesty is really good. You really have a spy. Let the people in the city take the spy to the 0th level, except him. Besides, are you still there? Now come out and plead guilty"

The scene was very embarrassing. At present, the choice for this group of people is to admit that they are helping the "Chinese traitors" in Huaxia District, or they will be directly killed back to the city and then they will not be able to get on the line. This time so many It is impossible for soldiers to run around them. It takes time to return to the city. What should I do now?

Of course, at this time, someone has told the following headquarters about the situation they encountered in the team. The people in the command department of course said that you have to die quickly. If you admit that you are a "traitor," everyone will not be able to spare you. This is of course, the commanders have not been blocked, but the people who have admitted to helping the Huaxia District are very embarrassed. Almost without thinking about this problem, several presidents also quickly ordered that the people in their meeting also rush to die, and assured them that they had the means to save them. You should die before going down the line.

Only at this time no one believes their president, yes, you have a way, what is the solution? Do you know that people in East Asia are still unable to get on the line? Can people really do this kind of thing? Now that you have done things that have already broken with others, do people still have to sell your face and let go of yourself?

Even now, this group of people has a bit of resentment against several people in the command. You are all right. Anyway, it is not you who are blocked, so you only let us die to die. But they can’t get it. Their own accounts, they are not so stupid, they can still understand these things.

"How did you react? You won't be all spies." The players are still hesitating. McCann didn't have so much time to accompany them, and immediately urged him.

"I am not a spy." Sure enough, someone raised his hand immediately. Everyone looked at the player who raised his hand. It turned out to be a single player. Yes, the easiest thing to shake at this time is of course the single player. They don’t have the concerns of the guild players. If they are really killed, they will be in charge of the line, so it’s easy for them to understand. .

Sure enough, this single player raised his hand. After that, many single players here also raised their hands, and McCann seems to have no censorship. If you say that you are really helping them, you all believe. And also give rewards directly on the spot.

Yes, it’s really money on the spot, and there’s still a lot of money. A bag of gold coins is directly handed over to those who are willing to cooperate. Obviously this is to show their attitude. This is of course to make the remaining guild players even more Hesitated.

"So the rest of you are spies?" After solving these single players, McCann looked at the rest of the players. These are the guild players. The team channel manager is asking them to go right away. Going to die, but they really don't want to be killed and can't get on the line.

"I am not a spy." Suddenly one person raised his hand and said, of course, all the angry eyes of the moment looked at him again.

"What do you think, I admit what happened? You have to die to die, I don't want to get on the line." The player is also out of the game, directly yelling at everyone.

Everyone heard his words and moved away. Yes, this situation is no longer blame. The question is how they choose.

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