All Things Wrong

Chapter 2458: doubt

To tell the truth, Li Huailin did not understand very much. It is of course very normal for the Protoss to lower the gods to deal with the old people. This Li Hualin basically thought of it, but the question is... Why didn’t you deal with yourself?

Yes, from all angles, Li Huailin feels that the Protoss should deal with himself. I must know that the former King of God looked at Li Huailin and they used Zhang Youdong’s portal, and they also said that they want to stop themselves. 100% is exposed, so the king of God should know that he is an enemy.

Then, if the king of God does not know the identity of his 6th emperor, it is not impossible for people to be high and not care about his situation. But now the Protoss seems to be in a state of total mobilization. Why do you want to deal with the old people? When you don’t, you bring your name in?

Now listening to Anthony's tone, it is obvious that the other party really did not bring in his name. Li Huailin also asked from the side attack. The gods of the Protoss only said that they were attacked by the old people, so they need help. In the case of the class, Li Huailin’s meaning was not mentioned at all.

This is really a bit strange, no matter what identity you are, it should be no problem to bring yourself, so why is the Protoss not mentioning yourself? At present, Li Huailin can only think of two possibilities. One is that the Protoss still don't know that they are masterminds. Although the old people have emerged, the things that these old people have related to Li Huailin seem to have not been exposed yet. So the Protoss means that now I have to deal with the old people all the time, and then turn around and get myself and the like?

However, I thought that Li Huailin always felt that it was impossible. God King did not know his relationship with the old people until now. Although it is true that it is not exposed, it is a bit strange to think about it. After all, the old family suddenly emerged at this time. Anyone will be a bit skeptical. Anyway, it is no problem for the enemy to mention it with the mouth. Why didn't you mention this? It seems that I can't explain the current situation.

The other explanation is that the Protoss feel that they are not up to grade, or that the problem of the old family is more serious, so they will try their best to deal with the old ones first. But this does not make sense. Li Huailin thought that she should feel that her threats should be more than the old ones. If you think about the situation of God King, Zhang Youdong's plan is to delete the data of the entire server, so that the Protoss is equal to destroying the group, which is of course much more serious than the old one. Moreover, from the current situation of the **** king, the other party should also attach great importance to Zhang Youdong, or else they will not let them enter another game world if they know that they seem to have problems, so Li Huailin feels that he is theoretically speaking. The ranking on the king of the gods should be higher than those of the old ones.

Therefore, if Li Huailin is the king of God, he must have ordered all the people of the Grand 6 to deal with himself. After all, the Protoss still have a certain right to speak. Many people on the road think that the Protoss are still their faith, so they The words of lowering the gods will of course make Li Huailin more headaches.

But why is this the case now? This group of Protoss only ordered to deal with the old family, and did not mention their own problems at all. Li Huailin really couldn’t figure it out.

Now Li Huailin is really a bit curious about what the **** king thinks. This guy is a bit too mysterious. Not only does it even know the identity, but the behavior is also very strange. Li Huailin I don't know how to deal with it.

However, since people have not said this for the time being, Li Huailin thought about it and took the opportunity to showdown. Yes, Li Huailin doesn’t care what the other side thinks. Anyway, Li Huailin is really planning to fight the Protoss. The old family has already begun to act. Li Huailin certainly cannot say that he still has to take them with the troops. Therefore, Li Huailin decided to open a big 6 meeting directly. At the meeting, Li Huailin decided to tell the truth.

And Anthony said something about holding a big 6 meeting, of course, Anthony is nothing strange. At present, Anthony seems that Li Huailin just wants to hold a big 6 meeting to unify the announcement of the expedition. He simply does not know that Li Huailin has now turned his target to the Protoss side.

As the most powerful country on the Big 6, Anthony certainly wants to attend the meeting, so after talking about it, Anthony decided to go directly with Li Huailin. Li Huailin also waited a little. Anthony also called several officials. The two quickly passed through the transmission array to the city of Solata, where the Duke’s House of Li Huailin was located.

