All Things Wrong

Chapter 2457: convene

Li Huailin’s promise was good, but it was only a face-to-face deal. Turning around, Li Huailin discussed it with the next np. Of course, the purpose of the discussion was to confirm what Zhang Youdong said. Although Zhang Youdong said that they can't get out now, Li Huailin can't believe 100% of what they said, so these are all under a little discussion of np.

"Yes, God makes the adults, and we can't go out." The Witruth here also confirmed Zhang Youdong's words. It seems that this aspect is exactly the same as Li Huailin expected. At present, it is indeed the program. The staff is trapped in this place, which is of course a good thing for Li Huailin.

"Well, I will think of ways in this regard." Li Huailin certainly said this to Wittleus, and then they looked at the programmers here. Later, he greeted Zhang Youdong, and Li Huailin left the temple directly.

Leaving the temple Li Huailin once again appeared in the original position, just tried it. This version upgrade does not seem to have any effect on his temple. All the mechanisms are no different from before.

Considering the current situation, first of all, these programmers have been identified as np? Li Huailin thinks that they are still a little different from np. At least Li Huailin does not think that they will directly fan their slap in the face, and they will increase their feelings of Li Huailin. It should be said that their physique may be closer to np, and the change is still The most obvious and obvious example is that Li Huailin can now see their names on the other side's head. If the player does not display the name, only np will display the other's name on the head, so What Zhang Youdong said is basically convincable.

Only the names displayed now are useless, because the names displayed are obviously their game names. For example, Zhang Youdong’s name is Saatcha. Li Huailin had heard this name before, obviously Zhang Youdong is in another world. The name of the game is just that, but I still can't see who the other party is. Other programmers basically display the same name, and even the funny name of "pick up the pants and don't recognize people." If the guy knows that the name he just picked will actually become his name. It is estimated that I will cry.

In short, the changes of these programmers made Li Huailin a little surprised, but it was acceptable. For the time being, I stabilized the situation here. Li Huailin began to care about another aspect of the update, that is, about the old family. At present, Li Huailin does not know whether the Devils have already fought with the Protoss, and they have to go back and see the situation.

Li Huailin tried to use the back to the city, although in another game world they really have been to the city, but in theory they should not be able to record the return to the city in another world, after all, even other system news can not record And that city should have been destroyed, so the record points before the setting back to the city roll will not return to the last stored record point, and Li Huailin they started from the main city.

Sure enough, as Li Huailin expected, the white light flashed Li Huailin directly in the back to the city of the city of the Lord of the People's City, and the result was just returned to Li Huailin to see the players in the mountains.

Yes, there are too many players who appear around Li Huailin, and the number is amazing. Seeing this situation, Li Huailin is also a little bit stunned. Although this is the main city, and the human players are indeed the most among the six major players, but as the level of the main city is no longer suitable for players to level up, so the main city players unless the transaction is replenished It is impossible to have such an exaggerated amount. Even if the server is just open, there are more people returning to the city, but this number is too exaggerated. Li Huailin thought about it, and it must have happened.

"Hey, wait." Li Huailin immediately stopped a player next to him. The other party is an ordinary warrior player. If you look at the equipment, it is probably more than 70 levels. It is obviously not a local tyrant, the equipment is general, and it should be a person's action. Hearing someone called him was a little sloppy, but he turned around and saw Li Huailin, of course, immediately recognized it.

Yes, Li Huailin is still very famous. Of course, almost everyone can recognize it, but the situation around it is a bit confusing. No one has noticed Li Huailin yet.

"Big brother? You look for me?" The other asked a little excited, after all, see celebrities.

"Yeah, what's going on here, why are there so many people, it seems to be quite busy." Li Huailin asked.

"Oh, this is not the new version on the line, here is the main line task." The player immediately said, "You should also read the update content, the new version seems to be playing the 'old family', But I don't know exactly what the old family is, so everyone came to the main city to ask for information. I also came to inquire about it. I didn't expect so many people."

