All Things Wrong

Chapter 2456: Variety

When the white light flashed, Li Huailin landed the game. The first time Li Huailin began to observe the situation around him. The fastest update is where Li Huailin is on the line. He has just come out of the portal and face the king of God. If the **** is still waiting for him here, or what is ambush.

However, it seems that Li Huailin thought more. After standing for a while, he did not receive any attack. Then he looked around and there was no one, and there was silence. It’s a bit strange to say that there’s really no one to greet Li Huailin. Even if the **** king doesn’t come in person, it’s normal to send a few younger brothers. The result is really no one...?

Before Zhang Youdong also said that their portals seem to open the door and there is no fixed place. It can be said that they are randomly opening. Li Huailin does not know where he is now. It is surrounded by a woodland that looks very quiet and quiet. I can't hear any sounds. It seems that there aren't even things like wild monsters. There is nothing moving except for a little wind. It seems that there is really no ambush.

Li Huailin stood for a while, but still didn't react. Considering that there is voyeurism on the side of the gods, Li Huailin also put on the bracelet directly. Although I don't know if I can defend the sneak peek, I still wear it first.

As usual, Li Huailin also took out a bottle of therapeutic potion and then drank it directly. After watching the version upgrade, his character bug was still not there. As a result, it still didn't change. The blood loss was still bleeding. It seems that there is no need to worry too much about the night flight. The bu should not have any big problems.

At present, it seems that everything is relatively normal. The next second, Li Huailin came directly to the temple with a flash of white light. Yes, he still cares about what Zhang Youdong’s gang is like.

Just arrived at the temple, Li Huailin met a person on the face, and it was Zhang Youdong who looked at it with a fixed eye. It seems that the other party was waiting for himself. Seeing Li Huailin was also a little excited, and soon handed over a note.

"Our body has changed." Li Huailin looked at the note, and the result was that Li Huailin was also a glimpse.

"Ha?" Li Huailin still didn't understand what was going on. Zhang Youdong saw Li Huailin's doubtful expression and wrote again.

"Our body has become what you see."

"Wh..." Li Huailin first glimpsed, and suddenly Li Huailin came over. Yes, Zhang Youdong, who he saw now, is a black monster that looks a bit like a small demon. In fact, Zhang Youdong is certainly not as long as they are. Although they don’t know the reason, the initial estimate may be the king of God. What kind of skills, but this kind of skill may be similar to the obstacle-like ability. At first, Li Huailin understood this. After all, in another game world, Zhang Youdong, who other np saw, should not be like this. After all, Zhang Youdong lives in the human city. If the average human sees the other side, it is already a mess.

But now Zhang Youdong's meaning is that they are directly like this. They now look at themselves as if they are, so it looks like they are very anxious.

Li Huailin turned and looked at it. There are still a few other programmers in the main hall. However, their situation is not very good at present. They are basically worried and then look at Li Huailin. Li Huailin probably can imagine what it is. When I came back, I suddenly found myself turning into a black-skinned guy. Normal people would be anxious. Of course, Li Huailin is not online when the other party is in a hurry. Now that the two days have passed, these people should also be a little calmer, or else the picture is more exaggerated.

“Everyone has become like this?” Li Huailin asked.

"Yes, everyone." Zhang Youdong is the most calm one. "Many people haven't accepted this situation yet. Now they are basically in the room. Some people even... try to commit suicide... Of course, we are all Dissuaded, I can only tell them now that we should still be able to change back."

"Change back." Li Huailin did not know that such a thing would happen. At first, I thought it was a blind eye. I also thought that maybe these people would fail after coming back, and I didn’t expect it to appear more serious. In the case, this can be a bit difficult.

When I was in a headache, Li Huailin saw the np next to it. It seems that np was correctly recognized by the system. Li Huailin also directly waved at him. Of course, the other party ran quickly.

"Vatruth is right." Li Huailin looked at the name on the other side and said, "What are you looking at these people now?"

"God makes the adults, I don't know what's going on. These devils suddenly become demons." Whitruth replied immediately.

"What do you see is the form of the devil?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yeah, God made the adults look clear. These people are really demons." Witruth said immediately. "Now it may be true."

"Hey... then can you still understand what they are saying?" Li Huailin suddenly thought about it.

"I don't know, God made the adults, we didn't know what they said after they showed the prototype." Wittleus said, "We don't dare to do it directly. What should we do now? This temple seems to have been Occupied by them..."

"You can't understand?" Li Huailin squinted a bit. It seems that the current situation has changed since the system was judged. It was originally intended to find the np as a translator. Now it seems that this is not the case. These NPs seem to have been judged to be ordinary np. In this case, the general NP may not understand Zhang Youdong's speeches.

Just said a few words with np, next to Zhang Youdong handed over a note, Li Huailin took a look at it, even more surprised, because the note said that they can not open their own system page now.

"What?" Li Huailin was really surprised. "Can't open the system page?"

"..." Zhang Youdong was a little silent for a while, then wrote: "In the current situation, according to my guess, we may be defined as np."

"..." Li Huailin is also a glimpse, of course, understands the meaning of Zhang Youdong. That is to say, after returning from there, the system changed the definition of the programmer from the player over there to the definition of np. It is true that the situation of Zhang Youdong is very close to the situation of np. After all, they I couldn't go offline, and I did have a painful reaction to np. If I die, I won't be resurrected. But after all, people are still players, they can open the system bar and the like. But after this, the system directly thinks of them as np, and the difference is still very large.

Li Huailin did not expect this situation. It seems that the blow of the programmers is not only the change in appearance. Now, even the players are not. No wonder there will be programmers who want to commit suicide. After all, not everyone. Can accept this situation.

"It seems that the system here is setting us directly to a new race." Zhang Youdong is still calm, once again wrote, "I really didn't expect such a situation."

"Get props and the like, for example, what is the collapse factor you said?" Li Huailin asked.

"Although I can't call the system bar, the props are still there. It is estimated that according to the system settings, each of our new families has a space-like place to store props." Zhang Youdong replied, "The current situation." Everything can be set according to the established world view, and it really is the server side with learning ability."

"In this case, if you delete the world, you have no place to run." Li Huailin said, "Now you have become a part of the world."

"I know." Zhang Youdong nodded. "I had this kind of enlightenment, but I didn't expect it to be the case. The plan for the collapse factor still needs to be implemented, but now I have another problem. ”

"What problem?" Li Huailin asked.

"We seem to be unable to go out from here for a while." Zhang Youdong wrote.

"Hey?" Li Huailin seems to be very surprised. Of course, he has already expected this thing. "Can't go out?"

"Yes." Zhang Youdong said, "I tried it before. I used to send it out. It seems that I can't go out now. There is no reaction. I thought about it. The transmission we used before should be the last record. The transfer point, but the transfer point we came in is on the other side of the world, but now we can't go back to the world, so the transfer point is gone, and now we use the transfer, there is no reaction. ""

Zhang Youdong's reasoning ability is still very strong. He quickly analyzed the question of why he could not use the transmission. It is similar to Li Huailin's thinking. Of course, Li Huailin is still a bit surprised when he just thought of this question. "It is like this." That's a bit of a hassle."

"Do you have any way to get out of here?" Zhang Youdong asked immediately.

"This... I have never encountered this kind of situation." Li Huailin seems to have a little headache and think a little. "You wait a little, I will try to find out if I can find a solution to this."

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