All Things Wrong

Chapter 2478: status

"What the hell?" The temple was really a bit speechless, so the great **** just ran over and threw the two believers into the brazier, and then threw the mess to himself. So in the end, I believe in a **** that is not reliable.

But thinking carefully, I seem to have no way to take this guy, who made himself believe in his evil. Therefore, Li Huailin left the temporary temple directly under the already eager temple wish and a group of more aggressive onlookers.

Li Huailin originally wanted to try to find out if he could leave the scope of the temple, but after trying it out, he could not only leave the scope of the temple so simple, he could fly. Yes, Li Huailin can fly directly without relying on Xiaomi in this state, but the degree of flight... is really a bit slow.

Of course, it is very cool to fly. I always say that flying is a human dream, but if you really fly, you can feel the true meaning of this sentence. This feeling is really wonderful. Li Huailin is slightly in the air. Shake a few times before you feel addicted. Although I already have flying mounts, I feel completely different from flying and riding Xiaomi.

However, the shortcoming is that the flight is relatively slow, and it is much slower than the flying of Xiaomi. Originally, Li Huailin wanted to try to find out how high he could fly, but because the degree of ascent is really slow, and there are fewer and fewer things that can be seen all the time. Anyway, you can only see black at high altitude. The cloud is gone, so he is tired now.

Putting the focus back on the experiment again, of course, from the current situation, the biggest advantage of the avatar is that there is no limit. Yes, I have already left the temple a long distance, and I have not suggested that I can’t continue. You can go everywhere.

Of course, it is one thing to go. Li Huailin has also made a lot of attempts. The final result is probably like this. Although you can walk around with yourself, you can talk to people, but the problem is that you don't seem to be able to interact completely. Yes, some places, such as the store in the town, Li Huailin, although able to chat with the store owner, can not buy things because they can't call the store's page.

Of course, a similar situation was born in the transmission array. Yes, because it was impossible to call out the page of the transmission array, Li Huailin could not transmit it, which was a bit of a hassle. Although the servers are now connected together, if you really want to fly, you can fly directly from here to another big 6, but... I don’t know how long it takes to fly. It seems that it is really necessary to get a few statues as a foothold in this way.

Another troublesome thing is that you don't have an inventory now. Yes, it’s not just the skill bar that can’t be called out. Li Huailin’s own inventory is also not available. This is more troublesome, because the place where the player can store the item is only in the item bar. Now the item bar can't come out, which means that there is no way to put things.

Of course, Li Huailin tried to hold something in his hand. His current body feels like a physical collision judgment. That is to say, it is possible to put things on the hand, but this is the customary item bar. Li Huailin is very troublesome.

The most important point is that Li Huailin is now in a situation where he is not attacked. Li Huailin also flew outside the city and found a dark-contaminated monster to try the situation. First, Li Huailin could actually hit the opponent with his fist, but not only did he not hurt, but there would be no repelling. The effect, just hit it up, just hit it, and straightforwardly, there is no attack judgment.

The reaction of the other party is also the same strange. The other party seems to ignore Li Huailin completely. Although Li Huailin sees that the other party is a red name, it will not attack himself. I saw that Li Huailin came over and wanted to do what he wanted to do. Although Li Huailin clearly saw that the other party had noticed himself, it would not attack. Even if Li Huailin took the initiative to "hit" the other side, the other side is like this.

Because of the inability to use other skills, Li Huailin could not cause any harm to them. At this moment, Li Huailin still has only two skills that can be used, that is, transmission and invalidation. But both of these skills suggest that you can't move on the wild.

After experimenting, Li Huailin probably understood the situation of this avatar. Now it seems that this avatar is relatively close to the ghost. The advantage is that you can observe the situation outside the temple without leaving the temple. It is indeed very safe, but The shortcoming is also obvious that it can't do anything like a real person.

Li Huailin wants to understand that of course, he does not want to use this ability to do anything, but to understand the situation of the Protoss. Now Li Huailin probably understands that if he is not worried about what he is, he can't do anything to himself, but the other party can't do much.

However, Li Huailin still has a little understanding of how some Protoss can appear in a place other than a temple, and obviously can only create a avatar in the temple.

After thinking about it, Li Huailin thinks that this thing may have something to do with the token. Yes, every time the protoss let Li Huailin contact them, they will give Li Huailin a token. Now it seems that this token can also be used as a positioning device to create a avatar nearby. . However, it is obvious that Li Huailin can't make a token at the moment. This may be made in the workshop, and Li Huailin has not yet built this outbuilding.

The only exception is the river sacred Gaius. This guy has appeared on his side more than once, and Li Huailin even tried to scream and the other party will appear. It is a bit strange to think about it now. Think a little about this. Maybe it is because St. Gaius is his own patron? Yes, when I met for the first time, Li Huailin received a system prompting that St. Gaius had become her patron, but the problem is that she does not know how this patron is set. At present, Li Huailin opens his own faith interface and sees that he does not have a setting such as a patron. He does not know whether he has cancelled the patron saint because he has jumped out of the Protoss after the temple. It was true that after Li Huailin got the temple, he also tried to call St. Gaius, but the other party did not appear.

In any case, Li Huailin’s test of the avatar is over, and Li Huailin is also directly withdrawing from the avatar mode. Looking at the situation, Li Huailin’s energy consumption is really a bit big. After a little trial, he collected tens of thousands of points of energy, which is completely unrecognizable.

Really, Li Huailin still wants to try the so-called divine power. In theory, this divine power should be closer to the entity, but the current level of the observatory does not have this option. Li Huailin thinks that the next level should be Open this function, but... it takes 1 billion yuan of energy to rise to the next level. At present, Li Huailin has only a few million energy left, according to the previous degree, even if the population of the dark side is enough. It takes at least 2o days to accumulate these energies. Obviously this is not enough.

Going back to the square and looking at it, the roots here and Iofam are still studying hard. Li Huailin can't wait any longer. Taking advantage of this time, I went to the Divine Institute to study it. I just tried it myself. The effect of the avatar may be useful for this thing, and only the divine power skills can be used when merging, so Li Huailin is ready to take the time to study and see if he can develop any divine power skills that can be used.

However, the research effect of this time is not so ideal. The research props used by Li Huailin are still the same, or the sword is directly put into research, but the research material that appears in it is very random. Anyway, this situation seems to be It seems to be the feeling that nothing has been put. After a few trials, Li Huailin felt that the things that the research station might have studied had been put up again, and they had nothing to do with the same thing, but this one still didn’t prompt, and they tried it out.

In short, I got a lot of strange and ordinary materials. Li Huailin also synthesized it casually and got two very useless skills. First of all, a skill called power blessing, this skill... can increase the power point of 1o, but there is no other function. This skill and the basic skill of the Paladin are a bit different, but the skill of the Paladin is fixed. Points, this is added according to the percentage, and ... the duration of this skill is really long, 12 hours.

Another skill is called visual enhancement. Yes, this skill is simply to increase the visual field, and then to see more clearly at night... It is also a ghost skill that has no great use. At present, it seems that the skills of ordinary materials are really very bad. It seems that I have made a special fortune before I can make special materials.

It was a little disappointing, but at this time the roots came back. Li Huailin immediately asked if he had already studied how to enter the temple of the Protoss.

"She is still studying." Roots replied, "I have been taught to teach, and now I have seen the guy's understanding, but... it should be just a matter of time."

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