All Things Wrong

Chapter 2482: Visit

"Ha?" Li Huailin’s words of course made the audience all sluggish and did not react at all. Protoss civil strife? What is this scenario?

"What is the strange expression on your face?" Li Huai-lin said, "I said that the Protoss only name hangs a little, but it is no different from us. The situation of racial chaos is not normal." ""

Li Huailin’s words are quite good. After all, the people here are also the brains of all countries. Of course, this kind of civil strife is not the first time, but... the Protoss civil strife, this setting is a bit unacceptable.

"I said yesterday that for the Protoss, faith is their source of energy. The people who are doing it are actually the batteries of the Protoss. So why did the Protoss order to attack the Elves? It is simply to break off the gods of the Elves. Li Huailin said, "So it is obvious that now the Protoss is divided into two factions. First, this is the one that makes you attack the Elves, and there are several deities of the Elves. ""

Yes, Li Huailin can think of this because it was originally contributed by him. When he saw the gods, Li Huailin thought of one thing. The protoss he had contacted before to investigate the king of the gods were mainly six. The sacred Latil of the war, the sacred Magalvin of the hunting woman, the sacred Leders of the craftsman, the sacred wanna of the moonlight, the sacred Aishiti of the sea, and the natural female sacred Gojom.

Among the six people, the hunting female sacred Magarvin, the natural female sacred Lojom, were originally the gods of the main faith of the elves, and then the moonlight female sacred Wanlena, she is the **** of the Druid faith. Although the Druids and the Elves are not in political opinion, after all, they are considered elves in terms of race, so it is obvious that half of the six people are actually the gods of the Elves. Therefore, why the elves are targeted, and Li Huailin’s first reason is because of this.

But I want to think about it, saying that Li Huailin told the guys in front of the situation that the protoss were in chaos, but they couldn’t convince themselves. Is the Protoss really in chaos? It’s true that the situation is really like this, but the question is how do they fight?

Li Huailin also has a temple. He certainly knows the function of the temple, so even if you really want the gangsters of St. Rojom want to mess up, it is not finished to directly cancel the settings of their administrators. Cancel the administrator's words, although I don't know if I will let the other party lose my power, but after all, the other party can't absorb the power. This is for sure. Do you have to solve these geniuses?

Therefore, the current situation is really more and more strange. The king of God has not finished aiming at himself. Isn’t the internal struggle now stopped? And now that the sanctions elves are sanctioned, this is not to give Li Huailin a dish. It feels like it is helping myself.

But the king of God must be an enemy, so for this inexplicable behavior, Li Huailin is even more alert. Unless the king of God is crazy now, or else he will dig up the pit and wait for him to jump down.

Of course, Li Huailin himself did not need to fully discuss with the people in front of him. Although he had doubts about the behavior of the Protoss, he did not need to understand it with them.

"Protoss civil strife... Isn't that the gods war?" After listening to Li Huailin's words, the scene was a bit confusing. This situation was already chaotic. Now the protoss still have a situation inside. Isn't this going directly to the world war? .

"The gods battle." Li Huailin nodded. "Yeah, so can you say so, so understand? Now everyone has been involved in this matter. It is impossible to continue to be neutral. I I said it at the beginning, this is our own war."

Everyone has nodded heavily, and the exhibition of things has come out of everyone's expectations. It is true that the current situation is completely subverting the three views. Everyone's eyes show some confused look. Yes, they all know the situation, but what should I do next? What are the ordinary people who can do this? These are all problems. In the same way, everyone’s eyes have seen Li Huailin’s body.

"It is true that the power of the Protoss is very strong, so we need to be united." Li Huailin continued, "The purpose of my meeting is also the same. Now I ask again, is there any objection to this matter?" ”

After Li Huailin finished, he directly looked at the elves and the orcs. After all, the Terran, the Undead, the Dwarves, and the Devils have already expressed their feelings. The rest are only the two.

