All Things Wrong

Chapter 2472: Special effects

The number of energy points is really a bit out of Li Huailin's expectation. A little calculation, according to 500 points / person calculation, 110 million has already been equivalent to 220,000 people. The fastest update is not to say that Li Huailin does not think that the Siketors do not have so many people. After all, their capital has broken through a million people. The Sector has lived in a quiet life for so many years in the dark continent. The population is still relatively guaranteed. It is only a surprise that so many people have come to worship Li Huailin in two days.

Now there are hundreds of millions of points. Li Huailin doesn't have to worry too much. The upgrade here is only 10 million. Now that you have money, it's time to spend a wave. So Li Huailin also waved directly and clicked the upgrade button.

A dazzling golden light flashed, and Li Huailin’s platform was directly flooded by golden light, and the shape changed. However, when the golden light dissipated, Li Huailin looked at it and found that this place seems to be not very big. Yes, the gate of this temple is just a platform. The biggest change now is that the area of ​​the platform has become slightly larger. The pattern above is a little more beautiful. Besides... I really can’t see anything. obvious difference.

Of course, what is the appearance of the second, Li Huailin is also immediately open the door to see the situation. Sure enough, similar to Li Huailin’s conjecture, some aspects of the property have been enhanced after the upgrade of the gate. For example, the cooling time has been reduced to half a minute, and the number of transmission personnel has increased to five. This is still a lot of reinforcement. But then Li Huailin was very depressed, because Li Huailin saw that the number of exports was still 0/1.

Yes, the main thing to upgrade this door is to want to set up multiple locations, but the problem is that what you want most does not appear, this is really bad. Although it is said that my energy is quite a lot now, it is not so wasteful. I have to know that although Li Huailin is getting energy quickly, there is a limit. After all, this point can be given once, which is equal to once. Sexual buyout type, and the Protoss side is a long stream of water, so this 10 million gave a little cooling time is really a loss.

"Md is really a big loss." Li Huailin was depressed and wanted to directly smash the machine, but at this moment, Li Huailin suddenly saw a small new page selection next to the page of the gate.

"Is there a new function?" Li Huailin was excited at once. Yes, this page was absolutely not available at the first level. Li Huailin is very sure that it is a good thing to have a new feature. This makes him a little excited. Get up, and hurry to see what new cool capabilities are there.

However, when I clicked on this page, Li Huailin suddenly felt a slight feeling of faintness, because... the name of this page is called "special effects."

"Hey..." Li Huailin suddenly had the feeling of a snack, and opened the page with no expression. The page is very simple, the above is very clean, almost nothing, only the only option is new. Of course, Li Huailin directly clicked on the new one and jumped out of a very advanced page.

The page is a bit like the one when the image retouching software sets a new task. First, you choose a template. Li Huailin looks at it. The template here is probably like this.

Holy Light: There is a light on your head.

Ladder: A ladder appears at your feet.

Miracle effects: Add scene effects around you.


"..." Li Huailin chose to look at it with no expression, and found that this setting is really detailed enough. For example, the Holy Light can set the intensity, color, and range of the light shining on you. The number of steps in the ladder can even set the type of ladder. You have to set it as a step by step. The miracle effect is even more nonsense. For example, you can set all the flowers around you immediately after entering the scene, or enter the sound effects. In short, the consideration is really comprehensive, but the problem is...

"Deep well ice!" Li Huailin couldn't help but swear. Yes, I saw that Li Huailin certainly understands the role of this thing. This is the function that gives you special effects when you go out from the temple. It really is true. It's a very cool feature, but your trendy value is a bit too high, what is the use of this thing?

Of course, the effect of this thing is very good for the ghosts, after all, as a **** does not bring its own special effects, like the protoss that Li Huailin knows, the master of St. Ilofre’s masters Even if the light is shining, even the other ones that are not swaying will shine with the light, but the problem is... This is a visual effect. Is it necessary to make such exaggeration?

Li Huailin feels more painful. As a result, she spent 10 million to buy a retouching tool with its own special effects. It really doesn't work, but it is even more boring that this thing actually costs tnd.