Sure enough, just arrived at the Duke's House, Li Huailin saw a group of people waiting for themselves at the door, of course, the person is still Gert. Seeing that Li Huailin came back with Anthony, Gert also knew that Li Huailin should know the current situation, so he immediately said: "Your Majesty..."

"It’s not good for big things." Li Huailin said, "Well, let’s talk about how the situation is now."

"Your Majesty, there are a lot of old people in various places who seem to be fighting the Protoss. The Protoss lowered the gods and asked all the races on the Big 6 to unite against these old people, saying that this is the battle of the Big Six." Gert said immediately. "According to the current Protoss, these old people are now ready to gather at the southern end of the Big 6 and attack the Divine from there, so we are asked to intercept these old ones. Finally, let us all gather at the southern end of the Big 6, where there may be a decisive battle. ""

"The southern end of the big 6? Is it the promenade-type peninsula?" Li Huailin nodded slightly. "You said that the troops of the old family will gather there, how many troops will be assembled from there?"

"I don't know, my Majesty, it's not very clear now," said Gert. "The current information is provided by the Protoss. We don't know the specific situation. It's not that you haven't come back yet." Work. Of course, we have already sprinkled out the intelligence personnel, but we have not received a specific report yet."

"That means we don't have any old-fashioned troops yet?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yes," said Gert. "To be honest, we don't know what the old family is."

"Oh." Li Huailin helped the amount. "In short, you should inform everyone first. I am going to hold a big 6 meeting so that everyone must come over."

"Yes, my Majesty." Li Huailin’s order is of course very normal. There is nothing to say. So Gert also nodded immediately, but Gert immediately asked after nodding. "Your Majesty, is the meeting time fixed?"

"After an hour," Li Huailin replied.

"Ha?" Gert a little glanced, "Your Majesty, an hour later? This... is this..."

"When is the time now, is it still a long time to set a time?" Li Huailin said, "Go to the notice immediately, let everyone get there immediately!"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Gert thought and thought a bit reasonable. It is indeed very urgent now, and it has been dragged on for two days. The Protoss is already two days ago. The gods are stunned, and because Li Huailin has never returned, causing almost nothing in these two days, so stay tuned.

Li Huailin first went back to the government and waited a little. Gelert here immediately sent a messenger to inform all the forces on the road, Li Huailin, to hold a meeting. The progress of recalling the call was also unexpectedly smooth, because to be honest, most people have already expected this meeting. Everyone has received the gods. If there is no Li Huailin, they may have already left the army. But now, there is Li Hualin, the big 6 emperor, who can’t just move out, so they also start after receiving the gods. Prepare the troops and wait for Li Huailin’s notice.

Sure enough, Li Huailin also summoned them now, which was originally prepared, so he soon came to the Duke’s Palace to attend the meeting. In fact, Li Huailin said that the hour was already sufficient, so the time was less than an hour. Gert had already informed Li Hualin that all the people had basically arrived, and the meeting could be started at any time.

"Hmm..." But at this time, Li Huailin suddenly hesitated, and he suddenly thought of a problem.

“Is this arranged by the King of God?” Li Huailin suddenly realized this. Yes, he does not understand what God King wants to do now, why he didn’t say his own thing. Now think about it, whether the other party is very clear about his current situation, so if the other party directly announces this, he is afraid that he can't let everyone rise up against Li Huailin, so he throws a bait.

This bait is of course the old one. The gods are lowered to show that the old people have come to let everyone gather troops to deal with the old ones. Of course, it will be a natural meeting to hold a big 6 meeting, just like all the big six leaders. Then the other party suddenly appeared at this time to expose the plan like himself?

Li Huailin feels that such a plan is very logical. The other party is really likely to do so. Otherwise, it is really impossible to understand why the other party does not mention their own affairs.

Of course, Li Huailin thought of this matter is just a preparation, although it may be true that this situation may occur, but the meeting Li Huailin certainly has to participate, as to whether the king of God will appear confrontation with him, then Li Huailin said that he really hopes In this way, Li Huailin felt more headache because he could not guess the other's plan. So a little preparation, Li Huailin also opened the door to the conference room.

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