"We join." The speaker is the Orion's current big man, Penelope. Penelope has just had no chance to speak. After all, they are still behind the Elf in order, and they are a little hesitant to the Orcs. However, it is biased towards Li Huailin. And after seeing the situation of the elves, they have already made a decision. Penelope has obviously said this to the people below, so the leaders around him did not hear the words of Penelope. Too many accidents.

The last question is still back to the Elf family. Li Huailin nodded at Penelope and then looked at the Elf Queen Rachel again. Has this guy actually made a decision? Is this the meaning of being destroyed? Li Huailin didn't think that the elves were so difficult. When they were in a headache, suddenly Rachel spoke up.

"I announced as the Elf Queen, and now I will vote at the highest parliament," Rachel said.

The people of all the elves around are a glimpse. The highest parliamentary vote is simply a ruling method of the elves. Although the elves have implemented the queen system, there are also presbyterians, so it can be said that they are somewhat similar to the constitutional monarchy. The kind of system, of course, is rather strange that even the monarch can vote. The order of the Supreme Council is the highest order of the Elf, even higher than the Queen's order, and has the highest standards of execution when the two conflict. Of course, in general, the resolution of the highest parliament is going to be carried out in the Supreme Council, but now it is barely up to the standard, because just before the elders of several elves have come over, the number of elders present has reached the highest parliament. Standard, so it can be implemented.

"Now, the final resolution on whether or not to join the Allied forces against the Protoss is passed. Once the resolution is passed, there is no need to discuss it." Rachel looked at the elders around him and said, "Agree to join, please raise your hand now."

After that, Rachel himself raised his hand first. Several elders next to each other looked a little, and then a few of the 66 people began to raise their hands.

"Agree to vote ... 7 votes, count the elders of Lutesmi, Unveiled Evangelism and Elder Van Gaal, voted more than half, the resolution passed." Rachel nodded, then turned to Li Huailin, " Under the command of the 6th Emperor, I announced to join your troops on behalf of the Elf, and the fate of the Elves will be given to the adults."

"Understood." Li Huailin nodded, although he did not know why Rachel was going to make this strange supreme parliamentary resolution, but the other side joined in, and looked up at the other small countries. Li Huailin asked directly: "You guys Does anyone have any objections?"

Of course, no one dares to answer Li Huailin. They have joined the stroll now, unless they are really looking for death, they will now find trouble. Of course, they don't mean to continue the wall, because now they are all on the boat, and then you and the Protoss say that we are not interested in joining the Protoss to believe you? So they are now forced to oppose the Protoss.

“Very good.” Li Huailin nodded. “The situation is indeed very troublesome, but we are also taking the first step, and it is also a very important step. Next, we have to consider this to confront the Protoss. It is."

"The Big 6 Emperor Majesty, do you have any plans?" The question is Penello. The Anthony and the undead people on the Terran side trust Li Huailin, so they are not very anxious. But the Orc is really anxious here. He wants to know where they start from the place of life, because in their opinion the Protoss can't win.

"I have already said that I have plans, and I also have a card for the Protoss," Li Huailin said. "But before telling you about the plan, let you know more about how the Protoss works. After all, now they are The guys are particularly mysterious in your eyes, mysterious to know where to start, so let me show you."

“Hey?” Everyone is a glimpse. What are you looking at?

"Follow me." Li Huailin said directly, but just got up and thought of something, turned to the other people and said: "The number of visitors is limited, so you can just follow them."

Li Huailin refers to Anthony and several of them. It is obvious that the ministers behind them and the kings of other small countries should not follow. Of course, they are also very curious about what Li Huailin said is what they are, but Li Huailin can't follow it if they spoke.

Anthony, of course, did not think too much and followed Li Huailin. Of course, it is impossible to say no. They are also anxious to understand what "Hua Fa" and "Bottom Card" Li Huai Lin said. So with a few people, Li Huailin walked directly out of the door of the conference room, and just arrived at the door, everyone suddenly saw a white, once again restored to the visual, they now came to a wonderful place.

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