All Things Wrong

Chapter 2471: Site selection

Li Huailin is really a bit unclear about the specific situation of the Protoss, but Li Huailin always feels that even if the Protoss really had civil strife, it would not be too exaggerated. Originally according to Li Huailin’s plan, these protoss were prepared to add chaos to the protoss and the old people here, but now the situation Li Huai-lin has already had his own temple, and after his research, the holder of the temple It has the highest authority of the shrine, so even if the Protoss is really in a state of chaos, it is not enough for the King of God to kick these people directly.

Li Huailin doesn't know what the consequences will be if he directly kicks people out of management. What effect does it have on the other party, will it deduct the attribute or have any influence on its own power or magic skills, will it become? I can't use the state of magic, because I haven't tried it, but I think it's no good to think about you and someone who has higher authority than you. In the worst case, God King kicks this group of people. Going out is not over, it should... will not affect the Protoss so that they don't even have time to manage the following things.

Therefore, although it is possible to summon the Jade Emperor, Li Huailin still feels that the current situation should be part of the King's plan. By the way, Li Huailin has tried to ask the Protoss directly to ask about the situation, but nothing has happened. Yes, no matter whether they are looking for the river **** or directly through the former believers, Li Huailin can not contact them. In his new belief column, Li Huailin can't see the name of his patron saint, nor does he know that he is because of himself. The judgment relationship of the temple is still caused by the upgrade of the new version, or these guys have been dealt with because they have been relieved by the king of the king, and it is impossible to contact.

Now the situation of the Protoss is really mysterious. I really don't know what the other party is planning. However, Li Huailin feels that the current calm is only temporary, and the other party must be ready to give himself a fatal blow, but now is waiting for the opportunity.

Really, this kind of situation that I don’t understand what the other party is doing is the most headache for Li Huailin. It’s even more difficult for the other party’s full-fledged moves to deal with themselves. After all, the other party’s Li Hualin can find a way to deal with it, but now The situation Li Huailin can only guess what is likely to happen, which is really difficult.

In any case, Li Huailin thinks that the current situation is still a priority to consider whether it can invade the other's temple. If it succeeds, then it will be more active. The Protoss does not currently make a move, and Li Huailin can only do what he can.

So what we have to do now is to set up a gate of the temple first. Of course, the location of Li Huailin feels that it is better in the main plane. After all, it is its own site, but the specific location of Li Huailin should be considered a little.

Li Huailin has not set the position of the gate, so there are several aspects to pay attention to. One is that the location of this gate does not know if it can be changed, so if the settings cannot be changed, you must ensure that the location of the gate is safer. The other is that Li Huailin doesn't know if anyone else can enter the temple directly through the position of the gate, so at least it is placed in a place where people are less or hidden. After all, Li Huailin didn't know if there would be a building like a gate after the door was put down. If it was seen by the players, it would be troublesome to think that it was a mysterious place to run.

In summary, Li Huailin feels that the best place he can find at the moment... is his own duke house. Yes, my own Duke’s House is of course safer. What really happens is that Li Huailin can find someone right away, and his Duke’s House is not a small number, but at least the average person simply cannot enter. Now Li Huailin’s Duke’s House has been listed as the temporary palace of the 6th Emperor. Of course, the generals of the 6th Emperor’s palace must not enter, and the situation is similar to that of the main city palace.

Choosing a good place, Li Huailin returned to the Duke's House directly with the summoned Jade Emperor. At this time, a group of people in the Duke's House were busy flying chickens and dogs. Because of Li Huailin’s previous announcement, the entire Big 6 is now tense, and it may be a very important day for them to come to tomorrow. Because it is the time to choose the team, once they are in the wrong position, they may be waiting for their crisis. So they are of course very nervous.

The rest of the time is running out. They are also gathering information everywhere, such as looking for Li Huailin’s men to talk about it. It’s mainly to explore the style of Li Huailin’s “the card with the Protoss”, so it’s a lot. The people of the power are now in the hospital of the Duke of Li Huailin. In order to receive them, the Duke’s house is also in a state of hectic, let alone pay attention to the situation on the 6th, and there are new news here. It’s enough to be busy with the people who are running around.

