All Things Wrong

Chapter 2479: attitude

Iowam’s time for thinking is really a bit long. I waited until Li Huailin went online the next day and saw that the other party was still studying in the square. It looked like it was not sleeping all night. The update is the fastest. Of course, I see that the other party is still studying. Li Huailin has not disturbed anything in the past. After thinking about it, he still has to solve the follow-up affairs of the next mainland conference.

One day has passed, and the time to think for these guys has passed, and it is time to make a statement. Of course, a group of people still thought that Li Huailin had given them a day to think about it. It’s not bad. Now everyone can only express their pits.

Yes, what can I do in a day? I can hardly do anything. It’s too late to have a slight discussion with my minister. Not to mention making this decision about the country’s overall destiny. How can this be done?

And most of the kings are not prepared to disclose the news, because they are just a small country for them, and they have no strength. Even if they really send troops, they will have hundreds of people. They are the wall grass. It is not a critical role to play with the big forces. Their usual rule of survival is to mix with the winners. Who is the winner now? I don't know, the Protoss is really strong, but Li Huailin said it is a bit reasonable, because he really hasn't lost.

Originally, I wanted to follow the mix, but now Li Huailin forced them to express their feelings. They thought about it for a day and they didn’t know what to do. They didn’t return to God. Time has arrived.

Of course, what they think is also true. Li Huailin himself does not care much about their opinions. To tell the truth, although the mainland conference looks very lively, the pattern of the entire continent is relatively certain. The six major countries basically hold the main political situation of the whole continent. Other countries are not affiliated to these six major countries, or they are neutral countries. They have little influence. The six major countries will not allow them to have any influence. Therefore, the most important opinions are actually the opinions of the six major countries.

To be honest, Li Huailin hopes that all the people in the six major countries will rely on him. This really saves a lot of things. And now Li Huailin doesn't know exactly what the Protoss is doing. Until now, the only action of the Protoss was to contact everyone and let them deal with the old ones. This is the only clue that they know.

So now if you want to know what the Protoss means, you can only check it in this direction. Of course, this must be coordinated by the six major countries. Other small countries, if any of the six major countries agree, they will follow up. Li Huailin did not care.

Going back to his own Duke's House, Gelter here is of course the first time to report the news. At present, all the spies that can be used by the mainland Zhengzhou have basically been sown. Of course, the original name is to detect the situation of the old people, but privately, it is actually investigating the movement of the Protoss. Because Li Huailin’s intelligence network is still relatively strong, so there is a lot of news.

The first is the unusually strange news that appears on the human side. Yes, after the opening of the meeting yesterday, the decisions of the countries were not the same. The Emperor Anthony of the Terran Empire encountered a very headache after returning. The gang of his men resolutely opposed the Protoss. Yes, the politicians actually have a very high degree of affection for Li Huailin, but the problem is that this is a question of choice for the country. In their view, it is not the enemy of the Protoss, although it is the million Dukes, but ... People can't fight with God, so they are firmly opposed.

But the problem is that Anthony, this guy, you can't talk to him. If you don't move, you can directly pick the child. What "I don't do this emperor", "Private identity to help Li Huailin fight against the Protoss".

But the question is, is there anything that Anthony thinks is so ideal, is the identity of the emperor throwing it and throwing it? The so-called wearing a crown will bear the weight. I have never heard of the emperor's resignation since ancient times. Even if you really resign now, you can help Li Huailin to play the Protoss. This is not a Terran emperor. It is not the same as the position of the Terran Empire.

What happened to the emperor who encountered such a situation and was so unreasonable, so the ministers thought of a way to announce the news nationwide, because most of the nationals have their own beliefs, then the announcement of the news should cause nationals. The opposition, if the opposition is very loud, they can persuade Anthony again, after all, Anthony seems to be a relatively close emperor.

The views of the ministers, Anthony really agreed. This is not what Li Huailin said to him personally. Let him announce it casually, then announce it. Anthony also feels that it is necessary for the people to know about it. So on this point, the two sides reached an agreement, and then Anthony published the official document to announce the news.

