All Things Wrong

Chapter 2481: the reason

"What?" Rachel exclaimed directly. Of course, the first time he heard the news would not be believed, but the strange thing is that she was alone in the entire conference room. Yes, Rachel turned his head and saw that the collars of other countries basically kept their original expressions on their side. This is very obvious. They already know the news, so their men brought them The news is exactly the same as Li Huailin said.

"How is this possible!" Rachel immediately exclaimed, the news was really a bit too sudden, so that Rachel had no time to react. But how do you think Rachel feels that it is impossible to have such a thing?

Turning to look at Li Huailin, Li Huailin also spread his hands: "Don't look at me, I don't know what it is."

Yes, even Li Huailin is not quite sure what the situation is now. This Protoss movement is really more and more strange. This is really not a scene that Li Huailin did for the pit elves. He is completely insecure, so it is really the Protoss, so I don't understand.

Why do you say that the Protoss want to get the Elf? First, the first enemy of the Protoss should be yourself. You said that you want to declare the elimination and give priority to destroying yourself. Of course, you said that the Protoss wants to cut off Li Huailin's wings first, but it is not the Elf. Isn't this the first priority to publicly express support for Li Huailin's undead and Terran? The elves in this area are already talking about collapse. Well, the other side of the eye is running to the camp of the Protoss. Now the Protoss is doing its own thing, so this is really the case. baffling.

Although Li Huailin himself said that the Protoss wanted to give up on you, he also said that he gave up and gave up, but he did not expect that this time will inexplicably emerge from the elves. I don’t understand everything from every aspect.

Elf Queen Rachel’s face is still a bit gloomy, and she really doesn’t believe what she is doing now, although it seems that it’s exactly what it’s like, but... I can’t find why the Protoss The only reason to be able to do it yourself is to participate in Li Huailin’s meeting against the Protoss. But the first self did not say that he would join Li Huailin. Second, isn't everyone participating in it? Why are they being jealous?

Rachel, who calmed down, even thought that this might be Li Huailin’s plan. For example, he had already thought of his own attitude at the beginning, so he had already discussed with other countries in advance and asked them to help play a show. some type of. After all, the time of this report is really a bit embarrassing, just after you have expressed your attitude.

But before I said it, Li Huailin really didn't do anything, so Rachel's guess was quickly overthrown because the people of the elves themselves came.

Unlike other countries, there are only a few people who have come in. The elves have come here a lot. After all, they are really inexplicable and have encountered a big crisis. Several elders have been busy with this news. Come and join Rachel, of course, Li Huailin also let them in.

After listening to his own report, Rachel’s expression was even more exciting. The words of these elders are of course true. They certainly are not saying good with Li Huailin, because if Li Huailin can get so many elders to help him tell lies, then it is better to let them unite to dismiss their queen. After all, after all, So many elders have the power to impeach the Queen. But it is because these elders are telling the truth that Rachel is even more ignorant, why the Protoss will target them, and what the Elves are doing.

"The 6th Emperor's Majesty, my family is now in a big event, can't continue the meeting here, I need to go back to deal with this incident immediately." Rachel said directly to Li Huailin, yes, anyway, go back and take this one. Things have been understood and said.

"Oh, go now? Are you sure?" Li Huailin suddenly smiled and said, "Rachel, are you elves really don't want to live?"

"..." Rachel squatted a little.

"In the current situation, your elves are really not inside or outside. I have just refused to join me here. Then the Protoss turned around and didn't know what happened to sell you. That is... now I will lead you directly. If you destroy the clan, you may still get the trust of the Protoss... It is a good tactic to break into the Protoss." Li Huailin said with a smile.

"The Big 6 Emperor Your Majesty!" Rachel said a little nervously.

"What else can you do? You can't report us to the Protoss. Now you are an enemy in the Protoss... I don't know why." Li Huailin spread his hands. "Trust me, if you leave here now, the elves The family really wants to be annihilated, so I advise you to stay better."

Rachel’s face was cloudy and he thought about it for a moment, but he sat down. The elders next to me also sat down, but they looked a little angry.

"Looking at your appearance seems to be quite angry. I don't quite understand who you are." Li Huai-lin said, "I really should thank you now, if I am here now, if I am here now, You elves are undoubtedly the end of the genocide, or you can imagine that if this is not the big 6 meeting, I am not here, you have received what the Protoss cruel command will happen."

Li Huailin’s words made all the elves’ people squat down. Yes, if this is not the case, what will happen if they are ordered to be destroyed by the Protoss? Yes, other countries will certainly assemble and attack their elves according to the orders of the Protoss. Of course, the elves may not be able to resist the coffers of various countries. So, Li Huailin said that it is really reasonable.

"So don't you guys also gloat?" Li Huailin looked at the other people in the conference room and said, "It's true that the elves have gone wrong, but you are sure that you are not the next one? So now I understand what I said. The situation is now, the Protoss will not tell you the reason why the Elf is doing it for a while. What the Elf has done to anger the Protoss is not important at all. An order can make your family die. Now it is the Elf. The next one may be you, you."

Li Huailin casually pointed to other people in the conference room with his fingers. When he heard Li Huailin's words, the expressions of these people became dignified. When I heard that the Elves had an accident, some people actually watched the drama, but now they have also put away this thought. After all, Li Huailin said that it is very likely to be born. According to the following report, the Protoss did not say why they should deal with the elves, who knows if the next one is not themselves.

"So I understand? Why do I want to pull the Protoss to step down." Li Huailin looked at everyone's expression and continued, "For the Protoss, it is very common for the whole family to destroy the family. The existence of those old people is Evidence. You have also raised slaves. Give them a bit of food to help you work. When you are in a bad mood, you can kill them. The situation is like this, but you become That slave, and the most important thing is that you have not seen the seriousness of this matter until now."

Although these words have said that Li Huailin had said the same thing yesterday, the feeling of listening again today is completely different. Yes, it’s a bit embarrassing to think about the elves. If you don’t know why, you’re being embarrassed. Li Huailin’s is really good.

"As I said before, the resistance to the Protoss is not for others, but for ourselves." Li Huailin said, "The Queen of the Elves, what is your decision now? Is it against us? Or the family to die?" ?"

"..." Rachel did not answer, because the brain was blind, and now I don't quite understand what happened. Now it is a mess and I don't know how to think.

"Then we will now analyze why the Protoss want to work with the Elf." Li Huailin suddenly said, "After all, this is also related to our plans."

Said that this person is also serious, and they are also very strange why the Protoss suddenly want to work on the Elf, everyone in the room does not understand this problem, even if the Protoss for the undead, the Terran and even directly to Li Huailin, They can accept this reason at least, and the can't get them.

When he heard Li Huailin, Rachel also raised his head: "The emperor, you know why?"

"It’s a bit of a guess." Li Huailin said, "But I will ask you first, the temple has lowered the gods and said that you have to deal with you, this matter... Did you worship God yourself?"

"There is no sire." An elder elder next to him replied, "The goddess of nature did not drop any gods, so we didn't get the news at the first time. It was only after receiving other reports, so it was late. some."

"Yeah." Li Huailin nodded, then said to other people, "Which of your gods have received this **** in the temple of the gods, the trouble is a little statistics, now hand in."

Although I don't know what the situation is, now everyone is still willing to cooperate, so I immediately asked the people to write it and handed the note to Li Huailin.

After slightly turning over the papers that had been turned over, Li Huailin nodded. "Probably understand... It is obvious that the Protoss may now be in a mess."

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