"Well..." Sure enough, as Li Huailin thought, the average player sees this kind of update intelligence. The enemy in the first time is the old man. I thought about Li Huailin and asked: "What intelligence do you have?"

"I have just come here," the player said. "But my friend and I said that it seems that the palace can pick up the task. It should be a new task. Friends are also let me hurry up and do it together."

"The Royal Palace?" Li Huailin took a look. Isn't that the task of Anthony? Anthony also arranged the task, and has a relationship with the old family?

Originally, Li Huailin was prepared to send it directly back to his own Duke’s office, but now he learned the news on the way. Li Huailin also decided to go to Anthony to see it and ask the situation.

Just say two words Li Huailin and the player said goodbye, and then crowded out the crowd to the direction of the palace. Just arrived at the door of the inner city, Li Huailin saw a lot of players. Yes, there is a place like a square next to the inner city. Before Anthony also spoke here, of course, the original role of this place is to publish things like the emperor, but now it is full of people, obviously Here is the place to pick up the task.

The number of players is really a bit more. The inner door next to it is surrounded by death. Li Huailin is too lazy to squeeze with this group of people. Directly flashing light, Xiaomi appears in the air, pulling Li Huailin directly to the interior of the palace. If the average player summons the pet here, he will fly directly to the inner city and it is estimated that he will be attacked by the guards of the inner city. However, Li Huailin certainly will not. Everyone sees the iconic golden dragon and knows that it is Li Huailin. Appeared, of course, no one will take the initiative to attack.

"It’s a big brother, it seems to go directly to the palace."

"The bulls are arrogant, go directly to the palace to pick up the task, much better than we are here."

"It seems that Niubi is also taking this task. This is not a rush. It seems that this time the main task is completed by the tyrant."

Regardless of a group of enthusiastic players, Li Huailin directly rode Xiaomi to the square at the entrance of the palace. Of course, when there was a group of people waiting for him, the people next to Li Hualin’s landing were also hurrying up.

"The mainland emperor, His Majesty, is looking for you." A Li Hualin did not see it as if the guard captain's np came up to Li Huailin.

"Lead the way." Li Huailin waved his hand, and the other party also quickly took Li Huailin to the palace. The destination should be in the direction of the inner palace. After a while, Li Huailin also saw a familiar person, Anthony's **** captain Delnat. Seeing him, of course, Li Huailin also knew that Anthony was waiting for him in the room.

Sure enough, Li Huailin saw Anthony. Of course, Anthony had already received reports that Li Huailin was coming. He also greeted Li Huailin directly.

"It seems that this time I can fight side by side." Anthony said happily.

Li Huailin is certainly not happy. Anthony said that he is fighting. Of course, Li Huailin has a bad feeling and immediately asks: "Where is it going to fight?"

"Hey? You don't know?" Anthony squatted a little.

"I haven't been back here yet." Li Huailin said, "I just finished the adventure mission. When I came back to the main city to replenish, I heard that you seem to be doing something big, so come over and ask the situation."

"Oh, that's it." Anthony nodded. "I thought you were personally informing us to go out. I am ready now, and I can be ready to go."

"Who is it?" Li Huailin asked.

"Of course it's the old family." Anthony said immediately. "Oh, you shouldn't know what God is doing."

"God..." Li Huaili frowned, and it really has something to do with the Protoss. "So is the Protoss commanding us to attack the old people?"

"Yeah." Anthony nodded. "This seems to be a very big crisis. The Protoss should also be in big trouble. Otherwise, it will not let us all be dispatched."

"So other countries have also received this god?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yeah, the patron saints of various countries have basically issued the same gods. The invasion of the old people seems to be huge." Anthony nodded. "I see you here first to hold a mainland conference. Putting all the troops together, this time the battle should be extremely difficult."

"It seems that it is really necessary to hold a mainland conference." Li Huailin thought for a moment and nodded.

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