Of course, busy, Li Huailin is still the top priority, so Gert heard that Li Huailin came back and of course the first time he rushed over. Of course, Li Huailin immediately asked him about his request.

"The place where the density is relatively high..." Gert thought for a moment. Yes, although it is Li Huailin's Duke's House, there are still a lot of people like people coming and going. I think that I will let those programmers come out in the future, so Li Huailin still has to choose a place where there are no idlers.

"Your Majesty, now there is no extra house in the Duke's House." Gert said. Yes, the Duke’s House has not been expanded, because the palace of the 6th Emperor has been built next to it, so after the construction is completed, of course, the whole family moved together, so of course, there is no need to expand, but this place is A ducal palace, of course, is not very exaggerated in scale. It is not enough according to the needs of the present. It is also impossible to find out what Li Huailin wants to be hidden.

"If you don't want to kneel down, temporarily close the martial arts museum and prohibit others from entering, so that you can use it." Gert thought about it and came up with a solution.

Li Huailin of the martial arts museum knows of course. When I tested the idol, I did it there. So I thought that the place is still relatively large, and it seems that there is no problem. So Li Huailin nodded, letting Gert here go to order, and he went directly to the martial arts museum.

The usual role of the martial arts museum is of course to exercise the force, and it is very strong. When Li Huailin came, there were still a lot of people training here. Of course, I heard that Li Huailin’s order must have left soon. When they saw Gert’s latest orders, they should not come back.

After cleaning up everyone, Li Huailin returned to the temple with a flash of white light, because the exit was set up inside. However, just returning to the temple, Li Huailin was shocked by the situation inside, because when I came back, Li Huailin saw blue flashes everywhere. I saw that Iofamu here didn’t know what to do. Surrounded by blue, similar things like floating mantras, it seems that Iofam is studying the transmitted spells.

Of course, such a big movement made the programmers and np notice that a group of people are not close, but they are not far from the crowd. Li Huailin looked at it. Iowam’s research was a bit serious. He didn’t seem to notice that he came. Li Huailin didn’t call him, he was going to go straight in the direction of the gate.

However, at this time, there was a person walking next to him. Li Huailin looked at it. It turned out that Zhang Youdong came over and asked the situation. It is obvious that the other party is also very surprised what Iowam is doing.

"This is not studying the way to get you out." Li Huailin also compiled it along the situation. "Because it can't be sent directly, so find her to try to crack the transmission mechanism of this place, probably like a hacker. The way to force the program to crack."

"This is the case." Zhang Youdong accepted this law and did not doubt. Successfully got rid of Zhang Youdong, Li Huailin came directly to the door and prepared to set the coordinates of the gate.

However, when Li Huailin was about to set the coordinates, suddenly there was a new idea. Now Li Huailin just opened the set page, and he once again saw the upgrade option next to the main entrance of the temple. And seeing this upgrade, Li Huailin suddenly thought that if he upgraded now, could he set more of a gate location? If there is really more than one location, he will not have to entangle so much.

According to my previous judgment, the upgrade of the gate should reduce the cooling time of entry, and then increase the number of people entering. The rest may be related to the number of transmission points. At present, only one location can be set at the first level. Can you have one more after you reach the second level?

Li Huailin looked at the energy needed for the upgrade. Wan, this is a bit more. However, I have not been online for more than two days. During this time, the time in the game is still going. I should have a lot of energy. I think that Li Huailin thinks that I have never paid attention to see how much energy I have now. I will check it out immediately.

Although she was psychologically prepared, Li Huailin was shocked when she saw her energy point. After counting the number of digits, Li Huailin decided that her current energy point actually broke. Yes, the number currently displayed is more than 100 million. In a moment, Li Huailin feels that there is no need to worry so much.

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