Yes, Li Huailin had already been disappointed and didn't want to look at this page, but suddenly found that this page was clicked after the new one, but it still can't go back. Now, after turning off the page again, it is still the new special effect page. This is a headache. I have to go to the main page to set the location of the gate.

There is no way for Li Huailin to just create a special effect to deal with it, but although it is a casual setting, it can't be too casual, maybe when you have to use it. Then Li Huailin thought about it and thought that although this thing is a visual effect, it is not impossible to use it.

It was a little thought that Li Huailin decided to set this debut effect to various flash effects. First of all, bring the light of the head, then the color of the holy light is white, the brightness is maximized, and then the self-contained light effect is set on the body, the color is also white, the brightness is also the largest, and then the ground is still self-illuminating after landing. The same white brightness is the largest, and the duration is also pulled to the maximum of 10 seconds.

Yes, after such a setting, Li Huailin only has to land and then all kinds of white light, although I don’t know how fierce the photo is, but the highest brightness can be used as a flash bomb...

I thought so, so Li Huailin just made a certain decision. The result jumped directly out of an option box and said that if you set it up, you still need to pay 174,000 points of energy.

"Hey? This tnd plus a light effect needs more than 170,000 energy?" Li Huailin is a direct glimpse, although I always know that this temple deduction is going to charge anything, but is this charge too high? Is it too exaggerating to add more than 170,000 lights?

However, it really received this, and Li Huailin took another approach. I thought about Li Huailin, I was too lazy to adjust this thing again, it was too much trouble, and I still have more than 100 million energy after all. This is more than 170,000 more than 170,000, it is for the system to play, after all, It was pitted for 10 million.

Click to confirm, the first special effects settings are completed, Li Huailin did not change the name, it is directly called "Special Effect 1", and can also set new special effects later, of course, Li Huailin is too lazy to manage.

In short, this decision is still very deficient. The second export that I want is not seen at all. The 10 million bought a special effect is really a feeling that I can’t tell. And the door to the third level needs 100 million points of energy. Li Huailin now has so many, but is it going to rise?

I thought about it, even if it was an upgrade, I couldn’t guarantee that there would be a new exit. I had already been pitted once, and Li Huailin really didn’t want to be all pitted. In case there are more "improvement effects" in the upgrade, Li Huailin really wants to hit the wall.

Therefore, Li Huailin still does not make trouble, the energy is saved first, or the first door is first made. Clicking on the location of the gate, it is still the same, the small map next to it shows the location of the place where Li Huailin walked, and a little groping, Li Huailin found the location of the Budokan, and then set the exit inside.

Page Tip: After the location is selected, is it confirmed? Note that it cannot be changed once the location is determined.

This time, there was no suggestion that Li Huailin paid the money, but the prompt could not be changed or Li Huailin had a headache. As expected, the position of the exit could not be changed. Of course, I am sure of this position now, so I clicked "Yes" directly.

Soon, the prompt setting of the coordinates was successful. Li Huailin saw that the exit in the page became the "Exit 1" prompt, and the export quantity display also became 1/1. That's nothing to say, Li Huailin is of course the first to try to transfer the effect first, after clicking on the exit 1 also jumped out several options.

The first option is the location of the landing. This Li Hualin is a bit surprised, because this place can be chosen by himself. Li Huailin looked and found that the location that can be selected currently seems to be the position of the coordinates of his choice as the center of the circle. The surrounding area is about 4-5 kilometers. The place to choose is still quite large. After thinking about it, the scope of this landing may also be related to the level of the gate. Of course, the higher the level of the gate, the larger the range of landing.

The other option is to bring out some special effects after going out. Now Li Huailin can only choose special effects 1, and then...tnd this is still to collect money. Yes, if you take out your own special effects, you will charge 1000 at a time. This is really...

Li Huailin was too lazy to vomit this kind of fraudulent system. He directly chose the inside of the battlefield, and then thought about it, plus special effects, directly clicked on the transmission.

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