Then the scene that surprised everyone was there. Once the news was announced, the national name was ecstatic. When everyone heard that Li Huailin had to fight the Protoss, this is not a good thing.

This result surprised all ministers, and what made them even more incomprehensible was the strange attitude of these devotees. Yes, according to the feedback, the devotees did not abandon their own beliefs, but they did not know why Li Huailin was regarded as the most devout believer of the Protoss. Many of the leaders even said that they were right. The belief of his own **** is not enough, and he is ready to give way to Li Huailin to be the leader.

This is simply inexplicable. The ministers really want to be forced. The big brothers have already fought against the gods you believe in. Where is the most devout believer? Where is the devout believe in killing you directly? Degree? Are you sure you don't have deep well ice?

But the problem is not that the family thinks so, but the people all over the country think so, so the politicians really don't understand it. Is this mad or crazy? So you can find a believer casually and ask: "Do you believe in your God?" The other party will immediately answer "Yes." You ask again, "Now Li Huailin wants to bring people to fight the **** of your faith. What do you do?" "The other party will answer without thinking. "Is this not a good thing?".

In short, such a strange situation has spread throughout the country of the Terran Empire. At present, although it is said that the exact news is not known, it is obvious that the Terran Empire is biased towards itself.

After listening to Gert's report, Li Huailin also pondered it. Yes, Li Huailin has already anticipated this situation, but it is still a bit strange. Because the Protoss is really a little inaction, yes, the gods of the Protoss only said that they should deal with the old people, and did not mention the name of Li Huailin. If the Protoss announced its own hostility earlier, then it is obvious that his followers will become hostile to themselves, but it is because the Protoss does not explicitly announce this matter, so it will lead the believers to still The judgment of the same camp will lead to such a change in the degree of goodwill.

Therefore, Li Huailin is really a bit strange. It is obvious that the Protoss has many opportunities to find trouble for themselves, but the other party has no movements. This is really a bit of a misunderstanding. It is clear that the other party should know that they are enemies. Of course, although I don't know what it is, I am really good for myself.

At the same time, Li Huailin also listened to reports from other places, such as the undead. The undead people are also open to the public in the country, and they are the kind of disclosure that is completely unconcerned. When Sudays finished the meeting yesterday, they made the news public, and there was no concealment for the people.

And their arguments are actually almost the same as Li Huailin’s previous remarks, but the meaning of the words “creating a time that belongs to us” has changed, because the people of the undead people listen to us in this era. It is the age of their undead.

The people of the undead people must have agreed. They had no faith in the Protoss. Then their emperors were the holders of the swords of their faith. Now the emperor said the gods, and they really have a hatred with the Protoss. , this... why not do it. Therefore, the side of the undead is almost completely obstructed. The current news seems to be standing on the side of Li Huailin.

Of course, other families are as simple as the undead, but the problem is not so simple. Except for the Terran and the Undead, the other four countries have not disclosed the news at present. Among them, the dwarves and the devils are now being subordinated, so they are very likely to listen to the opinions of the Terran and the Undead, but the situation of the Elves and the Orcs is very embarrassing.

The two countries have not disclosed this amazing news so far, and the troops are still gathering, but they still help the Protoss against the name of the old people. The attitude of the two countries should ultimately be decided by their own royal family. Because it is an internal meeting, the current results are not very detectable, so the attitude of the two countries is the biggest variable of this meeting.

Really, the situation of the Orcs is not very good now, so Li Huailin can ignore them intentionally or unintentionally, but the Elf... It seems to be very troublesome at present. The strength of the fighting elves before the Orcs has also been enhanced. It is currently the third largest country in the mainland. Although there is still a gap between the Terran and the undead, it is also ranked. If you can, Li Huailin really does not want to take time now. Engage them.

After listening to all the reports, Li Huailin nodded slightly. After a short break, soon Gert also informed all his country representatives that the meeting was ready to begin.

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